Chapter 4 Angry Ghost

Upon hearing Er Gouzi mention this matter, I become instantly agitated. This oversight was due to my belief that ghosts simply do not exist in this world, and those claiming to be such Ghost catching expert were merely peddling mysticism. However, the recent chain of events has thoroughly shattered my preconceptions, forcing me to acknowledge that certain inexplicable phenomena do indeed exist, regardless of whether one chooses to believe in them or not.

We eventually locate the said expert, a rather stout individual with a kindly countenance, seated in a street corner. He has an array of divination tools laid out before him: a geomancy chart on the ground, accompanied by several books typical of fortune-tellers seen along busy streets.

In the past, I would have dismissed him without a second glance, yet now, circumstances have changed. Upon Er Gouzi's arrival, the man smiles knowingly and says, "Young man, didn't listen to my warning, eh? Now you're facing that bloodshed I spoke of. Told you we'd meet again. Believe me now?"

His words only reinforce our conviction in his abilities. Panic-stricken, Er Gouzi clutches the expert's hand, pleading, "Ghost catching expert, save me! Save me, please!"

The expert sighs, shaking his head regretfully. "It's too late now. Had you heeded my advice earlier, a few simple instructions from me could have prevented all this. You tried to save a few bucks, oblivious to the fact that our trade comes with inherent risks and responsibilities. We charge not only for our services but also to honor our ancestors. Without their divine protection, I wouldn't dare practice this craft."

Alarmed by his refusal, both Er Gouzi and I beseech him fervently. Finally, Er Gouzi bites the bullet and offers, "If you help us resolve this issue, I'll give you three thousand yuan."

The expert arches an eyebrow at the offer, then relents with another sigh. "There seems to be a connection between us. I can't bear to see you tormented by evil spirits. Fine, three thousand it is. Lead the way, and I'll follow."

With minimal belongings – the geomancy chart and books stowed away in his bag – the expert accompanies us back to Er Gouzi's shop. Both of us are tense, while he remains composed. I take responsibility and withdraw three thousand yuan from a nearby ATM, as the situation stems from my actions, and I cannot let Er Gouzi bear the expense.

Upon arriving at the shop, the expert produces a compass and begins his inspection. Frowning, he remarks, "The yin energy here is incredibly strong. Staying in such an environment for long could not only bring about a blood-related calamity but even endanger your very life. A thorough exorcism is in order. Trust me when I say that charging you three thousand is more than fair."

We nod eagerly, our respect for him growing. He scans the area, pointing out, "See there? A chilling breeze stirring..." His finger directs our attention to the fluttering curtains at the window, and a sudden gust of cold air sends shivers down my spine. Er Gouzi, who was once fearless in his youth, now clutches my arm tightly, his nerves frayed.

Amused by our reactions, the expert chuckles, "Rest assured, with me present, no malevolent spirit dares harm you. Here are three incense sticks. Your task is to tend to the incense burner until they burn out. Once they do, I'll expel these impure entities from the room."

At this moment, my faith in the expert is absolute; he is our Superman, our Ultraman, the one we rely on to vanquish the supernatural foe.

We fetch a flowerpot, Er Gouzi swiftly uproots the plant, and I use a lighter to ignite the three incense sticks, which we then insert into the empty pot. The room falls eerily silent, and as we exchange uneasy glances, our bodies tremble uncontrollably.

I survey the surroundings, finding nothing amiss, while the expert maintains an air of calm assurance. Given that it is broad daylight and we have this formidable ally by our side, I dare not entertain the notion that any malicious spirit would dare act up.

The expert then commences his incantations, hands gesturing rhythmically as he mumbles under his breath. I am awestruck by his performance, the room filled solely with the sound of his chanting, leaving me too afraid to even breathe, lest I inadvertently provoke the spirits.

Er Gouzi and I stand frozen, wide-eyed, watching him intently. All appears normal, and soon the expert assumes a cross-legged position on the floor, continuing his invocations. I can almost feel the oppressive yin energy closing in, sending chills down my spine. The ritual is set to last the duration of one incense stick, roughly fifteen to sixteen minutes – an interminable wait for us.

Throughout this ordeal, I silently pray for the malevolent forces to spare us. After a couple of minutes, the expert instructs, "Keep an eye on the incense, ensuring it doesn't extinguish."

I nod in response, the room now thick with the pungent aroma of incense.Our eyes are fixed on the burning incense.The master ceases speaking, his eyes remaining closed as he continues his relentless incantations. The two of us stand there, transfixed like a pair of simpletons.

Approximately five minutes elapse when I suddenly feel an intense chill upon my neck. Initially assuming it to be a draft, I quickly realize the sensation is unlike wind – it feels as though someone is breathing directly onto my neck, causing the right side to turn icy cold.

As the chill seeps into my body, I involuntarily shudder, my heart pounding in fear. A term involuntarily surfaces in my mind: 'ghostly breath.' Could it be that a ghost is exhaling on my right side?

This terrifying thought sends shivers coursing through my entire being, my teeth chattering uncontrollably. At that precise moment, I sense someone tugging at me, and unable to withstand the fear any longer, I scream, "Ghost!" Er Gouzi, reacting to my cry, joins in the frenzied shouting, the two of us behaving like madmen.

Realizing it is Er Gouzi who pulled me, I hear the master's composed voice assuring us, "Calm down. With me here, which evil spirit dares to act up?"

I mutter an understanding, then inquire of Er Gouzi, "Why did you pull me?"

"Brother , I'm scared!" Second Dog quivers, confessing his fear. Truthfully, I am more terrified than he is. I tentatively touch my neck, feeling an icy chill that pierces to the bone. If it weren't for a ghost breathing next to my neck, how could it be so cold?

"I'm scared too. Don't pull me; it only makes me more frightened," I stammer, my voice trembling. Er Gouzi whispers hesitantly, "Brother , you were just breathing on my neck, as if saying something. I dared not speak, so I wanted to nudge you..."

These words plunge my heart into utter despair, confirming that something was indeed breathing on my back moments ago. My only hope now lies in the master's ability to banish the malevolent entity. As Er Gouzi tugs at me again, I whisper anxiously, "What is it?"

"Brother , haven't you noticed...the incense is burning too fast?" Er Gouzi observes in hushed tones. I turn my attention to the incense sticks in the flowerpot, and sure enough, two are burning slowly, while the one on the right is rapidly dwindling, reduced by half and its smoke wafting directly toward me, causing my face to pale instantly.

Initially attributing the accelerated burning to poor incense quality, I realize that this rate is far too swift, as if someone were hungrily drawing upon the flame. Meanwhile, the master sits cross-legged on the ground, his eyes tightly shut, fingers contorted in what appears to be a spell-casting gesture.

I dare not disturb him, nor am I well-versed in the intricacies of incense burning, remembering only that the flame must not be allowed to extinguish. In desperation, I picked up another stick of incense, lit it tremblingly, and put the one that was almost used up back in its place.. Er Gouzi's face hardens, his eyes fixed intently on the incense.

Despite the addition of this new stick, the incense continues to burn at an alarming speed, swiftly catching up to the other two. Instinctively, I sense that this is a dire omen.

A realization dawns upon me, prompting me to hurriedly consult my smartphone. Just as I finish searching, there is a loud crack, and the room's lightbulb shatters, plunging the space into pitch darkness, save for the dim glow emanating from my phone screen. On it, I read an explanation stating that left and center lengths equal indicate balance, while a shorter right stick signifies a 'death '!

The revelation of 'death ' strikes terror into my heart. Could this truly portend our imminent demise?

Panic-stricken, I cry out, "Master, Did we piss off the ghost,he wants to kill us?"