Albus Dumbledore did his best to not look at the dead death eater and instead looked at Curse who had gotten up and was now standing on the head table. He didn't like the way Curse was looking down at him.
"Why did you do this?" Dumbledore gestured to the dead body
"To make a point" Curse replied "no death eater is safe, not when I'm around. Your students have realised that, they saw that body and they saw reality. Not the illusion you've created, the illusion where everything will be fine and nobody will get hurt."
"You didn't need to kill him" Dumbledore responded "he was an evil man, but still a man"
"What would you have had me do with him?"
"Send him to Azkaban, give him time to think about his crimes. Let him redeem and repent his action"
"And let others suffer when he does not" Curse countered "some people are beyond redemption Dumbledore."
"Not everyone believes that"
"Potter does" Curse replied "I've heard tales of his strength, perhaps I should recruit him to my cause"
"You will stay away from Potter!" Dumbledore ordered, he was a bit worried. Harry had similar views to Curse and he couldn't let Harry join up with him.
"Why?" Curse asked in an almost innocent voice "you've sentenced him to a life of hell at the hands of muggles all because Voldermort decided to kill him and his parents that night."
"Harry is needed for the light side" Dumbledore gritted his teeth
"Light side?" Curse chuckled "your light is a joke, you capture criminals but do nothing to insure they stop hurting others. Azkaban no longer works, the death eaters have broken out of there"
"If we kill it makes us no better than Voldermort" Dumbledore argued "it makes you no better than Voldermort"
"I disagree" Curse jumped down from the table "I take lives to save others, he does it because he can."
"You would make a great asset to the light side" Dumbledore replied "you have skill and power, you'd be most valuable. With you and Harry, we could end the war"
"The war will be ended but it will be my way that ends it"
"What way is that?"
"Me looking into Voldermorts eyes as death claims his soul" Curse answered
"I can't let you do that" Dumbledore said firmly
"I can't let you stop me" Curse quickly replied
Dumbledore sent a stunner at Curse who dodged before sending his own, Dumbledore dodged and sent another stunner. Curse batted it away with his wand before he sent a cutting curse at Dumbledore. Dumbledore barley ducked in time, he used the disarming spell. Just before it hit him, Curse threw his wand in the air, the spell had hit his hand but as his wand was not there, nothing flew out.
Dumbledore had to admit it was a unique and inventive move but he was busy being surprised at the fact that his spell didn't even push Curse back. He saw the wand falling back down, he was about to summon it when he saw Curse aiming his hand at him. Curse sent a stunner from his hand and Albus barley managed to get a shield up in time, Curses wand landed in his hand and he threw another cutting curse.
Dumbledore rolled out of the way, when a blast of fire flew at him, Dumbledore blocked it and was immediately greeted by another and one after that. Curse was firing rapidly with impressive speed, Albus barley managed to send a stunner at him while avoiding his tenth fire blast. Curse casually flicked it away.
"I must confess" Curse said "I am rather disappointed. No wonder the light side fails"
"What is that supposed to mean?" Dumbledore shot another stunner
"It means that you're foolish" Curse ducked "if you believe that you can beat me simply with stunners and disarming, then you are guaranteed to lose"
"Incendio" Dumbledore bellowed, a massive burst of fire shot from his wand. Curse raised his own and countered with a giant jet of water.
"Aren't you adorable?" Curse joked.
Dumbledore prepared to send another spell but Curse beat him to it, he fired a dark spell at him. Dumbledore saw the spell, he recognised the shape and colour of it. If this spell hit him it would make his eyelashes go inward so every time he blinked his eyes would be poked by his lashes. While it may not sound deadly to some it could seriously damage his eyes so he quickly stepped out of the way.
The two traded spells for another five minutes, by that point all the windows were broken and the head table was smashed into pieces while one of the walls had a massive scorch mark, Dumbledore decided to keep using non harmful spells while Curse used pretty much anything except the unforgivables. Dumbledore was realising that he had to take it up a notch, he turned one of the plates into an owl and sent it at Curse. Hopefully the owl would have distracted him enough for Dumbledore to land a spell. However Curse had immediately transformed a plate into an eagle and the two birds met in mid-air.
The eagle quickly got the upper hand and after dispatching the owl he flew straight at Dumbledore, Dumbledore got rid of the meddlesome bird when he was struck in the nose. He stepped back to see the thing that hit him was a goblet, ignoring his displeasure at the wasted pumpkin juice that was spilling from it, he saw Curse had magically sent another which Dumbledore had swatted away.
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