

Jiang Yuanji didn't even need to look, he knew it was Hei Xiyue who did it.

Li Mingliang next to him immediately panicked: "Could it be that she won't let us go?"

The expressions of other players present were also a bit confused.

Jiang Yuanji shook his head again and said:

"Surely not, her attitude just now was clearly letting us go."

"Yan Zhou... Just now I guess he accidentally angered her, so..."

At this moment, Li Mingliang breathed a sigh of relief, then kicked Yan Zhou's body with a heavy kick:

"It's all because of this guy, why do you still need to tease Hei Xiyue at this point? You really think that you are the smartest person in the whole world, right? Stupid ***!"

The other players were also talking harshly towards the body.

"Dumbass, you almost killed us, what a shame!"

"That's it, go to Hell quickly, stupid!"


Even Yan Zhou's former soldier was scolding loudly in anger.

In fact, if it wasn't for Yan Zhou's stubbornness to want Boss, they simply wouldn't have died so many people.

The original team was several hundred people, but now there are a few people left.

Someone suddenly asked: "What should we do now?"

Li Mingliang scratched his head and said impatiently: "Hei Xiyue has killed all the monsters, what else can we do?"


Suddenly, in the crowd, a male student raised his hand and said: "When I was near the teleportation circle just now, it seems like I received a notification."

"What notification?"

Jiang Yuanji asked.

The male student honestly said: "It seems to say: 'Do you want to reopen the novice trial challenge again', but I didn't dare to open it at that time...."


Li Mingliang's eyes immediately lit up.

The other players' faces also stood up with joy.

But immediately someone worriedly said: "Will it be like last time, surrounded by monsters? We are not as strong as Hei Xiyue."

Jiang Yuanji shook his head and said: "Probably not. After what just happened, I already understand the rule a bit. The number of monsters should be related to our number."

Li Mingliang touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "In theory, as long as we don't have many people, there won't be that many monsters."

Speaking of this, a miserable look appeared on his face and he mocked himself and said:

"Ha ha, with just these few of us now, we don't need to worry about this problem."

Hearing that, everyone here fell silent.


In the pitch black world.

Suddenly, a light turned on.

Immediately after that, each wall lamp on both sides in front of Hei Xiyue continuously lit up, spreading towards the never-ending darkness.

She raised her head and was illuminated by lights. On both sides were countless tall and majestic sculptures.

There are statues that stood majestically on the spot holding holy swords.

There are statues were half-naked and raised their wine glasses into the distance.

There are statues that are so beautiful that they make people stay forever.

There are statues of ferocious spirits that make people dare not look directly at them...

The unique statues are dazzling.

This is Eternal Game's Job Transfer Palace.

As long as the player's average attribute point reaches 10 points, and their level reaches level 10, they can immediately receive Quests from the Job Transfer Palace.

Soldiers, magicians, thieves, hunters, knights, priests...

These basic combat jobs are all available

Besides that, there are also carpentry, tailoring, chef, miner, fishing... countless.

Of course, Palace also has Hidden jobs and Special jobs.

But Hidden Job and Special Job are not always the best.

In Eternal Game, when choosing a Job, you must pay attention to the compatibility between the Job and the Gift.

Only when the Job and Gift match value is higher than 60 points or more, will it be considered correct.

If you do so, the player's potential can receive great growth in the future.

If the Job and Gift match value are below 60 points, then quickly change the Job.

If you don't change it, even if you have an S-level Gift, your potential will be greatly depleted.

The higher your level, the more your potential will be damaged.

And if the Job and Gift match value is extremely high, then even if you are a B-level Gift User, your future achievements will not necessarily be lost to an A-level Gift User.

Therefore, choosing a Job becomes very important.

It's just that now there's a problem in front of Hei Xiyue.

Normally speaking, choosing a Job is based on Gift to judge.

For example: Yan Zhou.

His [ Thunder Fire ] Gift clearly belongs to the magic system, he just chose a statue related to the magic system.

Since Jiang Yuanji is a Gift related to martial arts, then he should choose a warrior or a knight.

But Hei Xiyue and other Gift Users are different.

Her Gift was not given by God, but from a curse, and [Cancer] is also a very special type among Curse System.

When choosing a job, many difficulties appear.

In her previous life, Hei Xiyue tried many jobs, but 99% of job match values ​​did not reach 60 points.

In the end, she could only reluctantly choose the [Warrior] job.

Even so, the match value barely reaches 60 points.

This also led to her late development potential being much reduced, thus not reaching the Eternal Realm...

"If I can reach the Eternal Realm at that time, those old guys will have no way to capture me!"

Thinking of this, Hei Xiyue couldn't help but clench her fists, her eyes became sharper:

"In this case, I must choose the best Job!"

Choosing a Job depends not only on luck, in fact there is another method, which is ——

[Divine Guidance].

With the guidance of God, you can choose the Job that best suits you.

In the past life, there were many players who had obtained Divine Guidance. They were all the most talented players in their respective beginner areas.

What these people have in common is that on the first day of the newbie protection period, they destroyed all the Wave of Beasts.

"This time, I should also meet the standards."

Hei Xiyue looked around at the solemn statue, silently waiting for Divine Guidance to descend.

But, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes...

10 minutes passed, still no movement.

The statues on both sides were still so quiet, not moving at all.

Even the Hei Xiyue system's notification was the same. She was not discouraged and continued to wait.

1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours...

Hei Xiyue didn't know how long she had been standing, but still no Divine Guidance had come down.

"Why? Where is the problem?"

She stood in place, her face filled with confusion.

Once again, she can guarantee that she is absolutely the pinnacle of countless players on Earth.

The killing efficiency is also good, the number of kills is also good, there is nothing that can be refuted.

She dared to admit that she had done it perfectly.

However, Divine Guidance still did not appear.

Doubt, confusion, not understanding...

All emotions eventually turn into a fire of anger.

She raised her head, three sharp daggers instantly grew from her right hand. She raised her hand and and shot towards the solemn statue not far away.

"Clang bang bang!"

Three bone daggers were firmly embedded on the statue's large face plate, the statue's face shattered into pieces, parts of the stone fell down.

Hei Xiyue glanced around the statue and said:

"Then I will find it myself."

"If it doesn't work once, then twice. If it doesn't work twice, then three times. At worst, I'll just have to stay here!"

Having said that, she walked towards a set of statues.

[ Warning! Warning! Your behavior of disrespecting the gods has been recorded, and now you will be expelled!]

[ Warning! Warning! You behavior ...]

[ Countdown to eviction: 59, 58, 57, 56...]