The eternal apocalypse comes

[The Eternal Game has merged with the Earth map. Internal testing in Earth Zone is now open, loading all player information...]

[The lifespan of all Earth players has been reset, and they have obtained a three-day newbie protection period.]

[After three days, the passage of time will return to normal. Players are asked to work hard to complete the newbie trial mission and survive.]

[The blessings from the gods have arrived. I wish you all good luck in grinding and achieving eternal life!]

The cold, mechanical voice echoed in everyone's ears.

At that moment, Earth itself underwent significant changes.

This included Classroom 208 of Nanshan College.

The students erupted in astonished cries.

"Oh my goodness, is this the status board? It looks so real!"

"I have a system! I must be the protagonist of destiny! Ha ha ha ha!"

"Don't kid yourself! I have a system too, so you're just a supporting character at best!"

"Does everyone have a system? I think I heard something about the Eternal Game and longevity?"

"Haha, I seem to have awakened the E-level Gift: Pyromancer!"

"Me too, me too! I got the D-level Gift: Power of Wind."

"Oh man, I only have the F-level Gift: Physical Fitness Enhancement."

"What are you all talking about? Why don't I have any Gift?"


A shrill electric sound pierced the air, followed by a cacophony of voices.

Hei Xiyue slowly opened her eyes, squinting against the dazzling sunlight. The familiar sight of her classroom came into focus, filled with students animatedly discussing something. Fragments of long-buried memories surged to the surface, hitting her with startling clarity.

"I... reincarnated?"

She was back, one hundred years in the past.

She glanced at the date on her phone—December 21, 2030.

Hei Xiyue's pupils contracted in recognition. The Eternal Game had arrived... today.

In human history, this day would later be known as the "Eternal Apocalypse."

From this moment on, time would gain eternal significance, and humanity would enter the Great Dark Age.

Earth had been absorbed into the Eternal Game map, thrust into a war involving countless civilizations. This was an inherently unfair conflict. The peak civilizations had already reached the zenith of eternity before Earth even joined. Once the layouts merged, these superior civilizations would ruthlessly crush a lesser one like Earth.

In her previous life, Hei Xiyue had ascended to the pinnacle of humanity. Yet, when confronted by the combined assault of the three Eternal Emperors, she realized just how insignificant she was. Without her special Gift, she might not have even had a chance to defend herself. Despite exhausting her innate divinity, she could only manage to take down one of the emperors with her.

However, after humanity lost a pillar like her, they will likely fell to the invasion and subjugation by another eternal race, ultimately leading to their demise...

But it wasn't too late now.

Hei Xiyue had returned.

The golden time wasted in the early stages of the game in her previous life—she could now make up for it. This time, she would be more powerful than ever before. Whether facing peak civilizations or the Eternal Emperors, she vowed, "I will overcome everything!"

Her eyes, devoid of warmth, glinted with steely determination.

Hei Xiyue calmly brought up the system board in front of her.

[ Hei Xiyue ]

[Level: 1]

[Time: 0]

[Strength: 0.6]

[Speed: 0.7]

[Endurance: 0.5]

[Spirit: 1.1]

A minimalist status board. No Gift. Even her average attribute values were lower than those of a normal adult. This was not because Hei Xiyue disliked exercise, but because she was a terminal cancer patient. The day she received the hospital's medical report had coincided with the end of the world.

Hei Xiyue glanced at the noisy and chaotic classroom. The students were still excited, unaware of the imminent danger. She didn't bother to warn them, her expression cold and detached. Instead, she stood to the side, her gaze fixed on the stopped clock on the wall, silently calculating in her mind.

10, 9, 8, 7...

3, 2——

[Ding! The first wave of beasts in the newbie trial is refreshed. Players, please try to attack the wave of beasts and survive!]

The cold warning sound of the system rang out in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterward, monsters baring their claws and fangs rushed in from outside the classroom door.

"Damn, it's a monster!"

"It's really a monster, and it's terrifying!"

"Save yourselves! It's coming!!!"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you! Look at my big fireball! How did I miss?"

It was the first time in reality that the students had encountered such ferocious and terrifying monsters, and panic ensued.

Some students managed to remain calm enough to attempt to use their Gifts against the monsters, but their efforts were futile. The monsters deftly dodged or shrugged off the attacks.

Others were immediately overwhelmed by fear and confusion, some even foolishly running toward the swarm of monsters.

The monsters showed no mercy. Four or five of them pounced simultaneously, their sharp claws and teeth tearing through a student's body multiple times over.

In an instant, blood and broken limbs filled the air.

The classroom erupted into chaos, the sharp screams of the girls echoing amid the mayhem.

While everyone stood frozen in indecision, a white figure surged forward from the crowd, seizing a bench and aiming it directly at a monster's head.


The bench struck true, emitting a sharp crack as it connected with the monster's skull.

But she didn't halt. With unyielding determination, she raised the bench once more and brought it down with force.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Green blood spurted from the monster's wounds, and simultaneously, a system warning blared in everyone's ears:

[Ding! Congratulations to player Hei Xiyue for successfully eliminating Nok. Novice Zone 911's first kill achieved. Reward: Attribute Points +10]