The Memory Extraction

Dobby and Stink left, Harry slowly and gently placed his wand on Daphne's forehead. After removing her memory and putting it in a vial, he gave her one more hug before placing it in the pensive. Harry took a breath and dived in, true to his word he immediately left after he saw the persons face. In all honesty he didn't want to stay there any longer than he had to do so.

"Well?" Daphne asked in an anxious voice "do you know who he is?"

"Yeah" Harry sighed "he's a distant relative of the Malfoy family, he's name is Warius. Fortunately I already was tracking him down"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, him and the other death eaters were making trouble so I had planned to pay them a visit. In all honesty I was tracking someone else but I know that Warius is with him. Tomorrow morning you'll be reading about how his body was found in the great hall"

"The great hall?" Daphne asked "why are you going to take his body to the school?"

"It's a message" Harry simply replied "the students will start taking me seriously, as will the ministry and Dumbledore. Plus when the death eaters realize I could kill one of their own and sneak in and out of Hogwarts while they can't then they are going to be running scared. I promised you Daphne, I'd make every single one of them pay."

"I'm not going to read about it" Daphne spoke in a determined voice "I'm going to school tomorrow and I want to see it up front"

"Daphne you…"

"Harry please!" Daphne interrupted "I know you want to protect me but I need to see it! Please Harry, please!"

"Fine" Harry rubbed his eyes "but I should warn you, it's not going to be a pretty sight"

"I hope so" Daphne replied

Soon Harry and Ginny left, they just managed to get back to the common room by curfew. Fortunately today wasn't their turn to do the prefect rounds as they were definitely not in the mood for it, and they were definitely not in the mood for the two people they met in the common room.

"Your late" Hermione pointed out as she and Ron looked to the two.

"Yeah by one minute, go ahead and sue us" Ginny retorted, it took every piece of will power she possessed to not hex Hermione there and then.

"But you're still late" Hermione argued, the rest of the common room watched. Normally they enjoyed seeing the four interact as it was very entertaining, but even they could tell that Harry and Ginny weren't in the mood. Unfortunately Ron and Hermione couldn't "as prefects you should be setting a better example"

"Look Hermione" Ginny responded in a strong voice as she brought out her wand and pointed it at the bushy haired nuisance "me and Harry have had a rough day, a really rough day! We are in no mood to listen to a jealous, hypocritical idiot! Annoy me one more time then you will find yourself clinging to life at the St Mungo's hospital, consequences be dammed!" Hermione took a step back.

"Hey!" Ron interrupted "you can't…"

"Ron!" Now it was Harrys turn "like Ginny said, we are not in the mood. You've got a choice right now, you can either chose to be quiet or you can have fun knowing that I will use your vital organs to decorate the common room. At this point I really don't care which" Hermione and Ron backed away as Harry and Ginny stormed past them and up to their rooms.

"Idiots" Seamus muttered

"Don't be so nice" Dean did the same

Once Harry and Ginny got to their rooms, Harry apparated to Ginny and apparated the both of them to their own private room. For appearance's sake they were both sleeping in the Gryffindor tower, they had decided to keep their room a secret, for now at least.

"Harry" Ginny spoke quietly "happy hunting"

"I don't know about happy" Harry replied "but I can promise successful"

Harry reached his hands behind his head and pretended to put a hood over his head. His clothes transformed, he was now wearing black combat boots and trousers, his knife holster appeared on his legs, then the black shirt and finally came the black robes. The hooded robe left a shadow over his face, so nobody could see it. Ginny was right in front of him and she still couldn't see it, frankly if she didn't know it was Harry she would be very scared. Harry popped away and the hunt began.

Warius was currently enjoying himself, he was at a bar and got free everything. Probably because he threatened the owner but still, he looked around the bar and smiled happily. Being surrounded by his fellow death eaters and having wine in one hand and a woman in the other made him very happy. Truthfully he liked them a bit younger, like that blonde girl he had yesterday. She was good, screamed too much at first but still.

A knock was heard at the door.

"I bet you all that it's smithy" Warius joked "stupid bastard is always late"

The knock was heard once more

"Will one of you get the damn door?!" Warius roared

"Why don't you do it?" One of the death eaters responded

"I've got a woman on my lap" Warius replied "it'd be mean to force her to move, now go on and get the damn door."

The knock was heard for a third time.

"Alright!" One of the death eaters called as he walked towards the door "we're coming you prat" The death eater laid his hand on the handle, he opened the door.


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