Chapter 7: The Next Morning/ The Fall of Jericho

Zara hummed as she felt the warm water wash over her sienna colored skin. Feeling it loosen up her muscles after the intensive training she had done the day before. Thankfully for her it wasn't too intensive, at least compared to the Agents she was training with.

"Hey sis. What time do you think you'll be home tonight?" Her twin sister Zoey questioned through the open bathroom door.

"Sometime after nightfall. Why?" Zara responded loudly as she finished up her shower. Drying off as she walked into the main room of the apartment she shared with her younger sister.

"I was thinking about making something with the fresh tomatoes that Lance gave me the other day. I don't want them to go bad before we get to use them." Zoey explained as she tossed a shirt hitting Zara in the face. "Quit walking around baring everything to the world!"

"I'm not baring anything for the world…" Zara muttered, pulling the shirt from her face and pulling it on.

"Underwear! How many times do I have to remind you ya perv!" Zoey yelled at her sister.

Sighing Zara did as she was told, knowing it was better to listen to her younger sister than to explain why she was covered in bruises the shape of a spatula. Again.

Once Zara was dressed she made her way to the kitchen where Zoey was now standing cooking up something that smelled delicious. 

Feeling her stomach rumble with hunger, Zara opted to attempt to help by setting their small, beat up dining table. Only to notice that there was already food on the table. It was then a single thought ran through her mind as a mischievous grin formed.

"Let me guess, you're making that for him aren't you?" Zara teased as she wrapped her arms around Zoey's shoulder watching her cook something that was definitely better looking than what was on their table.

Zoey stiffened a bit at the question as she blushed ever so slightly at the mention of that. "W-well, he did work night shift again…so I was going to make him some dinner."

"Youuuu like him" Zara teased.

"I-it's not like that." Zoey stammered paying extra close attention to the food, trying not to let her sister's teasing get to her. "I-I am just trying to be nice."

"If you say so." Zara said quickly poking her finger into the food and tasting it as she went back over to the table.

The plates held something that they only had on rare occasions, usually birthdays, or for a celebration. Pancakes covered lightly with sugar. Of course it had a side of protein, which was the usual mystery meat they had with most meals. Along with a glass of water.

The breakfast of champions.

"Hey, what's the occasion?" Zara asked through a mouthful of pancakes so soft, they practically melted.

"Today marks five years since we've lived in Eden, so I thought it would be a good idea to celebrate it." Zoey said putting the food onto a plate setting it inside of the heater to keep it warm for now.

"It does? Man, time does fly by when you're fighting Androids." Zara said, finishing off the pancakes, swallowing it down with the glass of water. Taking a moment to look back on it.

Project Machina

"Run!" Lance yelled, shoving Zara out of the way as an Android rushed them. He had barely managed to get out of its way as it struck out with its clawed hands, tearing through the air.

"That means now Zara! Come on!" Lyle yelled, whacking the back of the Androids head with a rusted pipe. Earning the female models attention, and seemingly mild irritation.

"If you really plan on fighting me, you should really pick up a bigger weapon!" It yelled out turning in his direction lunging at him faster than the poor man could even react.

Piercing its hand through his chest gripping his still beating heart in its hand, soon crushing it before anyone could even react.

Zara lay on the ground watching in complete horror as Lyle's body fell to the ground. Hearing her hammering heart beating out of her chest. She couldn't move, much less react to what had just happened.

Feeling her tears running down her cheeks, she didn't even realize that her sister was right next to her. She couldn't even feel the heat from the fire that had surrounded all of them.

There was no way that this could be real. The only place that any of them knew as home. The Haven City known as Jericho.

It was nearly as big as one of the Sector Cities, filled to the brim with people just trying to survive the Wastelands. People born into a world already ruined generations before any of them were even a thought.

The massive towers of scrap and whatever wood that was stable enough to support both the weight of the buildings and the families that lived within them. All of them lit ablaze, some even collapsing in the distance in a massive fireball. Killing whoever was around them.

They had barely made it to the dirt street before they had been attacked by the female Android currently finishing off Lyle.

"Come on, we have to get out of here!" Lance yelled as he pulled Zara up to her feet, drawing her back to reality as all of the sounds of death, destruction, and battle going rushed in like a violent torrent.

It was all too jarring, too violent. Too hellish to be real. But it was, something deep inside knew she had to move, had to get to safety. She had to survive when it seemed like getting out was just an impossible thing to do.

Running with the two, they rounded the corner only to come face to face with even more signs of death. People being butchered by more Androids, not even being given the chance to fight back.

It was literal hell. It was their hell, and they had to survive it.

The Fall of Jericho part 1