

I looked between the two of them. Kenny had a grim expression and his lips were in a thin line. Jason's jaw was clenched and the burning anger was clear in his eyes. I looked between them once again, suddenly feeling tongue tied.

Jason cupped my face, his thumb stroking my cheek as he continued. "We didn't bring it up because we didn't want to remind you of that horrible stuff, but we're your mates and despite how much we want you, we can control ourselves well no matter what, so we had decided to just wait till you're more healed…" he trailed off to huff and glance away while his jaw flexed a little,

"this is exactly why I badly wanted to kill him myself, how dare he do that to you?" His voice hardened this home and I took his hand in mine and brought it up to kiss it, and then I let out a breath after clearing my throat.