Cedric's Request for Help

Soon everyone came flying out, once the match started the Slytherin team had immediately tried to score, only to be stopped by Ginny who effortlessly blocked their attempt. Harry by that point had seen the snitch, but kept to his usual strategy of letting the others play first. Harry was half paying attention as he was mentally speaking to Ginny.

'How is your first game going?'

'It's pretty brilliant. I mean it feels weird to play in front of all these people but I'm enjoying it'

'I'm glad, oh, heads up. Quaffle coming!'

'Thanks, I had barley caught that'

'Not a problem Gin, at least you're having more fun than me, I'm stuck up here with Malfoy'

'Malfoy?' Ginny raised an eyebrow

'Malfoy is using the old 'watch the other seeker and see if he can see the snitch then try and steal it from him' tactic. You'd have thought that after three years of playing quidditch against me he would realize it doesn't work. Though to be fair, his furious face is currently giving me life.'

'What do you mean?'

'He's a bit annoyed at the fact that I'm not doing much' Ginny suppressed a laugh 'and what's worse is the fact that he hasn't realized he could have tried looking for the snitch himself. He's a complete idiot, I believe that he is what the purebloods refer to as a 'disgrace'.'

'What do you refer to him as?' Ginny mentally asked as she blocked another shot

'A complete and utter fuck up' Was Harrys reply 'Oh, Angelina gave me the signal. I'm going to go and get the snitch, talk later'

A minute later the match had been won and Malfoy, after failing to catch Harry, had landed in the teachers stand on Umbridge, needless to say Harry was pleased. He was even more pleased when he and Ginny decided to have a post-match celebration together.

Malfoy and Umbridge were both sent to the hospital wing, unfortunately for Harry they would both survive and be out the next day. Unfortunately for the two, Malfoy had got detention and cost Slytherin house a lot of points.

The most eventful thing happened a few days after, when Harry and Ginny had gotten a letter to meet Astoria at Hogsmead, the two did so and found themselves in a corner of the Hogshead bar. Astoria walked in, but what was surprising was she was followed by Cedric.

"What's going on?" Harry asked as the two sat down, Harry placed some silencing and privacy charms around after he saw the look on their faces, their looks were very serious and instantly told him about how the meeting is going to be like.

"Harry" Cedric let out a deep breath "I don't know how to tell you this, but I need your help."

"What with?" Harry replied

"My sister" Cedric looked at Harry with sleep deprived eyes, he handed Harry a piece of paper which had the image and name of a young man with black hair, he looked a lot like the young Tom Riddle but not as handsome "there's a problem. This guy, his name is Jonathon Vipe, him and all of his family are big supporters of you-know-who.

He only recently got out of Azkaban, apparently one of his ancestors had made a pact with one of mine, saying that they could demand one thing from us. He demanded to marry my sister!"

"He what?!" Harry and Ginny exclaimed

"It's true" Cedric rubbed his eyes "Megan doesn't want to marry him either, but according to him he's the last of his house and he needs an heir."

"That's awful" Harry looked at the picture and was disgusted.

"Harry" Cedric continued "she can't get married to him. He's a death eater! And a pretty bad one at that, Megan, Megan is upset. I'm scared Harry, I'm scared that she's going to kill herself or run away. I know what you can do, I know your Curse. Harry, I'm begging you! Please help her…"

"Cedric" Harry interrupted "I would have helped her even if it wasn't you who was asking. Do you know where he is?" Cedric shook his head "alright, give me a week and I should be able to find him. I hope you don't mind if I do things in a non-legal way."

"Just help my sister!" Cedric pleaded

"Cedric" Ginny placed a hand on the older boys shoulder "Harry is going to help out, he's just letting you know that he isn't going to be nice in the way he does it. We just want to know if you'd be alright giving Harry free reign?"

"I can live with that" Cedric replied "Harry the guy went to Azkaban for rape and everyone knows that he only got out thanks to bribery, that's not the kind of person I want Megan to marry and definitely not the kind Megan wants to marry."

"Ok" Harry nodded "give me a week, I'll owl you if it will take longer but I'll have him for you."

"Thank you!" Cedric sighed in relief "I have to go now, I'll owl you later" With that the former Hufflepuff left and Harry and Ginny turned to Astoria who looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Harry" She spoke quietly, which worried Harry and Ginny as usually the girl was full of energy "could…could you come to my house? There's something…something….happened to Daphne" Without further words Harry grabbed Ginny and Astoria and the three vanished, only to reappear in the Greengrass mansion.

"So what happened?" Ginny asked

"Harry" Tears dripped from down Astoria's eyes "Daphne, she was…s…she was raped!"

"WHAT?!" Harry roared, unaware of the fact that in his anger he had exploded several things nearby "WHEN?! BY WHO?!"

"I don't know!" Astoria began openly crying, Ginny hugged the poor girl. The two didn't know what to say "she was allowed to leave Hogwarts for a night to visit us then she came back with all of her clothes ripped! Mum had to be put on a dreamless sleep potion and a calming draught because she was too upset to do anything else! Father left to the ministry and is demanding action!"

"Alright" Harrys expression hardened "Ginny you take care of Astoria, I'm going upstairs to see Daphne."

"Wait, Harry, she's upset!" Astoria objected

"I know" Harry put on a determined expression "and to be honest I have no idea with how to deal with this, what happened to her is horrible and she'll probably need you a lot more. But if I have a way to make the memories easier and find the bastard who did this! Just trust me, please." Astoria sniffed and thought for a while.


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