All eyes widened as they saw the saw the dreaded Curse sitting in the headmasters chair and some even puked at the sight of the body hanging from the ceiling. Dumbledore eyed up the relaxed vigilante, his magical power was strong. Even more so than Harry Potters, he had heard many rumours about the man, some even debated if he was human.
"Students" Curse spoke "leave, you can skip breakfast for the day"
Curse looked at the horrified students, when a few in particular caught his eye. Ginny Weasley stood by his alter ego, both looking at him with a knowing smirk. He'd return it if it wasn't for the fact that his face was covered. Neville and the twins had joined the McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick in being incredibly confused, seeing the smile on Ginny and Harrys face did comfort them somewhat. At this point he noticed Daphne, she stood by Ginny, her eyes watered. So many emotions passed over her face before a smile possessed her face.
"Alright" Harry called "everyone out. Let's leave the vigilante alone so he can do his job"
"Mr Potter?" Dumbledore asked
"That son of a bitch" Harry pointed at the hanging body "is a piece of shit who rapes people for fun and if someone wants to take action against him, then they have my support"
"Thank you Mr Potter" Curse smiled, not that anyone could see it "take the students away with you, me and the adults are going to talk"
"You don't scare me" Draco shouted "you're nothing but a peasant who…" What Draco was about to say next would be unknown as a blast from Curse hit him and he was transformed into a ferret, he made a weird noise that was probably a squeak or whatever noises ferrets make and ran out of the hall.
"You heard the man" Harry addressed the crowd "let's go" Harry and the majority of the students ran out of the hall to their own common rooms, except for Ginny, Daphne and Harry who had found themselves in an abandoned classroom.
"Nice job" Ginny turned to Harry "the real Harry was impressed, he'll probably tell you himself"
"Thanks" Harry responded before slowly changing shape, his body shrunk until he was Ginny's height, his hair turned yellow and grew in length. His eyes morphed from green to blue as his face changed. Two seconds later, Harry was replaced by a smiling Astoria Greengrass.
"Harry was right" Astoria hugged Ginny "Polyjuice tastes horrible, but how did he know it does?"
"Oh we got bored one day during our first year" Ginny began explaining after the hug finished "Harry brewed the Polyjuice potion and turned himself into Ron, we stole some Slytherin robes and we had Harry dress up in them and then we took pictures and sent them to mum. Needless to say she was furious" All three girls laughed for a while before Astoria and Ginny turned to Daphne.
"How are you feeling?" Ginny asked
"Weird" Was Daphne's reply "I'm still a bit…I don't know the word, but I still have negative feelings. But seeing that made me feel so much better, I'm not exactly over it but this helped. I'm worried about Harry to be honest, I noticed that Dumbledore stayed in the hall along with Umbridge."
"Ha" Ginny waved an arm "don't worry about Harry, now come on, we need to get back, I'm sure Harry will show you what happened later in his pensive."
In the hall Curse was as relaxed as a cucumber, he analysed the room, Umbridge was here but she was about as threatening to him as Draco was. He saw Flitwick, McGonagall and Sprout, they clearly had to play along. He'd do his best not to hurt them, Slughorn had run off with the other students. Not that he cared, that was just one less problem, then he laid his eyes on Dumbledore.
"The dreaded Curse I presume" Dumbledore raised his wand "you are trespassing on Hogwarts grounds"
"Funny" Curse replied "you are trespassing in the world of the living, ask me to leave and I'll ask the same of you"
"Enough of this!" Umbridge snapped "I am Dolores Umbridge! Senior secretory to the Minister of Magic and High inquisitor of Hogwarts"
"And I am sure you parents are proud" Curse sarcastically responded, McGonagall's lips turned upwards slightly before she straightened them "listen to me you pink coloured hag, your titles mean nothing to me."
"How dare you?" Umbridge screamed, she was about to say more when a blast from Curse struck her, she flew back and hit the wall outside the hall.
Dumbledore was in shock, the only reason he didn't stop the blast was because it was a simple stunner and he thought it would be beneficial to keep Umbridge out of this but his blast had the power of at least ten stunners. Sprout, Flitwick and McGonagall rushed to her.
"She's alive" Flitwick announced, in a rather disappointed tone. Before the teachers could say anything, the doors closed, leaving the teachers outside the great hall.
"Oh well" McGonagall shrugged "that's that, I guess I should call the aurors, would one of you take her to the hospital wing?" McGonagall walked away, Professor Sprout was about to say anything when she realised that Flitwick had bolted in the opposite direction and had already left.
"Shit" She looked down at the unconscious body of Umbridge "ah well, could be worse, she could be conscious"
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