Chaos God Realm

The name on the Hei Xiyue system board suddenly turned extremely demonic red.

"The colors are still too deep…"

Even though Hei Xiyue was a top kill player in her previous life, she still didn't have such a deep red name.

At that time, she slaughtered millions of members of the Eternal Clan...

Very quickly, a suffix was added to her name -

[ The Blasphemer ].

The Blasphemers?

There really is such a thing as a god?

Hei Xiyue frowned slightly.

Although the Eternal Game is filled with so-called "miracles", there are also many believers in the gods, but she has never seen a real god.

The most advanced existences that Hei Xiyue had ever encountered were all Kings of the Eternal races.

In their race, there are quite a few people who call themselves "Demi-Gods", but no one dares to call themselves gods.

Hei Xiyue quickly pondered what eviction meant?

Is it to expel me from this place?

But based on what?

Just because I broke a set of statues?

Her impression of the gods is getting worse.

Regardless of whether it was her previous life or now, she has never received any blessings from these "Gods", and the accumulated strength is completely dependent on herself.

Gift bestowed by God?

She doesn't have it.

Divine Guidance?

There isn't either.

Even after leaving the newbie protection stage, her time flows faster than a normal person.

To her, the so-called gods were nothing more than self-talk, taking away her remaining life, and then throwing her into this killing field called "Eternal Game".

Everything, she got through her own efforts.

Now, even Transfer Job opportunities must be taken away!

Just then, the system sent another notification:

[Ding! Checking that the player may accidentally damage the statue, now gives you a chance to make up for the mistake. If you bow to the statue for 24 hours or more, you can remove the red name.]

[Notice: Players are asked to kneel before the countdown ends, the system will automatically calculate the time.]


"The person in this world who can let me bow my head and kneel has already passed away, I will never."

[Warning: Countdown is about to end, players are requested to quickly kneel before the statue, otherwise you will forever be deprived of the opportunity to enter the Palace!]

[Warning: Countdown...]

The red warning message kept ringing. Hei Xiyue's expression did not waver at all, she said.

"At worst, there is no Job, I can still think of other ways..."

Just in the last few seconds of the countdown, suddenly a pitch black notification appeared on the system interface:

[Ding! Checking The Blasphemer, the Chaos Camp invites you to enter the Chaos God Realm, do you want...]

The last sentence of the notification was interrupted by a loud electrical sound.

Immediately afterwards, Hei Xiyue was instantly surrounded by a pitch-black, strange aura.

A second later, her eyes fell into darkness.

When her vision gradually recovered, she discovered that she was no longer at the Palace.

Above her head is the endless starry sky, and below her feet is the bright and dazzling purple nebula.

Her body was in a floating state, she was temporarily unable to clearly distinguish where she was in this space, nor did she know which direction was forward and which direction was back.

It's even hard to distinguish between up and down in space.

Because even though her body turned around, the scene she saw was exactly the same as just now.

Hei Xiyue tried floating for a while, but whether it was moving forward or backward, or going up and down, there was no change in all around.

Everything seems to be still, everything seems to be flowing.

Time and space seem to have lost their meaning here.

Hei Xiyue quickly stopped and did not continue moving.

"Come out, I don't have time to play hide and seek with you."

She leisurely spit out these words.

Just now she didn't choose [Agree] to teleport, but she was still transported here by this pitch-black energy.

It was clear that someone had taken her here.

Sure enough, after she finished saying that sentence, strange and gloomy sounds came from all around.

"Whoa whoa, little girl, you've come to the wrong place!"

"Monkey? This is the beast race? How small and weak!"

"Interesting, and she has the mark of the Eternal Game on her body."

"Hmm, why are Eternal Game's slaves here? Let's me kill this ant!"

"Tsk tsk, there is a hint of divinity in her Gift, very weak, but so fragrant, can you let me eat her?"


These sounds are not human language, much less the common language of Eternal Game.

Monstrous, and indescribable.

But without the slightest influence, Hei Xiyue clearly heard the meaning of these words.

One or two of those wills seemed to be eyeing her. She just felt this stare from somewhere unknown, and Hei Xiyue's pressure immediately doubled.

"Shut up, don't touch her, this little girl is mine."

Suddenly, a sound came from the air, instantly causing countless eyes staring at Hei Xiyue to disappear.

The pressure on Hei Xiyue's body suddenly dissipated and returned to normal.

Just as she was thinking about the possibilities, that voice came again:

"Little girl, I know you still have a lot of doubts right now, but with your current strength, knowing too much is no good."

Hei Xiyue asked directly: "Then why did you let me come here?"

"Hm, just giving you a little help."

The sound fell and the system's notification also rang out:

[Ding! Will you accept the test of the Ancient God?]


Hei Xiyue was also a bit surprised.

This is something only the Peak of Civilization has.

Each Eternal race has a small number of elite descendants who can participate in the Gods' test during Transfer Job, thereby obtaining the best Job.

These Jobs are normally Hidden Jobs or Unique Jobs.

But relative to that, not everyone can pass the test of the gods.

Even the best among the Eternal Races, it's not 100% certain they can pass.

Hei Xiyue asked: "Are you a god?"

The question was very direct, and there was not the slightest bit of fear towards the gods in her words.

The voice was not angry and continued to say:

"Strictly speaking, we are not necessarily the worldly definition of that type of [Gods], but it is an even more ancient existence than them."

"That's all, think for yourself."

After hearing these words, Hei Xiyue pondered.

A moment later, she raised her head from her thoughts:

"No matter what you are, as long as you can make me stronger, I can accept all challenges!"

The sound immediately rang out:

"Xxx, as expected of the person I choose."

"But...I won't give in either, xxX..."

As soon as the voice came out, Hei Xiyue's consciousness was once again pulled by a huge energy, disappearing on the spot...