Chapter 12: Sequence Break

Alahakis walked silently throughout the massive halls of the Vatica headquarters. Observing the many murals that depicted several events that had happened, and events that had yet to happen. Events that he was working hard to prevent.

"Admiring the artwork Alahakis?" the voice of a rather boisterous man called out from down the hall. Though it seemed more like he was yelling straight into his ear with how the mighty bellow echoed from the walls.

"I was until you managed to ruin that for me. I swear, this is why I am not allowed to have any good things." Alahakis said with his hand dramatically covering his face. "Though you Olympians always know how to ruin a good time."

"It's only ruined because you don't know how to enjoy it with company!" The red haired man his hair shimmering in the light, looking almost as if it were on fire. The man was even taller than Tatsu. He wore black formal attire, and was accompanied by an older looking gentleman who wore clothing similar to the Red haired man. Between the two men was a single female. Her hair was tied up into a neat ponytail that fell to the base of her neck. She wore a pure white robe, a stark contrast compared to the men.

"Ah, so this must be the Genesis Point. Always wondered who the new candidate was. Never thought it'd be your own daughter Ares." Alahakis said, giving a small bow to the group.

"Makes me the proudest father in the whole world." Ares said proudly patting his daughter on the head. Compared to the giant of a man, she was hardly anything to him.

Petite and fierce. Tessa had her fathers prowess, and her mothers beauty. Lethal, and capable of taking out whatever dangers are put in her way.

As one of the youngest Elites in history, she had been inducted as one at the age of seventeen. Three years before she had been chosen to be the Genesis point.

"How goes things in Eden Alahakis?" The old man said, eyeing his fellow Pantheonus.

"Boring as always, never a fight big enough for me to get involved, or even get serious. Makes me miss my time being part of Olympus." Alahakis sighed as he leaned against the wall. "How goes things in Rhodes Zeus?"

"As eventful as always. But we manage." Zeus said speaking with a nonchalance he didn't feel. Continuing to eye the man in front of him. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I heard that the new Genesis Point would be meeting Genesis, so I wanted to see just who that was. After all, we are all in the effort against the Androids together in this." Alahakis said with a cruel smile.

"I never knew you to be a team player in any regards." Zeus said, taking the lead in his group. "Shouldn't you be guarding Eden as its sole Pantheonus?"

"You and I both know that Eden has two Pantheonus, I am not stupid enough to leave it unguarded. Especially now that Father has started his march again." Alahakis looked down the hallway that was ahead of them. "Well, we all have a schedule to keep. So let's continue this as we walk shall we?"

As the small group walked down the hallway, they all took notice of a single individual who stood in their way. It was an older gentleman who wore a freshly pressed brown suit, along with a matching top-hat. His sky blue eyes pierced them with an interested look.

"Who are you?" Alahakis asked instinctively, holding his hand above his Katana's sheath.

"Who I am doesn't matter much to dead men like you. Rather, I think I'll be having some fun with this, don't disappoint. If you do, I won't be able to warm up these old gears." The man said holding up his walking stick almost like it was a weapon.

It took them all a moment to realize just what stood before them. An Android, and a rather strong one at that.

Project Machina

Tatsu silently walked down a dark hallway that seemed almost as if it went on forever. The only thing guiding him was the red light at the end.

Everything was going according to plan. Everything was going as it should be. Now all he had to do was be patient.

Arriving in the middle of a massive that had a single glass tube that held the dark silhouette of a woman's body. A light turned on as Tatsu grew closer. Illuminating the tube, showing the pale skin of the woman who was being kept alive in it.

"She's coming along well isn't she?" A soft feminine voice echoed from behind the countless pipes that all converged into the tube. All connecting to a receptor of some kind.

"Yeah. She no longer looks dead. It's a miracle what that power of yours can do." He said observing the young girl who now called the tube home.

All the scars that were indicative of her injuries were now just a faded memory on her body. Five years in the pod, five long years and she's now finally reached a point of stability that she could almost be left free to roam around the city.

At least that wasn't what was in store for this girl. She was destined for something far more important.

"How are the preparations coming along?" The woman questioned. Showing her face from between the pipes. Her purple eyes observing Tatsu with a child-like curiosity.

"They are going as you said they were. Not a single hitch, the girl who knows too much, will die tonight. And the second Pantheonus will be outside the city long enough to allow our spies into the city. All is continuing as planned now. Eventually we will pierce Genesis." Tatsu proclaimed focusing on the girl in the tube. "And we will use her to do it."