Down in the Chamber

"Are you coming back later?" Sirius called to the bondmates as they started out of the Chamber.

"Yes. We're planning on studying down here unless you don't want us to," Hermione replied.

"Oh you're more than welcome anytime. But can you bring me a supply of Quills and parchment? I told Albus I would map out the Chamber."

"Sure. Anything else you need?"

"Books would be nice. Something to do," Sirius requested and then with a grin, "A couple of scantily clad nurses with a week's supply of Fire Whisky would also work."

One of Hermione's eyebrow rose but she grinned. "That might be a little more difficult, but we can see if any of Hagrid's Skrewts are available. They're hot and hard to handle."

Sirius had heard the students talk about the Skrewts in the Great Hall. "Uh, thanks but maybe another time."

Remus looked confused, "What's a Skrewt?"

"The correct name is Blast-Ended Skrewt," Hermione explained. "Rita Skeeter wrote about them in her article about Hagrid after the Ball. Seems Hagrid mixed some Manticores and Firecrabs and created something he calls 'interesting'. Currently they are about six feet long and growing. They have armored shells, poisonous stingers and moves by explosive propulsion. We've enjoyed their company this year in Care of Magical Creatures."

Remus paled at the thought of what she described. "They sound, uh...interesting."

"Trust me when I say if I don't ever see another one, it will be too soon," Harry said.

"Harry, before you go, I should ask. Do you know why I'm here?" Remus asked.

"Dursleys? Professor Dumbledore mentioned he had asked you to come," Harry replied.

"How do you feel about it?"

Harry looked his old Professor in the eyes, "That question is hard to answer Moony. In the last two weeks my perspective on a lot of things has changed," Harry wrapped his arms around Gabrielle and pulled her a little closer to him, and smiled at Fleur. "What they did to me almost cost two very special women their futures, but it also gave me the love of a third special woman," His eyes turned to Hermione and he smiled at her then he returned his gaze back to Lupin. "But there is no excuse for treating me as they did. Would I like for their lives to be uncomfortable, yes. Do I want them hurt? Not really, at least not seriously," Harry grinned. "When I left their house this year, Fred and George Weasley pranked my cousin with a piece of candy that caused his tongue to grow several feet, I still chuckle at that thought."

Remus nodded and turned to Sirius, "I think we can manage something that they will remember."

"I think you're right Moony, I think you're right," Sirius agreed with a smile.

"You might even want to talk to the twins; they've invented some really cool stuff," Harry explained. "They have a new candy when you eat it and it turns you into a Canary for a short time and then you turn back. The two of them are geniuses when it comes to inventing stuff."

"We weren't so bad ourselves in the days," Moony replied. "The map you seem to have trouble holding onto is a prime example."

That caused Harry to look down. "Yeah and when I get it back I'm locking it away. Each time I've let it out of my hands, Sirius has been put into jeopardy. Last year if I'd kept it safe, Snape wouldn't have known we were in the Shrieking Shack and this year I let Moody have it."

"Not your fault pup," Sirius replied.

"Last year was my fault Harry," Remus said and turning to Sirius, "I do regret that Padfoot. If I hadn't left the map out…"

"Moony, I'm not going to let you go there either," Sirius said, "If Snivelus can't figure out how to get over a grudge, it's not your fault," Sirius looked back to Harry "But you can do what we did to protect that map when you get it back. We had a hidden pocket in our robes and kept an identical looking blank parchment in our regular pocket. If Filch or a Professor became curious about us looking at a piece of parchment, we just handed over the blank one."

"How did Filch end up with it then?"

"The rat," Sirius snarled as he looked at Remus. "The useless excuse for a wizard wanted to go to the kitchens for food after curfew. James let him take the map, and he forgot about the secret passageway on the second floor. Once he was passed Filch he wiped the map and didn't bother checking it again. Filch had heard his footsteps and cut him off. Idiot didn't even bother putting the map in his hidden pocket."

"No reason to dwell on Wormtail," Remus said and then turning to Harry. "So we have some imagination ourselves, but maybe I'll talk to the twins. What can I tell them about what we want to do?"

"They know some of it, they were there rescuing me when Uncle Vernon put the bars on my windows before my second year, and like I said they've already pranked them," Harry replied. "I doubt you would have to explain it much further than that."

"Excellent Harry, now I would like to mention one other thing. Please don't take this as I'm asking for special consideration or anything, but Albus mentioned he thought you should have the basilisk carcass."

"Yeah," Harry replied looking over at the thing in question. "He was going to talk to someone about selling it."

"Well there are two parts of actually dealing with it," Remus explained, "Before it can be sold it must be rendered down to usable products, blood and venom collected and such. And once you have that, you can then sell those items."

"I don't know anything about any of that," Harry said. "I wouldn't even know where to start."

"Well that's where Albus thought I could help. I'm not a professional at processing magical creatures or anything but I could probably do a decent job. I've had so many odd jobs, that it's become second nature to pick up new skills quickly," Remus said. "But if you prefer to get a professional, I definitely would understand."

"Oh, be my guest," Harry said shrugging his shoulders, "And take whatever you think is fair for compensation."

"Non!" Fleur said rather loudly causing Harry and Remus to turn to her, "Non, don't say that," She repeated.

"You don't think he should do it?" Harry asked incredulously.

"," Fleur replied. "I wasn't objecting to 'im doing ze processing but you must" Fleur paused and then continued. "Arry, Remus is your friend, 'e will take a lot less zan what is fair if you just say what you said," Then silently she asked, "Love may I 'andle zis?"

"Of course."

Fleur turned back to Remus, " 'Arry will pay you eighty percent of ze going rate to take care of ze Basilisk and arrange its sale."

"Why not the full rate?" Harry asked.

"Because 'e will zen feel like 'e is taking advantage of you and not 'ave earned ze galleons," Fleur explained. "And if 'e feels guilty, it might lead to problems between you two later."

Remus looked quizzically, and then smiled at the older Delacour, "Very good analysis, especially since you don't really know me, Miss Delacour. Where did you learn your people skills?"

Fleur shrugged, "Aving a father who is in politics and working in 'is office 'as allowed me to learn something of people. My 'eritage also helps."

"Would I be rude is asking what your father does?"

Sirius slapped his arm around his friend, "Moony my friend, you are looking at the two daughters of the Deputy Minister of Magic of France."

"Alain Delacour is your father?" Remus gasped.

"You know of 'im?" Fleur asked. "I mean more of zan what's 'is office is?"

"He got several laws that impeded on werewolf rights repealed two years ago," Remus explained. "He's well regarded amongst my kind."

"When you're married to a 'alf Veela, you're not going to 'ave many blood issues. Not if you want to survive your mother-in-law," Fleur explained smiling. "Papa is a fair man. 'E's going to be 'ere for ze third task, I can introduce you to 'im if you would like?"

"I would like that, thank you. And I'll make sure he knows he has an exceptionally intelligent daughter, though I am sure he is well aware of it already," Remus acknowledged. "So back to our agreement, you know it should be less, but I'll take eighty percent of the current rate. I'll need to buy a book or two on the subject and some things like special gloves to handle the venom," He sent a challenging look at Harry, "Which will be at my expense."

"You can haggle with Fleur later about that stuff Remus," Harry said. "But we do need to get back upstairs."


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