

One moment, I was laughing along to my mates and the kids, and the very next moment, I was screaming in panic as a large truck suddenly loomed right in front of me. I was completely caught off guard and fear lodged itself in my throat as a hard lump while I struggled to get back control of the steering wheel. All that was currently going on in my mind was the fact that kids were in here with me right now, innocent kids who didn't deserve to be in any sort of accident right now.

The truck keep speeding forward and I desperately tried to stop the car, but sidensly all the buttons weren't working, I was left bursting with nerves while my heart hammered away. One moment, the large headlights of the truck in front of me was blinding me completely. From the back of my mind, I could hear the panic in Kenny's and Jason's voice, but my throat felt too tight for me to respond.