Chapter 13: Away from the wall

Septum walked through the city streets, followed by Zara who hummed happily as she held her sniper rifle cradled in her arms.

They had just crossed through the gate that divided the inner city from the outer when they had noticed Yesterday was arguing with one of the gate guards.

"You have to let me in, I have to speak with Agent Juno. It is a matter of the utmost importance!" Yesterday pleaded with a hint of desperation in her voice that was almost unnatural. Especially coming from her.

"As I told you, you don't have the authorization to be in this part of the city. If you want to get him a message. Send it through the private channels, if not. I'll have you arrested for failure to follow orders." The guard said in a cold tone. "Do we have an understanding?"

"What is there to understand?" Septum said as he walked up, staring the guard down with an intense glare.

"She is trying to get into central city without the proper authorization." The guard explained. "Saying she has something important to tell Agent Juno."

"You do know she is Juno's physician right? That alone should give her more than enough authorization." Zara pointed out to the guard.

"Not anymore, as of right now,we are on level two protocols, which means not even Agents like him can give her authorization." The guard explained indicating Septum with his finger. "I'm sorry, but I'm not about to get exiled for letting someone through that I'm not supposed to. Now get her out of here or let me take her to holding."

"When did we get set on level two? We were just at the tower and didn't hear anything about it." Septum questioned as he looked at Zara, confusion evident on his face.

"About thirty minutes ago." The guard said slowly pulling out his cuffs.

"We'll take her. Thank you for letting us know." Septum said through gritted teeth as he grabbed Yesterday and dragged her away from the gate. "Just what in the world is going on that has you almost getting arrested?" He said once they were far enough from earshot of the guards.

"So…Raishan had stuff with him, and I had to make sure that it wasn't contaminated. And, well one thing led to another and I ended up looking through his bags, and I found a small storage device in one of his bags." Yesterday said hurriedly, only stopping long enough to catch her breath. "And you know how it can be with curiosity killing the cat and all that. So I took a peek at its contents…"

"What was o-" Zara was cut off by Septum who covered her mouth shaking his head.

"Who else knows that you may have looked at very confidential information?" Septum questioned as Zara peeled his hand off her face.

"And who's ass do we need to kick?" Zara then added.

"Just…Just you two. You two are the only other ones who know." Yesterday said in a low tone.

"Keep it that way until we get back from our mission. When we get back, I will look over the data myself and bring it to Tatsu." Septum said as he watched as Yesterday seemed to slump a bit. Not from defeat, but from the sense that a weight may have been lifted from her shoulders.

"O-okay. Act like nothing has happened?" Yesterday questioned.

"Nothing has happened, and if someone asks about your freak out. You tested some expired medicine that impacted your mental faculties." Septum said, placing his hand on her head patting it gently. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you Okay?"

Project Machina

As they continued through the city, after dropping Yesterday at her home. Septum didn't utter another word until they were well beyond the massive walls of Eden. Stepping into the wastelands of barren land that stretched for as far as the eye could see.

"We are going to make quick work of this mission."" Septum said in a low tone as he pulled out his compass, comparing it to the notes he took for their mission.

"I know you're worried about Yesterday Sep. But don't rush the mission, we don't know all the details about what could be there." Zara pointed out taking note of his emotional state. She could feel his restrained anger radiating from his body. Doing everything in his power to keep from stepping out of line.

Now that he was away from the city, he didn't need to worry about staying in line. Rather, he could be his true self. The him that hid from the rest of the city. Even from Juno, the man who had saved his life.

"I know." He sighed before continuing. "I'm just worried that she may have gotten information that could make her an exile."

Zara patted him on the shoulder after hearing those words. "She's smart, she won't do anything that'll ruin her position or our health."

Zara had a point. But Septum still couldn't help but worry as they made their way through the Wastelands towards the ruined city.