Special Effect

[Cancer (Curse System)]

[Current Cancer Risk: 1.0]

[Gift Quality: ???]

[Gift Introduction: ???]

Hei Xiyue's body throbbed with pain, yet an unusual smile graced her lips.

In her previous life, she had reached the midpoint of the game, witnessing the gradual spread of Cancer Cell before awakening the [Cancer] Curse System Gift.

But she had squandered the game's early stages, wasting precious time and energy trying to catch up with peak Gift Users.

This time, however, she exploited the newbie protection period's rules, forcefully enhancing her Cancer Cell to swiftly obtain the Gift.

It was a risky move, but one that paid off.

Despite the Gift's quality and description remaining obscured, the Eternal Game system couldn't decipher Curse System-related Gifts.

Fortunately, having returned from the future, Hei Xiyue was already privy to all information pertaining to [Cancer].

Hei Xiyue surveyed the bodies strewn across the ground, then moved forward to grab a monster's corpse and began dragging it back.

The relatively small size of the college classroom quickly drew attention to her actions.

Upon noticing, Wang Ze's tone turned more serious as he demanded, "Hei Xiyue, what are you doing?"

Hei Xiyue continued her task without pause, simply uttering three words, "Collect the battlefield."

Her words prompted agreement from another student, who added, "That's right, we need to clear the bodies quickly. The next wave of monsters could arrive at any moment."

Although college classrooms offered more space than high school ones, an influx of monsters could easily lead to chaos, necessitating the cleanup of the battlefield.

Wang Ze accepted this advice and chuckled, "You actually know what's up."

Then, he directed the rest of the students, "Everyone without a Gift, help clear the bodies. Stack tables and benches against the door as a barricade. Move the corpses to the balcony and keep the route clear."

Wang Ze had seemingly assumed the role of leader in Classroom 208, and no one dared to disobey his orders.

The few Giftlessers could only comply, albeit with some dissatisfaction visible in their glances towards Hei Xiyue.

"It's all your fault; we have to do this tedious and thankless task," One muttered.

Another complained, "Exactly. I just painted my nails, and now they're ruined. It's cruel to make us move these bodies!"

Hei Xiyue merely glanced at the dissatisfied Giftlessers before averting her gaze, refusing to utter a single word.

In the game, 99% of Giftlessers met their demise in the early stages, and there was a reason for that.

Lack of physical strength was one thing, but having no value whatsoever rendered survival pointless.

While others were willing to move furniture but not touch the bodies, Hei Xiyue silently carried the corpses alone, aligning with her personal philosophy.

In a secluded corner, her index fingernail transformed into a sharp point, effortlessly piercing a monster's body. Blood flowed into her body from her fingertips, and the corpse in the corner shriveled rapidly.

Moving from one body to the next, each was quickly drained until only dry husks remained.

With each absorption, a mechanical voice echoed in her ear:

[Cancer of right upper limb +0.1, +0.1, 0.1...]

Soon, most of the corpses on the balcony had been stripped clean, leaving only a few untouched.

Simultaneously, Hei Xiyue felt her right arm growing stronger—a result of [Cancer]'s first ability: [Absorb].

By absorbing the energy of corpses, one could enhance their own strength. Each limb corresponded to strength and speed, while the five internal organs enhanced endurance, and the brain strengthened spirit.

By reinforcing the corresponding parts, Hei Xiyue could boost her attributes.

[Cancer of right upper limb : 2.3]

The stats on the status board has also been updated:

[Strength: 0.6+1.15(Average value)]

[Speed: 0.7]

[Endurance: 0.5]

[Spirit: 1.1]

An adult man's strength equated to 1 point. Currently, Hei Xiyue's right arm boasted the strength of three adult men—impressive, but not enough in her eyes.

As she surveyed the few bodies around her, Hei Xiyue calculated her next move. A dozen monsters and around 20 corpses from fallen players weren't sufficient for her needs.

Wang Ze's voice interrupted her thoughts, calling for everyone to gather.

Excited Giftlessers eagerly responded to Wang Ze's call, and Hei Xiyue, expression unchanged, followed suit.

Wang Ze wasted no time in assigning teams, pointing out specific individuals: "Ye Tao, Zhang Lanlan, Erhei, Machoke, you're with me."

He then instructed the remaining Gift Users to form squads for efficient action.

Those chosen by Wang Ze were visibly delighted and eager to comply.

In this perilous situation, survival hinged on sticking close to the strong.

Wang Ze singled out several individuals, all D-level Gift Users except for Zhang Lanlan.

Disappointed gazes fell upon those not chosen, but Wang Ze swiftly addressed them, instructing, "Those without Gifts, stand at the front. Grab tables and chairs to block the monsters from entering the classroom."

Outrage erupted among the Giftlessers at this directive.

"We don't have Gifts! Are you asking us to sacrifice ourselves?" One protested.

"Who gave you the right to order us around? I refuse to comply! Whoever wants to stand at the front can do so themselves!"

"Yeah, this is unfair! I'll call the police!"

The Giftlessers vehemently opposed Wang Ze's command.

Ye Tao smirked, his tone mocking, "Society's in chaos now. Do you really think the police can help you?"

Others chimed in, "Exactly! Calling the police won't do anything now, not even calling the president!"

Since the onset of the Eternal Game, communication devices had become useless, and a barrier seemed to have sealed the classroom, cutting off any means of escape.

Classroom 208 had become a trapped box, isolating its occupants from the outside world.

In that tense moment, Wang Ze's unkind demeanor added fuel to the fire: "You can either comply or face death. The choice is yours."

The naked threat sent shivers down the spines of the Giftlessers, who could sense Wang Ze's lethal intent.

Desperate, some pleaded for help from their classmates:

"Yue, we share a room. Please, say something."

"Machoke, we're friends. You have to help me!"

But the crowd of Gift Users remained silent, many averting their gaze and offering no assistance.

Had the first wave of beasts not already struck, they might have shown more compassion. But witnessing the deaths of their peers had hardened their hearts; in this harsh new reality, the Giftlessers seemed useless.

Reality hit the Giftlessers with a wave of despair and resentment. Reluctantly, they obeyed Wang Ze's command and positioned themselves at the front.

Just as Hei Xiyue prepared to join them, Wang Ze halted her:

"Hei Xiyue, come here. Stand by my side."