The Longevity Art

Chapter 7

As Xu Li and Tuo Sen stood by the road, discussing Wang Shitian's sudden diversion into the forest, doubt clouded their minds. Could he have sensed their presence? Was he attempting to escape by risking his life in the depths of the forest? Or did he believe he could manipulate the demonic beasts within to harm them? Puzzled by his actions, they realized they could not return to Yang Ling without ensuring Wang Shitian's demise.

"There are more than one way to skin a cat," Xu Li mused. Determined to accomplish their mission, they devised a plan. "Let's wait for him at the entrance to the Iceheart Mountain. Regardless of what he does, we will remain there for seven days. If he still doesn't appear, whether he's dead or alive, we'll have an explanation for Senior Brother Yang." With their decision made, a gust of wind blew at their location, and they vanished using the Wind-Gale Step technique—one of the five techniques within the longevity art.

In the longevity art, there were five techniques in total: Ice Blades, Gale Step, Aqua Veil, Earth Embrace, and Verdant Blossom. Each technique held its own significance, and mastering them was crucial for progression within the art. There was no set order for mastering these techniques, but the first one typically served as the base element for the individual. Comprehending subsequent techniques grew increasingly difficult with each one mastered.

These techniques were achieved at different levels of the longevity art, and without their mastery, there could be no breakthrough to the next level of cultivation. The stages for breakthrough were the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 13th levels.

At this moment, a mortal observer would perceive Xu Li and Tuo Sen as having vanished into thin air. However, to a fellow cultivator, their speed would be astounding. Even a cultivator at the 5th level of Qi gathering would struggle to catch up to them, despite their own cultivation at the 3rd level.

Meanwhile, within a secluded courtyard of the One Leaf Sect, three men sat in deep contemplation. Two of them were elderly, their hair graying with age, while the third appeared to be in his forties.

Within the secluded courtyard, the two great elders, Yu Zhen and Lin Xiu, sat alongside Li Tianming, the sect master himself. Li Tianming, a formidable cultivator who had reached the 12th level of the longevity art and the late stage of foundation establishment, possessed immense power within the sect. He was the only one to have mastered four of the five arts in the longevity art.

However, despite his strength, Li Tianming wore a frown of displeasure. The actions of the Malevolent Earth Sect on their territory had become increasingly audacious. Yu Zhen voiced his concern, acknowledging the notorious nature of the devil sects and their unscrupulous methods. However, for the past century, they had been relatively restrained due to a significant event that took place during that time. Something must have changed for them to resume their wanton behavior.

As the sect master heard their words, his thoughts turned to the event they mentioned, one witnessed by the two elderly men but only recorded in the sect's annals. Reflecting on it, he sighed, aware of the gravity of the situation. "Over the past five years, more than half a dozen villages within and outside our jurisdiction have been destroyed," he said, his voice heavy with concern. "All signs point to the devil path, and there is even conclusive evidence linking one destruction to the Malevolent Earth Sect."

With a heavy heart, Li Tianming declared the only course of action they could take—the issuance of a kill order. Any devil path cultivator found within their territory was to be executed on sight. The safety of the people in their territory was paramount, as they formed the foundation of the sect.

The two elders, unsurprised by the sect master's decision, nodded in agreement. The discussion delved into the details before they eventually parted ways, each tasked with fulfilling their respective responsibilities.

However, news of the sect's kill order spread like wildfire, inciting an uproar within the surrounding region. Suspected devil cultivators found themselves besieged and slain, leading to numerous battles. The sect's reward for killing devil cultivators enticed many to take part in the conflict. Unbeknownst to all, this was merely the beginning of a major confrontation.

Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, Wang Shitian continued his solitary journey. With a resounding crash, his golden hand struck down a green python, extinguishing its life. Wang Shitian had spent the entire day relentlessly slaying demonic beasts, their auras indicating low-tier rank-1 creatures. The accumulation of kills had left him with an overwhelming aura and a piercing killing intent radiating from his body.

Confident in his abilities, Wang Shitian realized that no demonic beast of this rank could pose a threat to him. A faint inkling told him that he was on the verge of completing his muscle strengthening, the first milestone in his cultivation journey.

After spending hours refining his muscles, Wang Shitian sensed that he had reached the limit of his current muscle strength. Though he had not heard the customary roar that accompanied the successful completion of the muscle strengthening chapter of the Invincible Vajra Body, he knew he had to press onward. Time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to fail his mission.

Realizing that he had been in the forest for nearly two days, Wang Shitian understood the urgency of reaching the Iceheart Mountain. With determination in his heart, he activated the mortal martial art known as the Swift Wind Steps. The technique utilized the wind to enhance speed, propelling him forward like a gust of wind. While not as ethereal as the Gale Step, Wang Shitian's mastery of the technique surpassed all expectations.

As he dashed through the forest, a violent wind followed in his wake, trees swaying and leaves swirling in his path. His speed exceeded the limits of mortal comprehension, a display that would astonish even the most skilled mortal grandmasters of martial arts.

In less than half a day, Wang Shitian arrived at the entrance of the Iceheart Mountain. The landscape was covered in a blanket of snow and ice, stretching as far as the eye could see. Surprisingly, the environment was not desolate, as vegetation thrived amidst the icy terrain. The chilling winds cut through the air, sending shivers down his spine. Mortals would not survive an hour in this harsh environment, but for cultivators like Wang Shitian, it presented a challenge, with reduced visibility and difficult movement.

Pulling out the map, Wang Shitian carefully examined its details, determining his current position and the direction he needed to head. Satisfied with his calculations, he stowed away the map and turned east.

However, just as he began to move, a sudden fireball hurtled toward him from one of the nearby trees. Reacting swiftly, Wang Shitian's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly evaded the attack, narrowly avoiding the scorching flames. His eyes narrowed, scanning the surroundings for the source of the attack.