Chapter 11: Briefing part 3/ Arc 1 start

Septum raised a curious brow as Juno mentioned the very thing he had been avoiding. Intercourse 

"Is it okay to postpone long enough for that?" Juno asked the Co. Not paying attention to the stares that were totally in his direction.

"Yeah, that's fine. You two are excused. Septum and Zara we need to go over your mission in detail." The Co said.

"You're that open about something like that?" Septum found himself questioning before common sense could catch up.

"It's not like having sex is something to be embarrassed about. Definitely is awkward in the beginning, but as we get older. It just becomes something that we weave into our lives no matter what position we hold. Sex is one of the ways that relieves the most stress, part of why it is a part of an Agent's upkeep." Juno explained.

"And it helps to keep Agents from going too long without a way to release that stress, ever hear of The Fall that happened about fifteen years ago?" Lance added.

Frowning Septum took a moment to think on it. "Yeah, I remember." 

The Fall was a very important topic covered in the small classes given to the prospective Agents. It happened during one of the biggest military campaigns the WDC had held in recent years. To gain land in the Wasteland, to push towards the A.I. core closest to Eden. The Father core.

During a period of never ending stress, a squad of Agents had broke. Going berserk and killing everyone in two Raider and one Haven cities.

And as a result, the screening tests became much stricter and even resulted in bi-monthly psychological examinations. Because the Serum didn't only increase an Agents physical faculties, but also their mental.

It was why Agents are a well managed resource. Because if one isn't kept happy, it becomes deadly for the rest of those involved.

"The Fall is why it is mandatory we have sex every two weeks." Lance said as he began making his way out of the room. "As Juno said, there is no need to be embarrassed about it.

Before he left, Juno walked over to Septum placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about forcing yourself to do it though. Move at your own pace. Okay?"

Septum nodded slowly as Juno left the room. Leaving him alone in the room with the Co and Zara. 

"Distractions aside, are you two ready to go over the fine details?" The Co questioned looking at them sternly.

Project Machina

Juno sighed as he walked down the hall that was now a good deal less busier. He didn't exactly know what was going on that had them going crazy before he arrived, and he was sure he'd never find out.

"Juno." The voice of Tatsu called out from one of the balcony entrances holding up a pack of cigarettes.

"So, as the second closest to Mother. Do you have any clue what in the world is going on?" Juno questioned exhaling the foul smoke from his lungs.

"Something triggered the alarms to the west. Top brass isn't too sure as to what yet, thus the insanity this morning." Tatsu said, leaning against the railing.

"Makes sense…the western front is full of so many unknowns that anything from there is ominous or fear inducing." Juno sighed in a low tone. "Fortunately enough for me, I'll be heading north tomorrow."

"For an assignment?" 

"For an assignment, gotta take Lance with me, apparently he is to be tested to become an Elite like us." Juno said before taking another long drag of the cigarette before handing it off to Tatsu who took a few drags himself before handing it back.

"It would definitely be nice to have someone else to talk to, finally." Tatsu said, exhaling the smoke as he spoke.

"Cold as always. But fair enough." Juno said, taking a final drag before putting it out.

"What happened with the experiment?" Tatsu questioned changing the subject.

"He has to be quarantined for a month before we can let him around the rest of Eden. Unfortunate as it is." Juno sighed as he stood straight.

"I'll make sure to pay him a visit." Tatsu said as he stood turning towards the door. 

"I'm sure he'll like it, not like he'll be getting many visitors any time soon." Juno said as he readied himself to leave. Looking through the glass panels he saw Zara and Septum walking down the hall.

"Is it me or does Septum seem a bit imbalanced?" Juno asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"With how he's walking he seems to be a bit stressed, and just the general air around him suggests he could blow any minute. Then again, Co's are known for being a pain in the ass. So its probably that." Tatsu spoke, observing Septum as he walked. "What's his assignment again?"

"To bring one of the fallen sensors back online." Juno responded as they walked out of view.

Septum's head reeled with the information that was now on the verge of exploding from his brain. The specifications, and the intense attention to detail was enough to drive him further over the edge.

"I can't believe I'm not authorized to bring AP rounds…especially considering we'll be heading into an area that could have Androids." Zara said in a low tone running the entire briefing through her head.

"Nothing about it sounded right…but if it's what the WDC wants us to do, then we have no choice but to do it. No matter how stupid it seems." Septum sighed as he walked towards the armory. "Luckily for us we can still use our padded armor."

"If you can consider that to be a saving grace…" Zara sighed as she opened a tall standing locker that held her combat gear as she started to remove her clothes.

Septum did the same, keeping his back to Zara. Daring not to look, daring not to give into the most carnal of urges.

Not while his mind still raced with everything he had been told. The importance of it all, and it all being placed on his shoulders. At a point, it was too much for anyone to have to deal with. He wondered how Zara was taking it all.

Placing his hands on the sides of his locker. He squeezed bending the sturdy metal in his hands the tighter he squeezed.

Hearing the noise, Zara looked back and gasped as Septum was nearly bringing both walls of the locker together.

He was about to snap. She thought to herself before nodding, going to do the only thing she knew would help him.

Septum fought against the urge and his mind as everything began to come down like a festering miasma that aimed to consume him.

So Zara did the only thing that seemed to work. She wrapped her arms around him, holding her close to him. Feeling his rigidness slowly becoming somewhat softer as he eventually let out a shakey breath.

"Thank you Zara."