
Wang Ze's face turned gloomy when he saw the chat messages.

The monsters he just killed in these two waves of beasts, there are less than twenty in total, still a long way to go before reaching level 2.

He really didn't expect that Yanzhou, who suddenly appeared, would be so powerful, not only did he have a B-level Gift, he had also reached level 2.

Just like that, his plan to dominate the academy was about to go to waste before it even started....

Suddenly, Hei Xiyue, who had been silent all this time, didn't know when she came to his side, softly said:

"The third round will have a Boss. As long as you become the first person to kill the Boss, you will have rich rewards."

Wang Ze's eyes immediately lit up when he heard that.

A look of joy appeared on his face, then he asked incredulously: "Really?"

Hei Xiyue calmly said: "This is the hint I got when I killed the first monster."

The hint is false but the information is true.

Wang Ze stroked his chin, seemingly thinking about something.

If he can receive the attribute point reward from killing the Boss, for him like this power type Gift User, it will definitely be like a tiger gaining wings.

At least it can make up for the gap between him and Yan Zhou.

Besides, anyone who has played games knows that, the reward for killing a Boss should be higher than the reward for killing a common monster, this is common sense.

If he can get the equipment, his idea of dominating the world may not be impossible.

Thinking of this, a fire burned in his heart. He reached out and grabbed Hei Xiyue's shoulder, smiling and saying:

"Very good! Don't worry, as long as I can dominate Novice area 911, I will definitely reward you! Ha ha ha!"

Wang Ze was very excited and once again convened the team to hold a conference.

Hei Xiyue just quietly watched his back leave, then continued to move the body.

More monsters die in the second wave than in the first wave.

Which students are also.

Just now, none of the Giftlessers still exist, even some Gift Users have died.

There are more than 60 corpses in total.

Hei Xiyue silently carried the body to the balcony without saying a word, her fingertips continuously stabbing the bodies.

Each body in her hands was quickly sucked into a dry body, leaving only pieces of skin.

Cancer reminder keeps flashing out:

[Cancerization of right upper limb +0.1, +0.1, +0, +0.1...]

During cancerization, the pain in her right arm continued to spread, and her strength also continuously increased.

Hei Xiyue's expression didn't change at all. Her entire process was like a robot, carrying the body from the classroom to the balcony.

The strong bloody stench emitted from the balcony made people avoid it.

That's why no one paid attention to the changes in these bodies.

By the time Hei Xiyue stopped, Cancerization of right upper limb had reached: [6.7]

The strength on the panel also reached: [0.6+3.4]

"It's not enough, it's not enough...."

Hei Xiyue narrowed her eyes and looked at Wang Ze not far away.

A fragrant scent of fresh blood floated in the air. She licked her lower lip, looking at Wang Ze with her eyes as if she were looking at a piece of fatty meat.

Wang Ze was unaware of all this.

He is still coordinating the formation of the formation.

"You guys, along with those guys over there, Wait and be at the front!"

Wang Ze extended his hand and began to point.

Although the team that was pointed out by him looked a little dissatisfied, they did not dare to resist, and could only follow orders to do their work.

Very quickly, a new formation appeared.

Wang Ze still waved and called Hei Xiyue to his side.

Right now, Hei Xiyue is already the only person in the entire class without a Gift, but her treatment is better than that of other Gift Users. Her position is right behind Wang Ze, seeming extremely safe.

Tables and benches are basically useless after the second wave of beasts.


Can only be placed at the entrance, giving the group another obstacle.

Very soon, the third wave of beasts also entered the countdown:

[10, 9, 8...3, 2]


As the countdown ends, the third wave of beasts finally raids.


The group of monsters let out screams.

It was clear that the monsters' physical appearance and level had not changed at all, but as soon as they entered the field, they exuded a completely different atmosphere from the two previous waves of beasts.

It's the quantity!

Wang Ze immediately realized that the number of beast tides in front of him was much greater than before.

"Where's the boss?"

His eyes kept searching for the monster inside.

Finally, he discovered a shape similar to other monsters but 1.5 times larger than them in the back of dozens of monsters.

It's covered in blood, holding a steel saber, it pair of eyes shines with a penetrating luster, the body shape is not much different from that of an adult male, on the top is a small line of words: [ Nok, The Steel Saber] , its basic information also appears:

[Nokk, The Steel Saber (Normal Boss)]

[Level: 1]

[Skill: Double Chain Slash ]

The panel information is quite simple, but it shows the "identity".

"Hei Xiyue didn't lie to me, there really is a Boss!"

Wang Ze became agitated and immediately moved his arms.

"Everyone listen to my orders, everyone, charge forward!"

He waved his hands and shouted loudly.

However, the students in the front row did not want to fight.

"Fuck, don't push me, why do we want to be used as meat shields by you guys?"

"Don't, there are many monsters, let's fight from a distance first."

"But, we are also Gift Users, we don't want to go first."

Wang Ze saw that some people were disobedient and did not talk nonsense at this time, directly punching a student who did not want to move forward.


The student's head instantly exploded like a watermelon.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The girls around were so frightened that they screamed.

Wang Ze didn't pay any attention to them, and said in a gloomy tone: "Either listen to me, or die!"

Seeing that he was serious, the people in front could only obediently obey and move forward.

Wang Ze laughed coldly, turned to his teammate and said: "Let's go too!"

The teammates responded in unison: "Okay!"

The people in front were forced up by the people behind them and were turned into meat shields.

In this kind of situation, they can only risk their lives.

The skills was thrown out as if it was free and landed among the monsters.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom became crowded.

Shouts of murder and roars entangled together.

During the chaos, everyone did not notice Hei Xiyue's figure passing straight through the crowd.

Her sharp fingertips continuously stabbed into a monster's corpse, quickly consumes the blood.

A normal monster corpse can be wiped clean by her Asborb in just two seconds.

Furthermore, the higher the Cancerization value on her right arm, the faster she consumes blood.

No matter how fast the corpses are produced on the battlefield, they are not as fast as she can consume them.

Each corpse in her hands quickly withered.

[Cancerization of right upper limb +0.1, +0, +0, +0.1...]

The cancerization number continued to rise, quickly breaking through 8.0 and approaching 10.

Hei Xiyue's mouth slightly curled up, her eyes swept towards the battlefield.

The battle quickly entered a fierce phase.

Wang Ze's hope for victory was cut off, and soon there were casualties in the Gift User team.

One by one, Gift Users were knocked to the ground by more and more monsters. Under attack from claws and teeth, they soon lost all vitality.

But Wang Ze did not pay attention to these things, instead he aggravated them and urged him to say:

"Go! Go! If not, then you will die!"

His fists also continued to lunge towards the surroundings, attacking the monsters.

Every monster died in the hands of him and his teammates.

Under this kind of desperate fighting style, the team's progress efficiency is also very high.

Soon, Wang Ze and the others advanced to the center of the monster circle and saw the monster carrying a steel saber, Nokk, from the front.

Wang Ze was excited and shouted loudly:

"Let me kill him, if anyone can hurt him, I will let that guy join my team! Moreover, the rewards are divided equally!"

Hearing Wang Ze's promise, the eyes of the students around him lit up.


They quickly picked up their weapons and rushed towards the Boss.