A Brother's Comfort

She thought about her sister, how she had always put on a cold mask and was named 'Ice queen' because of it. She thought about how she didn't use that mask with Harry, she thought about how Harry and her sister had become brother and sister. It was clear Daphne trusted him, and from what she saw, Daphne needed all the help she could get.

"Fine" Astoria managed to get out "but hurt my sister and I'll hex you myself"

"Thanks" Harry nodded before heading upstairs, he made his way over to Daphne's room.

He slowly opened the door, and the sight that greeted him was Daphne curled up against the headrest of her bead with her knees tucked to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. Daphne's hair was not controlled like usual, her eyes were red, she didn't even attempt to use her ice queen persona, she looked as if she was putting all her will into not crying.

"Hey Daphne" Harry spoke softly as he closed the door, he noticed Daphne backed away a little bit and the fear in her eyes. Harry decided to walk slowly, he didn't want to startle her and as an added gesture he kept his hands up "Daphne, it's me Harry. Remember? Lion brother? The golden idiot? Or one of those other thirty nick names you came up with?" Daphne still looked a bit worried with each step he took.

"Listen Daphne, I don't know what to say. Ginny's better at this stuff then I am, emotions and feelings are stuff I was never good at. I don't want to say the wrong thing and hurt you but I'm going to try okay. I know pain Daphne, I know suffering but my experiences aren't the same as yours. I'm not going to give you that everything will be fine bull that everyone else has probably given you, I know you don't want to hear that. But I'm going to tell you what you need to hear" Harry stopped by her bed, and slowly sat down. Daphne looked like she wanted to apparate a way.

"Daphne you are a strong person, but you're not alone. Astoria, your mother, your father, Ginny and me, we're all here for you. We won't abandon you, we'd never abandon you, and I know your strong enough to get through this. I don't know how to make you feel better, I really don't Daphne, I'm out of my depth here and I'm sorry for that. The only thing I can do is stop the bastard that did this from doing this to anyone else." Daphne sniffled a little, her teary blue eyes were firmly on Harry's green emerald ones.

"I'm your brother Daphne, you're my sister, we're family. I promise you, I promise you that I will do my best to protect you from now on. I'm going to make him suffer Daphne, I'll make him pay. He's going to regret the day he decided to hurt you! They're all going to regret the pain and death they liked to spread, I'm going to make them pay. Every single one of them! I'll do it so you and your sister can live in peace with your family. No matter what happens, me and Ginny are here for you"

The two sat in silence, neither willing to look away from each other, Harry felt like Daphne was trying to look into his soul. Like she was trying to work out if he was honest or a threat, but he didn't look away, he couldn't look away. He had to be strong.

"H…H…Harry" Daphne spoke after five minutes of silence "I'm scared. I don't want to be, but I'm scared"

"There's nothing wrong with that Daphne" Harry slowly wrapped his arms around her and hugged her "it's alright to be scared Daphne, everyone is scared at some point. You're strong but I don't think even you can get over this that quickly, but I promise that your family will be here to help you through it."

Daphne looked like she wanted to say something but found out she couldn't, she no longer tried to block the tears. She let them flow out, she hugged Harry back. Crying out into his shoulder, the tears dripped down his shirt but he didn't move.

Ginny who was comforting Astoria, decided to take a look at what Harry was doing. She looked into his mind, and saw the scene that was occurring. Harry was holding Daphne as she cried herself out on his shoulder, Ginny couldn't help but feel sad, in her eyes Daphne was always the cool pretty and funny girl. Seeing her like this broke Ginny's heart. She backed out, deciding to give Daphne her privacy.

"Daphne" Harry spoke once her tears had started to slow down "I'm sorry to make you think about this, but it's best if we do it now before he has the chance to do it again."

"What?" Daphne slowly let go "what are you talking about?"

"The guy that did this to you" Daphne flinched "I'm going to find him, then I'm going to kill him. Do you know who he is?"

"No" Daphne closed her eyes and shook her head "all…I know…was he had a dark mark"

"Daphne do you know what a pensive is?"


"It's a really rare magical device that can allow people to view memories"

"So?" Daphne raised her head slightly

"I know you won't want to do it" Harry conjured a vial "but hear me out, if you refuse then I'll respect your decision. If you want to, then I'd like you to give me a memory. The memory of what happened"

"Why?" Daphne asked in a quiet voice "I trust you Harry but why?"

"If you let me view the memory then I can see the person who did this and track them down. Plus there's the benefit of what will happen to you"


"Yeah, taking out a memory can help, apparently it eases the mind or relives some of the feelings or something like that. Long story short it will help you if I take out the memory it will ease some of the feelings in your mind. If you let me do this then I promise you that I will leave the memory as soon as possible, I'll see the guy then quickly stop looking and give it back to you. I'll make sure nobody else sees it, not even Ginny, I'll block off our connection for a bit so she can't see."

"Are you sure about this?" Daphne wiped away her tears

"Yeah Daphne" Harry nodded "I just need to see who did it, that way I can find him."

"Okay' Daphne coughed "okay Harry, I trust you."

"Thanks Daphne, Dobby" The elf popped in "can you and Stink get my pensive please"

'Ginny' Harry telepathically called 'I'm going to shut my mind off from yours temporarily okay'

'Okay Harry, but what's going on?'

'Daphne is letting me view her memory of what happened so I can work out who did this, I told her I'd show nobody else, that includes you. Sorry'

'That's fine, just…kill that bastard'

'That's the plan, oh the pensive is here, I got to go'


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