While Harry and Hermione went in search of Ron, Fleur and Gabrielle thought it would be best to take the time to go see Madam Maxime.
When they found him in the Gryffindor Common room, Harry and Hermione sat down in chairs on either side of Ron. Harry turned to best friend and he saw him gazing back with a look Harry didn't recognize. "Okay Ron, what's going on?" Harry finally asked.
"What's going on with me?" Ron replied, "What's going on with you, mate? I mean you been gone for two weeks and show back with two Veelas, and not going anywhere without them?"
Harry looked curiously at Ron, "Are you implying something, or are you having trouble accepting the fact I have a girlfriend and someone else to spend time with?"
Ron's voice dropped to a whisper as he looked around, "Are you sure the Veela didn't do anything to you? I mean Ginny was saying your girlfriend told her she was in love with you. You're not really in love with a Veela are you? You know how they are."
Harry felt his anger grow, and over the bond both Fleur and Gabrielle felt it, "What is it love?" Fleur's beautiful voice asked.
"Just my friend insulting you two," Harry replied. "Trying to calm down before I do something he regrets," He looked into Ron's eyes and through gritted teeth he asked, "Exactly what do you mean when you say how they are?"
Ron lowered the volume of his voice even further "You know, they enchant men and put them under their spells. Mum says they play around with their, you know feelings, get whatever they want and then leave them."
Harry heard the simultaneous snort from two mental sources and one physical one as Hermione had moved closer to listen to Ron's words. "Ron do you actually believe everything your mother says?" Hermione asked. "I mean really, play around with men's feelings?"
"Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's not true," Ron snapped at Hermione and Harry felt the pure annoyance flow from Hermione. "Idiot," Harry looked up at his bond mate. "How many times do I earn that thought?"
"Sometimes, but again not nearly as often as he does," She mentally sighed. "If he would learn to think before speaking, but I guess he wouldn't be Ron then would he?"
Ron had turned back to Harry. "Look mate, I thought you knew and that's why you were so depressed when you told us they were in love with you. I should have known then that something was wrong, but look, I didn't think, well I didn't think they could get to you. Guess I should have known when you got mad at me. How about I walk you down to see Madam Pomfrey and let her take a look at you?"
Harry was torn between laughing at his friend or hitting him for insult Fleur and Gabrielle's heritage. Harry finally started laughing because he knew at that moment, Fleur was restraining Gabrielle to keep her from coming to the Gryffindor Common room and showing Ron as her words put it, "Exactly what a pissed off Veela was famous far."
"Gabrielle it's okay. He's not worth it," Harry said. "I'll see you in a while," Then turning and smiling at his friend, "Look Ron, I'm fine. Gabrielle is not playing around with my feelings. As for as going to see Madam Pomfrey, whose care have I been under for the last two weeks?"
"Oh yeah, but that doesn't mean she didn't miss whatever they did to you. Maybe we can get Dumbledore to let you go to St. Mungos."
"Where?" Harry asked then remembered Fudge mentioning it to Mr. Weasley at the World Cup. "Oh that Hospital place? Ron I'm fine and don't need to go to Madam Pomfrey or the hospital."
"Ron, before you put another foot in your mouth, maybe you might want to open a book and learn something instead of spouting whatever your mother might have said," Hermione said angrily. "I have spent the last we..uh..day with Fleur and Gabrielle and both of them are very nice, very personable and I know that Gabrielle cares for Harry a great deal."
"Fine," Ron hissed loudly. "I tried, alright, I tried to warn you," He turned and stomped up the steps.
Harry put his head in his hands and sighed. "How do I get through to him, without mentioning the bond?"
Hermione moved over to the chair Ron had vacated and put her arm around Harry. "I don't know, but mentioning the bond would only make it worse. He would claim he's right and the next thing you'd hear is a Howler from Mrs. Weasley. Then it would be in the Daily Prophet the next day. "
Harry imagined the red envelope descending and landing in front of him in the Great Hall. The magically enhanced voice of Molly Weasley extolling whatever crap she spewed to Ron about Veelas to everyone in the Hall. "No, that will not happen," Harry thought. "But I'm going up and give it one more go with him.
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