Finally Remus regained his voice. "Dumbledore mentioned you had saved the Beauxbatons Champion and her hostage's lives, is that what led to…" the sentence was left hanging as a question.
"It's not a life debt Remus, it is a bond of love."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't implying anything. I'm just not familiar with this bond," Remus said. "If you're happy with it Harry, of course I'm happy for you."
Harry was about to reply, when Remus performed a perfect lead in. Moony had turned to Hermione, "You know I would have sworn you and Harry would get together someday. The way you always looked out for each other."
Hermione grinned, "Well you never know how things will turn out do you?" She walked over to Harry who was still standing next to Fleur. She looked at her older bond sister. "Do you mind if I borrow Harry for a minute?"
"Oh please do, 'Ermione," Fleur said smiling.
Remus's jaw dropped and had no chance of recovering anytime in the near future when Hermione and Harry engaged in a kiss similar to the first deep kiss they had shared. It was many seconds later when the two of them finally parted. Harry looked over at the Marauder. "Oh Moony, I think you're familiar with Hermione, my last bondmate."
Sirius couldn't contain himself as he howled out in laughter at the look of his old friend's face. Finally the werewolf looked up and smiled. "Okay you got me. That was a good joke."
"Sirius is only laughing at your expression Remus," Harry said. "It's no joke. I am the bondmate of all three of these ladies. They are my family."
"How…I mean…well…you said it was a Veela bond and Hermione obviously isn't Veela. Unless I missed something. I mean I thought she was muggleborn."
Harry and the three ladies launched into a description of what happened in the second task and all that led up to the bonding and how Hermione had joined. Harry was even willing to describe some of the things the Dursleys did to him.
"You were correct Prof..Remus," Hermione said. "Harry and I have always looked out for each other, and now we will all look out for each other. Fleur and Gabrielle are my sisters."
They explained to Remus their reason for wanting to keep the bond secret, and who currently knew about it and the discussions continued until Remus hit on the last thing.
"How did Fleur open the Chamber upstairs?" He asked Harry. "You agreed that parseltongue could not be taught, but she said you were her teacher."
Harry smiled at Fleur, "You want to explain this one?"
Fleur nodded and started "Ze Veela bond is a connection of ze 'eart and ze minds," She explained. "We can feel 'Arry's emotions and 'ear or understand what 'e is thinking."
"You can read each others minds?" Remus asked sitting up quickly.
"Thoughts," Harry answered. "I can't pull a memory from her without her thinking about it."
"And emotions," Fleur said. "I know if 'Arry is sad or 'appy. But we found out if 'Arry thinks about doing something, we can feel ze memory, experience it even. So 'Arry remembers opening ze Chamber and we can feel exactly what 'e did and duplicate it."
"So you can learn parseltongue?" Remus said.
"We can only duplicate ze sounds and actions. To us we are still 'issing and really not understanding what we are saying," Fleur explained. "We can't talk to snakes but we can open ze Chamber."
"We better get back upstairs now," Harry said. "It's probably about lunchtime and I want to see about Ron."
Sirius put his arm around his old friend. "Are you planning on sharing my humble abode?"
"Yes, I guess I can keep you company."
"Well make sure you conjure yourself a chamberpot, there's no bathroom down here."
"What have you been doing?" Remus asked.
"Well it's a lot easier to use the bathroom as a dog and then banish it later," Sirius said. "Besides it's a unique kind of fun to hike up your leg and piss on old Salazar over there," And he pointed at the statute of the fourth founder who had created the Chamber. A foot of the statue had a wet shine about it in contrast to the surrounding dusty rock.
At that everyone started laughing.
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