Chapter 9: Briefing

"Zara?" Zoey questioned drawing Zara back from the sudden memory. She hadn't realized just how hard she had been gripping the fork in her hand so tightly that it bent some in her grip.

Five years is a long time, especially when given the chance to be better equipped. And to become much more dangerous.

"Yeah?" Zara questioned trying to play off the fact she damaged the fork by digging into the meat, and eating it awkwardly.

"Are you okay? You uh, bent the fork." Zoey pointed to the fork that reminded her almost like a spring that had been flattened out, being a bit jagged in the middle of it where Zara had bent it.

"I'm fine, I uh…I did it intentionally." Zara stammered a bit as she quickly thought of a convincing lie to tell her sister. "I was just testing out my strength. Been training extra hard recently, aiming for that promotion and what not."

Letting out a less than convincing laugh. Zara watched as Zoey narrowed her eyes on her before shrugging. 

"As long as you fix it, you know how hard I had to work just so I could get actual good condition silverware. I will not accept an oopsy when my dishes are involved." Zoey said half threateningly.

"I get it, I get it. I'll make sure that it-" Zara was cut off by the sound of the room's speakers switching on.

"Zara Smiths. You are needed at mission room 17. I repeat, Zara Smiths. You are needed at mission room 17." A male voice spoke over the intercom.

"Well. Looks like duty calls, I'll see you once I find out what's going on now." Zara sighed as she stood from her chair taking her portion of the dishes to the sink putting it into the left one that was half filled with lukewarm water.

"On your way home could you pick up my package from Ada?" Zoey asked sheepishly. She always hated asking others to do things for her, not when she was healthy and well enough to do it herself.

"Yeah, if I have the time." Zara smiled, grabbing her bag slinging it over her shoulder as she made her way to the biggest building in the sector city. The tower of Eden.

Project Machina

It was where they planned and prepared for military excursions, and missions on dealing with the Androids.

The tower of Eden was more than just a tall building. It also went below ground where the R&D departments were held.

Ultimate safety, and concealment from the outside world.

Zara had once long ago been offered a position as a guard for the members of R&D. Knowing that it would have provided a much better life for her and Zoey. Zara had been thoroughly against it due to the single fact that Lance was always close to the danger.

She wasn't about to let herself be comfy while he had the possibility of dying. Zara wasn't that selfish.

So, she typically found herself volunteering for missions that were closer to the danger, closer to him, closer enough to the people she wanted to protect.

Walking up to the front doors of the tower where there rested a hand pad. Placing her hand onto the pad, she watched as the blue light scanned her hand, followed by showing her face on the screen right as the doors opened to allow her inside.

Nodding with a smile. Zara made her way into the building, heading right through the busy lobby. Straight towards the closest elevator. Where she noticed Septum stood. A smile instantly formed on her face.

"Heyyyaaa Sep!" Zara said teasingly as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Holding him in such a way that only a lover would. "How's it goin?"

Stiffening up at the sudden warmth that was wrapped around him. Septum heard the all too familiar voice behind him.

"H-hey Zara." Septum stammered as she pressed herself against him. "D-doing fine, just going to the mission room." He managed.

"Which one?" Zara questioned circling in front of him. "I was told to head to room 17."

Septum stared at her puzzled before answering. "I was called to the same room." He answered somewhat confused. Why had they both been called to the same room?

As they were a part of the same unit it made sense, but to call them so early in the morning? They were part of the guard regiment. Rarely were they summoned like this.

"Oh cool! It must be another joint operation then?" 

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. The air around the tower feels thicker than normal. Almost like we are preparing for more than a joint operation.." Septum said in a low tone shifting his gaze around, keeping an eye out for anyone who could be peering.

While Septum was an Agent, he was still considered an outsider compared to others who were brought into the Sector City. He had been brought in from a Raider City that was openly against Eden, and that of even humanity. 

The only reason he had been let in was solely because he had Juno vouching for him and Lanie both.

Before Zara could respond the elevator doors opened as Septum pulled her with him into the elevator. Quickly pressing the button as the doors eventually came to a close.

"Arm! Arm! Arm!" Zara yelped as septum was squeezing her arm in his firm grip.

Septum quickly let go as a quick wave of guilt washed over his face. "Sorry. Didn't mean to squeeze that hard." He apologized before pressing the button for floor 47.

"Was there a reason for that? Or were you just that excited about being alone with me in an elevator~?" Zara teased, rubbing her now sore wrist.

"N-no that is not the case. N-not that you aren't beautiful or well endowed. T-this isn't the time for any of those thoughts. I swear you could pull off being an Agent with a drive like that." Septum stammered his face turning an even deeper shade of red.

Zara smiled at that, she appreciated that he didn't see her as how she was intended to be seen. At least in relation to him. She had been chosen as his partner. Like her sister had been chosen for Lance, and how Lanie was chosen for Juno and vice versa.

It was a necessary thing as a result of the Agent serum, they accumulated stress far faster than your normal person. It was a result of their five senses, body, and even mental state being enhanced. It was why all the Agents were tested before given the serum, to see if their mental states and bodies could handle the excess stress their bodies would accumulate.

And Septum had skipped his last couple of designated stress-relief in favor of training.

"But the reason is because…Something doesn't seem right. Like something big is going on and all hands are about to be on deck." Septum said as after a moment of silence. "Like we may be under attack."

As those words left his mouth, Zara couldn't help but cringe at the mention of a possible attack. As memories assaulted her.

"I would hope we wouldn't be under attack, if we were, then we are missing explosions somewhere." Zara pointed out. "I made my way here all the way from the furthest section of the city and didn't hear a single explosion or hear any fighting."

She did have a point. But still. Something didn't feel right at all. And that was confirmed by the elevator doors opening. Showing the buzzing military staff that was rushing throughout the halls.

Something was very much up.