Chapter 3 Photos that cannot be developed

As I draw closer to the truth, This is also the moment when fear is closest to me. I am truly terrified that my suspicions may prove true. Yet, I have come to Er Gouzi specifically to verify that they are not – that everything is merely an illusion of my mind. Located at the eastern end of town, his photography studio is but a brief, fifteen-minute bicycle ride from my home.

During this period of sluggish business for the studio, upon my arrival, I find Er Gouzi absorbed in his headphones, fixatedly staring at his computer screen, oblivious to my entrance. Stealthily, I sneak up behind him and abruptly peer over his shoulder at the display, only to be confronted by a Japanese adult film in full swing.

"Who the hell is it?!" Startled, Er Gouzi jumps to his feet, eyes locking onto me as an awkward expression washes over his face. "Ah, Brother Sheng, what brings you here? This is a new release…"

I can't help but let out a bitter smile, never imagining that even after marriage, Er Gouzi would still indulge in such content early in the morning. Recalling his wife's figure, I can only shake my head in disbelief. Suddenly remembering my grandfather's matter, he consoles me, "Brother , I've heard about Uncle Lin's situation. Please accept my condolences."

Without further ado, Er Gouzi promptly hits the power button to shut down the computer. Initially intending to tease him a bit, I lose all inclination to do so as thoughts of my grandfather weigh heavily on my mind. Sensing my unease, Er Gouzi inquires, "Brother , is there something specific you came here for today?"

After a moment's contemplation, I pose the question, "Er Gouzi , do you believe in ghosts?"

"Ghosts? Did you tell me that you saw your grandfather turn into a ghost?? Is there some injustice surrounding his death, asking you to seek vengeance on his behalf?" At the mere mention of ghosts, Er Gouzi's mind races with ideas, bombarding me with questions. I remember now how he had an affinity for horror films since middle school; once, he skipped class to watch one at the local video arcade, ultimately getting caught and receiving a brutal thrashing from his father, suspended from a tree.

"No, no," I hurriedly clarify, briefly recounting the incident with the photographs. He grows visibly tense, taking the camera from me with a trembling hand and examining each picture, chuckling as he remarks, "Brother , you looked so childish when you were young! And where are those things you mentioned? I don't see any!"

Once he has finished reviewing the photos, he hands the camera back to me, leaving me utterly perplexed. In a hushed tone, I ask, "Didn't you notice anything unusual in the pictures?"

With a casual shrug, he replies, "There's nothing like what you described, Brother . I think you're just too preoccupied with your grandfather's passing. Take some time to rest and recover after this ordeal."

I scrutinize the photographs again, noticing that the shadowy presence seems weaker than the previous night. After a moment's hesitation, I request, "Er Gouzi, could you please develop these photos for me? I'll pay you whatever it costs."

At the mention of money, Er Gouzi becomes indignant. "Dang it, Brother , just because you're a college graduate now doesn't mean we need to be formal! Remember, if it weren't for you letting me copy your homework and helping me during the high school entrance exams, I wouldn't have graduated! Forget the photo expenses; we don't need your money."

Respecting his sentiment, I drop the subject. Ergouzi walked toward the inner room with his camera, while I waited at the door while talking to him.. Our conversation proceeds normally at first, but after a couple of minutes, the room falls eerily silent.

My heart skips a beat as I call out to Er Gouzi several times. The response I receive is a shrill, a chilling sound that sends shivers down my spine and raises goosebumps on my skin. Fearing for Er Gouzi's safety, I forcefully push open the door to reveal an eerie yellow glow illuminating the room, which now exudes an unsettling aura. There stands Er Gouzi, clutching the photographs, convulsed in a disturbing, high-pitched giggle. The sight is so terrifying that it leaves me trembling uncontrollably.

My legs tremble violently as I observe Ergouzi, now facing me sideways. I notice veins bulging on his face, and given recent events, I immediately deduced that he must be possessed by the ghost hidden in the camera.

Without hesitation, I demand, " Ergouzi, give me the photographs! Give them to me now!" As soon as I finish speaking, he suddenly turns to face me, his eyes filled with a demonic terror from the depths of hell, causing me to collapse to the floor in sheer fright . An eerie, sinister grin spreads across Ergouzi's face, his eyes turning blood-red.

The already terrifying scene is exacerbated by the dim, yellowish light within the room . My scalp tingles, and my nerves threaten to snap under the mounting dread, reminding me of my father's ritual burning of the wooden doll last night – a clear indication that matters are far from straightforward.

Realizing that Ergouzi's life is in peril should I leave him unattended, I grit my teeth and launch myself towards him. Just as I reach him, intending to shake him awake, his eyes lock onto mine with a fierce intensity. His body feels icy cold and rigid as steel; as I grasp him, an unbearable chill pierces my hand. He then flings me off with surprising force, following up with a powerful punch aimed straight at my chest.






他伸手摸了摸受伤的头,喘着粗气,"血...血!"扑通一声,他倒在地上,不省人事.我松了一口气,虽然受伤了,但他已经清醒了,我赶紧抱起他就往外跑,心里清楚,如果二狗子死了,我不仅会愧疚,也无法面对他的家人. .

在医院经过迅速的治疗和包扎后,二狗子疑惑地摸了摸自己缠着绷带的头. "刚才发生了什么?我什么都不记得了."我犹豫了一下,才向他讲述了整个过程,让他尖叫道:"难道我真的被鬼附身了?!"
