Strengthen cancer cells, awaken Curse System's Gift!

"Oh, it's just like a game, killing monsters and getting rewarded!?"

With Hei Xiyue setting the example, many people echoed the sentiment, realizing that the strange monsters before they weren't as formidable as they had feared.

Although most still hesitated to approach, those with long-range Gifts began to cautiously attack.

"Fireball Magic! Fireball Magic! Fireball Magic!"

Three consecutive blasts of Fireball Magic find their mark on a Nok monster, engulfing them in flames.

"Ha ha, I got one too!"

Excitement rippled through the students.

Seeing others successfully engaging and defeating monsters spurred more students to join the fray.

Despite the monsters' menacing appearance, their small size and frail frames make them vulnerable even to ordinary people armed with weapons.

Moreover, the majority of the group possessed Gifts—skills bestowed by the gods—that enhanced their combat abilities.

With calmness and strategy, the first wave of beast posed little threat—it was merely a matter of dispatching them.

"One strike of strength!"

"Wind Blade!"

"Fireball Magic!"


Currently in the lecture hall, Gifts began to fly wildly.

Hei Xiyue saw this scene and quietly took a few steps back, standing behind the crowd.

The most important thing to prevent in the early game is not the monsters, but it's this group of newbies who don't know anything and still use their Gifts randomly.

Sure enough, there were quite a few people in the crowd who were also accidentally injured by the Gifts of those around them.

But because of that, the monsters in the classroom died very quickly.

A few minutes passed, and the monster was completely eliminated.

[Ding! Congratulations to the players for successfully beating the first wave of beasts, reward: Time +1 hour!]

[Next wave of beasts countdown: 9 minutes 59 seconds...]

According to the system notification, the students also sighed.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, many people's expressions carried a trace of absurdity.

But there are also people with extremely strong adaptation abilities, such as Zhang Lanlan.

She was now leaning next to Hei Xiyue, pretending to care and ask:

"Hei Xiyue, are you injured?"

"You know, when I just saw you rushing out, I was almost scared to death!"

Ah, Zhang Lanlan, my 'Best Friend'.....

Her soft voice was neither loud nor soft, and the already quiet classroom also paid attention to this side.

The students all looked at Hei Xiyue, with a trace of admiration in their eyes.

Especially Wang Ze, his expression was filled with obvious jealousy.

Just in the first wave of beasts, he was the one who killed the most monsters.

He estimated to have killed up to 5 of them!

Unfortunately, in the end he only received [Time +1 hour] as a full reward.

I only got 1 hour, but that girl got 10 attribute points?

Wang Ze felt unwilling in his heart, and finally coughed lightly and raised his voice:

"Listen to me, everyone, the next wave of beasts will come, we need to concentrate our forces to fight against monsters."

He waved his arm and shouted, shifting everyone's attention from Hei Xiyue to himself.

As soon as this word came out, people immediately supported it.

"Not bad, unity is strength!"

"Wang Ze is right, we can't be scattered like just now, we need to team up!"


Seeing that there were more and more people supporting him, Wang Ze's eyes flashed with pride as he continued to say:

"Okay, of course everyone supports forming a team, then let's inform each other about each other's Gifts. I'll come first, I have a C-level Gift - Strength Increase."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone said in surprise: "Wang Ze actually has a C-level Gift, so strong, I only have an E-level Gift - Air Cannon."

"I have the F-level Gift, Power Punch."

"D-level, Ice Armor."


Waiting for the students to announce their Gifts one by one, they discovered that Wang Ze was the only player in the class with a C-level Gift.

"Damn, Wang Ze is so cool! He is the strongest Gift User in our class!"

The male student named Ye Tao was immediately flattered.

Wang Ze's expression became more and more proud. When he heard Hei Xiyue say she had no Gift, his eyes immediately became contemptuous:

"It turns out you don't even have a Gift, ha ha, what use can having attribute values be for you? Simple waste!"

The jealousy in his heart deepened a bit.

It was clear that he was the strongest Gift User in the class, but Hei Xiyue took the lead.

The others also did not expect that the first one to rush out and kill the monster Hei Xiyue would be a waste that even had no gifts.

Soon, everyone's eyes looked towards Hei Xiyue and there was less than a trace of fear, more of a contempt.

At this moment, Ye Tao also stood up loudly: "Hei Xiyue, you should give the attribute points to brother Wang. Brother Wang is actually the only C-level Gift User in our class, only he can carry us."

