The shadow on the battlefield!

[Cancerization of right upper limb +0.1, +0, +0.1...]

[Cancerization of left upper limb +0, +0.1, +0.1...]

Notifications keep coming.

Level 2 Ogre compared to level 1 Nok to say, the probability of increasing the cancer value has increased a lot.

Hei Xiyue's hands turned into bone swords, continuously stabbing into the body on the ground, the power in her body was rapidly strengthening.

The more she walked in the direction of the playground, the more monster corpses there were.

Of course, there are more players going in the opposite direction than her.

A player saw Hei Xiyue walking towards the playground and kindly reminded her.

"Hey what are you doing, there are so many monsters over there, don't go towards that place!"

"That's right, if you seek your own death then go there!"

Hei Xiyue paid no attention to the others, while continuously absorbing the body, while walking slowly towards the playground.

Seeing her lack of reaction, the others were also angry and said:

"Mentally ill, not understanding useful words, right?"

"This is obviously a crazy attempt to pick up the pieces, everyone in the top 3 has already run, this person still thinks about going to get experience!"

"That's it, never mind, let's run quickly! The monster immediately wanted to chase.... It's coming, Ogre!"

Just as they were talking, an ogre emerged from nowhere, picked up the mace and swung it over.

The first person to bear the brunt was Hei Xiyue, who was still touching the body with her head lowered.



Before he even finished his first word, the ogre's movements stopped suddenly, its entire body directly cracked from the middle, dividing into two halves.

Next, there was a "Boom" sound, on both sides.

Hei Xiyue didn't even raise her eyelids at all, just repeating the action of stabbing the bone sword into the corpses.

The other players nearby were all stunned.

"Dmn, it's a master!"

By the time they regained their composure, Hei Xiyue had disappeared into the crowded crowd, leaving them standing there looking at each other.

The more she went to the playground, the fewer the players and the more monsters.

Hei Xiyue could not help but temporarily stop touching the body, her right arm turned into a long sword and continuously slashed.

The sound of tearing the wind came continuously, and each Ogre crashed to the ground.

Although the level 2 Ogre is huge, its attack power is not bad, but its defense is not great.

Especially the huge body, for Hei Xiyue, it is a living target.

She doesn't need any complicated techniques, just do a simple chop attack and easily harvest one Ogre after another.

[Time +15 mins, time +15 mins, time +15 mins...]

The time coins in her pocket are rising rapidly.

Level 2 Ogre gives 5 minutes more than level 1 Nok, which is equivalent to 0.01 bad time.

Although few, the number of monsters is large.

By killing a hundred of them, she can get a time coin.

Almost before reaching the playground, Hei Xiyue's number of Ogre kills had already exceeded 100, and the time coins in her hand were about to break through 1.0 and progress towards 2.0.

"Level up!"

Seeing that the time coins have almost been accumulated, she did not have any hesitation, adding time coins to level up.

[Ding! Spent 32 hours to complete leveling up, all attributes +1.]

[Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 5.]

Two consecutive notifications rang out, and her screen changed.

[ Hei Xiyue ]

[Level: 5]

[Time: 0.01]

[Strength: 6.6+20.5]

[Speed: 6.7]

[Endurance: 6.5]

[Spirit: 7.1]

[Cancerization power value: 20.5]


The average upper limb strength cancer value reached over 20 points, level also reached 5.

"Very good, finally up to standard."

Hei Xiyue's mouth slightly curled up, her arm suddenly shook.

Originally, both hands were still in bone sword state, and in an instant, they began to twist, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into two ordinary chain-like things.


Just in time, several Ogres ran towards her.

Hei Xiyue's right arm trembled slightly. The chains on her right arm were gently lifted up, and finally the sharp and fierce pierced the top of the Ogre's head.

"Poof!" rang out, the chains quickly retracted, bringing out a pile of shiny white brains.

[Ding! Time +15 mins!]

The announcement sounded.

The stupid-faced Ogre fell from the front, dead to the point of not being able to die any more.

The chains didn't stop, they went straight towards the nearby Ogres, killing them in order.


"So strong! It's all one shot!"

The players escaping next to her all exclaim.

