3 groups join forces

"What a monster!"

Yan Zhou said with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

However, Li Feng next to him said suspiciously: "This isn't some monster. Isn't this the female student we just met in the hallway?" What's the name... Ah yes, her name is Hei Xiyue!"

"Hei Xiyue?"

Yan Zhou was even more surprised.

However, Li Feng's Gift is [Exploration], his eyesight is much better than that of normal players.

A distance of several hundred meters is nothing to him.

Therefore, he was able to detect the change in the situation on the battlefield in advance.

Li Feng scratched his head: "Won't this girl be afraid of death?"

Yan Zhou temporarily suppressed the shock in his heart: "This girl's strength seems to be stronger than we imagined."

Although his [Thunder Fire] can kill monsters in a large range, especially after he reached level 5, the power of Gift skills has also greatly increased.

One shot of Thunder Fire can basically burn a large chunk of monsters to death.

However, Thunder Fire's shortcomings are also very obvious.

High damage, wide range, but CD duration is quite long, and cannot be released continuously.

But Hei Xiyue's Gift skills are clearly different, somewhat similar to Jiang Yuanji's [Martial Arts] type of skills.

Although the damage and damage range are not as good as his Thunder Fire, it is superior in its longevity.

The more Li Feng looked, the more surprised he became:

"Damn, this girl's tentacles are so strong, monsters can't get close to her!"

"Even Jiang Yuanji can't do this kind of thing!"

Hei Xiyue's strength not only shocked Li Feng, but also shocked other players around him.

"This girl is so strong, I just checked the chat channel and it looks like everyone is discussing her."

"She has also reached level 5."

"Her name is Hei Xiyue? Isn't this the first person to kill a monster?

"No wonder she didn't accept Yan Zhou's invitation just now. From the looks of it, it seems like she wants to go solo."


Listening to the group's discussion, Yan Zhou's eyes flashed with a trace of jealousy.

He let out a loud sigh and said:

"But she's too reckless, how many monsters can one person kill alone?"

"When your stamina runs out, or when you get injured, you only have one choice: death."

Hearing that, other Gift Users also expressed their agreement.

"That's right, if she had just joined us, maybe with her brother Zhou's [Thunder Fire], we would really have a chance to conquer the battlefield and become winners in the end!"

Li Feng felt this way.

Yan Zhou narrowed his eyes and said: "It's not like we don't have a chance."

Li Feng said in surprise: "Brother Zhou, you mean..."

Yan Zhou looked at Hei Xiyue in the distance who was still killing monsters and said: "I hope you can persevere as much as possible, don't let me down."

Having finished speaking, he let out a cold laugh, his eyes filled with expressions of joy.

But whether it was him or another player, there was no way to predict what would happen next.

10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes...

More than an hour has passed, and Hei Xiyue has no intention of stopping, and her efficiency in killing monsters is also getting higher and higher.

"This girl, is she a perpetual motion machine! She hasn't stopped yet?"

Li Feng had been observing Hei Xiyue, his face filled with disbelief.

The chat channel also caused a stir because of Hei Xiyue's situation.

"Wtf, that person is still fighting in the playground!"

"How long has it been, why hasn't this person's stamina value been completely depleted yet…"

"That's a tough person on the level leaderboard, not someone we can understand!"

"What are you joking about? Aren't Li Mingliang, Yan Zhou, Jiang Yuanji also on the Leve Leaderboard? They ran away a long time ago, even the people under their command were abandoned!"

"Speaking of which, this Hei Xiyue is really strong. Will she really kill all the monsters in the playground by herself?"

"No more monsters chasing me, I was very worried just now, thank you Hei Xiyue! Hearty thanks!"

"Really really, I was so worried just now, so many Novice areas have become derelict…"


He looked at the chat channel where Hei Xiyue was being discussed, some people had even begun to support her, Yan Zhou's face gradually became unsightly.

He wanted Hei Xiyue to continue killing monsters, because he wanted that girl to clear out the monsters.

But now...

"No! Can't keep waiting!"

Yan Zhou slapped the table, stood up and said:

"Li Feng, inform everyone, let's return to the battlefield, steal the boss!"

That mummy boss is still on the edge of the teleportation circle, but the number of monsters in the playground is getting less and less. He is afraid that soon, Hei Xiyue will be able to kill the Boss and receive a reward.

Silver Treasure Chest, he wants it.

Yan Zhou's eyes flashed with coldness.

But when Yan Zhou led the group of people towards the playground, he discovered that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Because the people waiting outside the training ground were not only him, but also Li Mingliang and Jiang Yuanji.

"Ha ha, isn't this the fire trash guild leader?"

Li Mingliang opened his mouth to mock, and glanced at the person behind Yan Zhou, sneered and said:

"Tsk tsk, is that all you have left?"

Yan Zhou coldly groaned: "A lot of my people died, but not many of you are left."

Li Mingliang's sneer froze on his face.

Yan Zhou's faction suffered the most deaths, but Li Mingliang's faction only had a core of thirty or forty people left. Yan Zhou's faction currently had more than a hundred people, so he was still in a weak position.

The one with the highest survival rate among the three factions. On the contrary, it was Jiang Yuanji who had been protecting his men in their retreat just now.

His side still had more than a hundred people, in terms of numbers, his side could completely compete with Yan Zhou's side.

It's just that at this moment, Jiang Yuanji's face was pale, and at a glance, he knew that he was in a bad state.

All around, the combined strength of the three factions still maintained a subtle balance.

Yan Zhou continued to say: "Go, since you're here, don't pretend, everyone knows you guys are here to kill the Boss."

Li Mingliang said with a gloomy face: "Yan Zhou, you killed a Boss! So this Boss absolutely cannot belong to you!"

Jiang Yuanji also frowned and slammed the spear to the ground: "Yes, according to logic, you should withdraw from this Boss competition."

Yan Zhou was a bit surprised. He didn't expect that these two people had already reached a union before he arrived.

He pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and said: "Hm, I can promise you that I won't steal the fifth Boss, but you guys also want to promise me one condition."

Li Mingliang frowned: "What conditions?"

Yan Zhou said: "Very simple, two words, join forces."

"Join forces? We?"

Li Mingliang had a "Are you kidding me" expression.

Yan Zhou gestured to Hei Xiyue on the battlefield with his eyes, said:

"Having gone through the recent wave of beast, you wouldn't think we're still opponents now, right?"

"Look at that over there, that's the real 'Monster'!"

He paused for a moment, then continued:

"Now, only by achieving cooperation can we equally divide the Boss."

"Don't forget, the beginner's protection period is only three days."

Li Mingliang walked around with beady eyes, decided quickly and said: "Okay, maybe."

On the contrary, in any case, no matter what, there will be no disadvantage.

Moreover, he looked at Hei Xiyue who was fighting, to be honest, that person was really like what Yan Zhou said, and was not much different from the "Monster".

Even if it were him, he wouldn't have enough confidence against Hei Xiyue.

On the side, Jiang Yuanji hesitated for a moment, but considering everyone behind him, he finally nodded:

"I also accept."