After he finished speaking, Wang Ze's eyes flashed with praise.

Seeing that, Ye Tao spoke even more enthusiastically: "Quickly hand it over, you don't have a Gift, except for your beauty, you have nothing!"

They wanted to rob Hei Xiyue's reward.

However, there was not a single student in the class who wanted to help Hei Xiyue.

They either tilted their heads, deliberately pretending not to see, or, like Wang Ze, looked at Hei Xiyue with greedy eyes.

Everyone has checked the personal attributes panel, among newbies with an average attribute of only 1, [Attribute +10]the reward is absolutely a block of treasure.

Anyone who sees it knows to go up and take a bite.

It's just that they aren't as strong as Wang Ze, so they can only watch from the side.

At this moment, the original classmates all turned into tigers and wolves, looking at Hei Xiyue with wide eyes.

But Hei Xiyue just said coldly:

"Attribute points are not equipment, they cannot be traded or transferred."

"Furthermore, I just finished using my attribute points."

Wang Ze's eyebrows furrowed slightly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

But thinking about it, if he were to get the attribute value himself, he certainly wouldn't have time to wait until it was all used up.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a bit pitiful, and finally coldly groaned and said: "You'd better not lie to me."

Hei Xiyue hadn't said anything yet. Zhang Lanlan, who was next to her, only took a few steps forward and took Wang Ze's arm.

"Brother Wang, you were so strong just now, one person killed so many monsters!"

Hearing the beauty's exaggeration, Wang Ze's face showed excitement.

Before the game began, Wang Ze's appearance was below average, rendering him unworthy even of a girl with average looks as his girlfriend.

Yet now, Zhang Lanlan, a beauty of her caliber, unexpectedly approached him.

Feeling her soft touch, Wang Ze's heart swelled with satisfaction.

Hei Xiyue observed the scene without surprise.

In her previous life, Zhang Lanlan had not merely followed Wang Ze; she had flitted among several influential figures in the Novice Area 911, earning herself a reputation as the public "bitch" of the area.

However, her lack of strength ultimately led to her premature demise at the hands of monsters, never reaching the middle stages of the game.

Moreover, Hei Xiyue had been betrayed by her in her previous life, leading her to no longer care about this so-called "best friend."

Turning her attention away from Wang Ze and Zhang Lanlan, Hei Xiyue focused on the status board, where she noticed a line of words clearly displayed:

[Attribute points not yet distributed: 10]

Not bad. She hadn't used the attribute points from the reward.


In the Eternal Game, players with Gift abilities are known as Gift Users or Gifters, while players like Hei Xiyue, who lack Gifts, are called Giftlessers.

Giftlessers are considered unaccepted by the gods and are cursed by the game's rules. Thus, they carry another title: Curser.

For Cursers, time passes more quickly than for normal Gift Users. If a normal Gift User consumes one minute of time, a Curser will immediately lose two minutes or even more.

Initially, Hei Xiyue believed this accelerated time loss was simply a curse. However, she later discovered that Cursers also possess a Gift, though...

Her thoughts shifted slightly as the system board in front of her changed through several boards, eventually revealing the hidden attribute board. This details not only her single attributes but also provides a real-time display of her personal status. In the negative state column, she saw the manifestation of [Cancer Cells].

At that moment, Hei Xiyue heard a warning from the system:

[Dangerous reminder: Enhancing Cancer Cell will increase the host's life consumption. Confirm the operation?]

Without hesitation, she directed the 10 attribute points to enhance Cancer Cell.

[Ding! Successfully enhanced. Cancer Cell spreading rapidly...]

[Time -10 mins, time -10 mins, time...]

The time attributes were constantly being deducted. The 10 minutes from killing the monster and the 1-hour clearance reward were instantly nullified, and the time debt accumulated at a visible rate.

Simultaneously, she felt an unbearable pain radiate through her entire body. It was as if countless insects were burrowing into the cracks of her bones, sucking her marrow, devouring her flesh and blood.

Anyone else would have fainted from the pain. However, Hei Xiyue remained emotionless, ignoring the agony wracking her body. Her cold eyes were fixed on the time being subtracted.

Finally, the system's voice rang out again:

[Ding! Detected that the player is in the newbie protection period. All debt time has been cleared. Current remaining time: 0]

Then another notification sounded:

[Ding! Awakening the Unknown Curse ability: Cancer]