Just before their screams had stopped, Hei Xiyue once again made a startling move.

After killing several Ogres, she did not stop. The two chains fiercely stabbed into the Ogre's body, quickly sucking them all dry.

One by one, the corpses turned dry, and the players who were watching immediately turned pale with fear, and the words that had already reached the edge of their mouths also stopped.

Is this person really human?

The players just glanced at her, then were scared and ran away, looking at Hei Xiyue with eyes that were more scared than looking at Ogre.

They lifted their legs and ran like lightning.

Of course Hei Xiyue wouldn't pay attention to these people. The chains on her arms continued to protrude, quickly absorbing nearby bodies.

Whether it was Ogre, Mummy, or the corpses of other players, she did not ignore them.

Under the eyes of the nearby training ground, there is never a shortage of corpses and monsters.

After the cancer value of the upper limb reaches 20 points or more, the hands can also Distortion out more complex weapons.

It's just that in her previous life, in order to possess the [Distortion weapon], it took a lot of effort to be able to control it like an arm now.

Under the chain form, the efficiency of touching the body clearly increased a lot.

[Cancerization of left lower limb +0.1, +0, +0.1...]

[Cancerization of right lower limb +0, +0.1, +0.1...]

After the level reaches the standard, the lower limb strength finally begins to strengthen, and the agility value on the status window is also rapidly improving.

Hei Xiyue constantly passed through the battlefield, like a ghost.

Very quickly, two chains appeared on her arms.

Both hands spread out, several tentacle-like chains, searching in all directions.

The faster the attack speed, the more precise it is.

Ogres fell one by one, each one was sucked dry, at extremely fast speed.

Wherever the chain passes, no one is spared.


"How? Did those monsters come after you?"

Having hidden in a dormitory, Yan Zhou urgently asked Li Feng.

Li Feng shook his head and said: "Only a few Ogres followed, and they have been dealt with. We people..."

Speaking of this, he sighed, blamed himself and said:

"There aren't many people left. In addition to the main force of more than twenty people, there are only less than 100 members left in the outer circle."

"It's all my fault. If I had discovered something was wrong earlier, we could have retreated earlier. This way, a few fewer people would have died."

Yan Zhou was silent for a moment.

To be honest, he would account for a large part of the cause of these people's deaths.

If it weren't for his greed and recklessness, and when he hadn't yet clearly established the rules, he would have fought for the boss, and there wouldn't have been so many casualties.

In order to get a Silver Treasure Chest, hundreds of people died, which is really not beneficial.

But since it has already happened, there is no need to dwell on the past.

Yan Zhou coughed lightly and said:

"Things just happened, there's no need to worry about it."

"Besides, didn't you hear? Not only us, but the whole world and Novice areas suffered heavy losses because of the Wave of Beast."

"What we need to do now is to try our best to preserve our strength, can't let the novice area 911 be like other novice areas, turning into a Borderland!"

Li Feng sighed again: "It can only be like this, right..."

"Damn, Zhou brother Zhou brother! There are demons outside the window!"

Before they could finish speaking, they were interrupted by the team members outside.

Yan Zhou frowned: "Wang Qiang, it's time to stop talking nonsense here."

The student named Vuong Cuong turned around from the window and said: "Zhou brother, I really didn't lie to you. Quickly come here and look, on the other side of the playground there really seems to be a demon, that person has several tentacles!"

Yan Zhou's first reaction was confused. The fourth wave of beasts was Ogre, the fifth wave of beasts was Mummy, and he had not heard of any other new monsters appearing.

But Wang Qiang didn't look like he was lying, so he could only stand up and walk to the dormitory window with Li Feng.

This is the boys' dormitory outside the playground. The reason why they will run away here first is because through this window they can clearly see the movements of the other side of the playground, so they can adjust. their combat plans at any time.

Yan Zhou stood next to the window and looked back, only to see monsters in the distance walking all over the battlefield, a "monster" covered in tentacles all over the body, killing the monster.

Several tentacles are constantly reaching out to easily harvest the monsters that are coming from all directions.

Whether Ogre or Mummy, all of them can't survive for a second under her hands, just like a Demon on the battlefield.