Open chat channel

Hei Xiyue, on the other hand, did not expect that Wang Ze would call her back.

This guy was probably worried that the 10 attribute value points she had received could suppress him, so he wanted to take her under his wing and want her to sacrifice her life for him.

Hei Xiyue did not refuse and obediently walked towards Wang Ze's back.

Wang Ze's mouth curled up slightly, as if he was very pleased with her.

"Very good, you are very understanding, don't worry, wait until I dominate the academy in the future, you are my effective assistant."

He patted Hei Xiyue on the shoulder and said.

The reason why Wang Ze subdued Hei Xiyue was not only because of the 10 attribute value points.

One is because Hei Xiyue is ferocious enough, she dares to be the first person to go up and kill the monster.

Second, because she is smart enough, after the battle ends, she first begins to clean up the battlefield to prepare for the next battle.

The last point is also very important, he feels that Hei Xiyue is very timely, knows what she should do.

In this apocalyptic world in the future, he will absolutely need this obedient and loyal "Dog".

First of all, let's start by conquering this academy....

Wang Ze thought silently in his heart.

Other Giftlessers saw Hei Xiyue being able to join Wang Ze's team, and their faces showed admiration.

But they could only tremble, hold a chair or broom, and stand at the classroom door.

Hei Xiyue looked at everything in front of her expressionlessly, she had already anticipated this.

Wang Ze and others' decision, in a sense, was a smart and correct choice.

In the apocalypse, you have to use everything you can.

Sympathetic, pitiful?

This kind of feeling can only harm yourself.

[Countdown to the second wave of beasts: 3, 2...]


As the countdown ended, the sound of the monster's screams came again.

Monsters appeared one by one at the entrance of the classroom, but because of the newly arranged arrangement, the doors and windows were full of tables and chairs, temporarily blocking their attack.

"Good chance, attack!"

Wang Ze's eyes lit up and saw that the "Defense Wall" was indeed effective, and began to order those Gift Users with long-range means to attack.

"Fireball Magic!"

"Wind Blade!"

"Ice arrow!"


Attacks target monsters stuck at the entrance.

Due to the slight jostling, several attacks accurately hit the target of the monster.

"I hit it! Ha ha! I hit it!"

Someone applauded.

However, before they were too happy for too long, the monster broke through the not-so-solid "defense wall" in front of them and rushed into the classroom.

"Ah!!! Save my life!"

The Giftlessers panicked and took out their "Weapons" to attack.

But the number of monsters in the second wave of beasts was obviously more than that in the first wave, suddenly there were at least twenty of them entering the classroom, behind them there were also monsters pouring in continuously.

The Giftlessers standing in the front row were quickly dived and bitten by monsters.

The Giftlessers stood a little behind, their bodies trembling, and they started to fight randomly.

Wang Ze coldly groaned when he saw this: "You guys, follow me!"

Having finished speaking, he did not carry anything, raised his fist and immediately rushed out.

He has a C-level strength increase, two or three punches will smash a monster's chest to meat, the sound of bones breaking can be heard.

The monster spewed blood from his mouth and fell backwards.

"Brother Wang is angry!"

"Brother Wang is so strong!"

In the crowd, someone loudly praised it.

Wang Ze was like a charging general in front of him, at this moment he roared:

"Everyone, no retreat allowed! Go!"

It's true, with him as an example, other Gift Users also gained courage and followed him.

The students' performance was much better than during the first wave of beasts, and the response was also more natural.

Wang Ze watched this scene with satisfaction, but at that moment slightly frowned.

He still does not receive any attribute bonuses, the reward from killing monsters is the same as the first wave of monsters.

This monster only drops for 10 mins, nothing else.

"In theory, except for the first monster, the rewards for killing other things are the same?"

He suddenly felt a bit regretful, why wasn't he the first to rush out and kill monsters?

Obviously my strength is stronger!

Wang Ze turned to look at Hei Xiyue, only to see her holding a chair to attack the monster.

The latter's strength seemed to be a bit stronger than before, but there wasn't much difference between it and the other Gift Users.

"Humph, holding 10 attribute points is still the same trash!"

In his heart, he groaned coldly:

"But that's fine. If this kind of person is too strong, it's not convenient for me to control."

Wang Ze just made a preliminary observation and continued fighting.

The number of monsters in the second wave of beasts is around 50, slightly more than the number of Gift Users in the class, but because the formation has been well arranged in advance, the response is relatively leisurely for everyone.

In just ten minutes, the monsters in the classroom were quickly extinguished.

At this moment, the Novice Area 911 area of the players' ears once again received a notification:

[Ding! Congratulations to Yan Zhou for becoming the first players in the novice area 911 to successfully level up to level 2, reward: Attribute +10, Time +1 day.]

As soon as this news came out, the students were immediately shocked.

"Damn, someone has leveled up?"

They all looked surprised, including Wang Ze.

The second wave of beasts is almost over, their level chart is still stuck at level 1.

While everyone was surprised, the system notification sounded again:

[Ding! Novice area 911 has opened a regional chat channel.]

The chat channel is opened at the same time as in the previous life...

Hei Xiyue's mind moved a little and the chat channel automatically appeared in front of her.

"It's really possible to send messages, ha ha ha, I am a sophomore information technology student at Nanshan University!"

"What a coincidence, I am also from Nanshan University."

"Does anyone still have a signal on their phone? Is it possible to contact the outside world?"

"I don't know, our class's cell phones and computers also have no signal. Except for this chat channel, it feels like there's no way to contact the outside world."

"We are also, those monsters are really terrible. Our class has just eliminated the second wave of monsters."

"Oh my, I'm scared. Whether or not you can save me, all of our classmates will soon die."

"The whole class can't get out, how can we save them?"

"Sigh, our class also died tragically, these monsters are too terrible."


At this time, the monsters in Classroom 208 have also been cleared, everyone's attention is first and foremost on the chat channel.

"Is the novice area 911 the scope of Nanshan University?"

"It seems that yes, we are all from the same University"

Most students also judge through the messages in the chat channel, novice area 911 is approximately Nanshan University.

In addition to the students, there were also a smaller number of faculty and staff who sent the message.

But even if you are a teacher, now they are also in a difficult position to ensure their own status, no one can stand to lead everyone and show the direction.

The chat channel quickly had someone asking again.

"Yes, Yan Zhou actually reached level 2, so strong, what kind of Gift is he?"

"That's right, we've killed two waves of monsters, but we're still stuck at level 1 and can't move. This game doesn't make sense."

"Is Master Yan Zhou here? Can you tell me a little about how to level up?

Under everyone's endless chants, Yan Zhou finally chatted.

[ Yan Zhou ]: "Good students, my Gift is B level Thunder Fire."

"Wow, B level Gift! Our class's highest Gift is D level."

"Our class is even more crippled, the only C-level person died in the first wave of beast."


The chat channel inside was once again hyped.

Yan Zhou himself seemed to particularly enjoy this feeling, without any hidden thoughts, directly announcing the leveling up method.

[Yan Zhou]: "Everyone, listen to me, killing monsters can gain Time. When it takes 6 hours or more, you can evolve and complete the level up."

"One monster is 10 minutes, in theory Yan Zhou has already killed 30 monsters!? The numbness is so terrible!"

"Such terrible +1!"

"Such terrible +10086!"