The place is derelict, the hunt begins!

"This, this is too much!"

Yan Zhou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, stunned on the spot.

There were a lot of level 2 Ogres, even several times more than the number of players on the spot, far beyond his imagination.

Moreover, behind those monsters, there was also a large Ogre that was nearly 2 meters tall, his appearance was extremely scary, and he knew at a glance that he was not easy to tease.

Li Feng also retreated slightly in fear: "Zhou, what should we do? Do we want to go first or not?"

Yan Zhou gritted his teeth and said: "Go! We have to go, quickly go and call a few squads to follow us, we must prioritize making sure our main force can advance enough to reach the core layer, our target is Boss Ogre!

Li Feng nodded: "Okay, I heard brother Nghiem."

Very quickly, Yan Zhou organized an attack squad.

"Everyone! Follow me!"

Yan Zhou waved his hand and commanded the team to advance.

Li Mingliang and Jiang Yuanji also noticed his movements. When they saw him preparing to attack the Boss over there, they immediately reacted.

"Quick, catch up, let's fight the Boss!"

"Come on, grab the Boss!"

"Ha ha ha, the reward must be mine!"


At that moment, the three factions also began to advance in the direction of Boss Ogre.

Half an hour later, the system announced:

[Ding! Congratulations to player Yan Zhou for successfully killing a large Ogre and receiving a reward: Silver Treasure Chest *1]

"I killed the boss! I killed it!"

Yan Zhou was overjoyed like crazy.

People behind cheered.

Yan Zhou [Thunder Fire] seized the opportunity and successfully harvested the last HP of the giant Ogre, finishing killing it.

Yan Zhou looked at the Silver Treasure Chest in the inventory and was also excited.

He didn't expect that in addition to the level leaderboard reward, killing the Boss could also get a treasure chest reward.

Li Mingliang and Jiang Yuanji received the notice and were equally unconvinced.

There was no way for them, their numbers were too few, and the two Gift people were also close combat types.

Their side did not have enough people to break through the siege to the core, making it impossible to mount an effective attack.

"Hmph, I will take revenge!"

Li Mingliang coldly groaned.

While everyone was wondering about the Boss, the Wave of Beast's new announcement rang out again:

[Ding! The Giant Ogre has been killed, the fifth wave of beasts is about to happen, players please prepare.]

[10, 9, 8...]

"What's the situation? The fifth wave of beasts!"

Yan Zhou and the others were startled.

Even though the Boss has been killed, more than half of the Ogres left in the playground have not been eliminated.

There are even more monsters than players!

When they heard the fifth wave of beasts was coming, other players also began to panic.

"Is this real?"

"It doesn't make sense, don't all the monsters have to die to get to the next one?"

"That's right, but this time there's no time for us to rest!"


While the players were talking, the teleporting circle on all four sides of the playground once again emitted waves of pulsating energy.

As the countdown ends, new monsters appear before the players.

The mummy was wrapped in a white bandage and slowly walked out from within the teleportation circle.

Their physical appearance is a bit smaller than that of an Ogre, and they are no different from ordinary people.

The only exposed part is the extremely sharp teeth.

[ Mummy ]

[Level: 3]

[Skill: Wrapping Bandage (Increases Defense value by 10%)]

It's clear that level 3 mummies are stronger than Ogres.

Furthermore, the number is even greater than the previous Wave of Beast!

"Fuck, why are there so many!"

Even though Yan Zhou maintained his facade, he couldn't help but curse about this situation.

The playground, which is not small, is about to be filled with monsters.

Originally, the players here could barely maintain balance on the battlefield, but at the moment these monsters appeared, the situation changed.

"Ah! Help!"

"There are so many monsters, I can't go out!"

"Oh, I beg you, get out of the way, my girlfriend is injured!"


On the battlefield, more and more players couldn't bear the burden and began to run around in panic.

Yan Zhou borrowed the shoulder of his right team member and shouted loudly:

"Everyone stay put, no need to retreat! Come up for me! No need to retreat!!!"

At this moment, even Li Mingliang and Jiang Yuanji made the same choice.

"No need to retreat, whoever dares to retreat, I will kill him!"

"Running will only lead to death, so follow me!"

The three of them are all trying to control the situation.

However, the situation was beyond everyone's imagination.

The players in the front row began to panic after seeing a large number of casualties.

As time passed, even the well-organized formation at the beginning began to fall apart.

In just a blink of an eye, the originally good situation was ruined.

Whether it was Yan Zhou, Li Mingliang or anyone else, they couldn't stop the war that was bound to fail.

"No more, there are really too many monsters, we should retreat first."

Li Feng said with a sweaty head.

Yan Zhou was a little unwilling, but seeing that deserters had begun to appear, he could only grit his teeth and nod: "Go, call all the main team members, let's retreat!"

Li Feng was startled: "What about the other teams?"

Yan Zhou said with a gloomy face: "How big can Nanshan Academy be? If everyone retreats together, where can the monster be led? Do you want to die together?"

Li Feng hesitated for a moment, still nodded.

There's nothing wrong with Yan Zhou being cruel.

When the world ends, nothing is more important than your destiny.

Instead of sacrificing yourself, it's better to sacrifice others.

"What a pity..."

Before leaving, Yan Zhou still turned his head to look at a group of people in the field.

He originally thought that this was his brilliant starting point, but he didn't expect that it would end before it even started.

Yan Zhou climbed high and looked into the distance. Not far away, Li Mingliang and Jiang Yuanji soldiers also began to retreat.

Li Mingliang is a smart person and chose to retreat with his core team.

However, Jiang Yuanji is an idiot, and even has the thought of taking everyone away.

"That's good, let that side give us a break, kill a few more monsters, wait until I recover to a good state and fight again!"

Yan Zhou coldly groaned in his heart.

Just as they were retreating, One after another world announcements appeared in large golden characters in the sky:

[World announcement: Novice area 14059 of Astraea country has been invaded by monsters, turning into a Borderland.]

[World announcement: Novice area 4568 of Sakura country has been invaded by monsters, turning into a Borderland.]

[World announcement: Novice area 14355 of Invicta country has been invaded by monsters, turning into a Borderland.]


Standing on the top floor closest to the sky, Hei Xiyue, first saw this world announcement.

However, her expression did not have too many surprises, as if she had already predicted it.

Hei Xiyue looked at the playground not far away from the crowd of people, along with countless monsters, and said:

"Hunting, can finally begin..."