Fierce Battle - Muscle forging completion

Chapter 8

Before he could get a clear view and understanding of his situation, light reflected in his eyes as a sword flew towards the snow. The snow reflecting on its surface gave the sword a beautiful and ethereal look as though it had become one with the snow but this did not fool Wang Shitian as the danger he sensed increased. With a thought, his hands were covered by a golden plating.

Bang! The collision sent him tumbling backwards.

In the world of cultivation, it was a well-known fact that demonic beasts held greater inherent strength compared to human cultivators at the same cultivation level. However, what made cultivators truly terrifying was not just their spells but their ability to wield weapons effectively, using them to cover their weaknesses and enhance their combat prowess.

Among the various weapons utilized by cultivators, the flying sword stood out as a particularly formidable and fearsome tool. Manipulated by Qi, a strong cultivator could unleash devastating attacks from a distance of up to 1000 kilometers, making it a deadly weapon capable of long-range destruction. Additionally, the flying sword also served as a means of transportation for many cultivators, although only those who had opened their Qi sea could utilize it in this manner.

Wang Shitian found himself facing the might of this magical tool as it was employed against him. Despite the flowing blood resulting from the sword's strike, Xu Li, his opponent, was left shocked. The attack would have cleanly severed the hand of an ordinary cultivator, but Wang Shitian had only suffered a minor wound. Sensing the danger, he realized he had to exercise caution in his dealings with this formidable adversary. He surmised that the gold plating adorning Wang Shitian's hand likely held a protective spell, prompting him to be extra careful.

Just as the tense confrontation unfolded, Tuo Sen, who had appeared at some point quickly finished an incantation, expelled flames from his mouth, igniting his sword in the process. Swiftly swinging his weapon towards Wang Shitian, the fiery projectiles hurtled through the air. Fortunately for Wang Shitian, the battle took place in a cold area, which dampened the flames' power, granting him a stroke of luck.

Wang Shitian's speed proved to be a force to be reckoned with as he deftly dodged the incoming assault and closed the distance between himself and his opponents. Approaching Tuo Sen, he unleashed the Breaking Wave Palm, aiming to strike his adversary. The flaming sword clashed against Wang Shitian's palm, but this time, he emerged unscathed. Without pause, he swiftly circled around, aiming to launch a counterattack. To his surprise, however, his hand seemingly passed through his opponent's body, revealing nothing but an illusory image. Realizing the trickery at play, he swiftly increased his speed and left the location in pursuit of the first figure.


As Wang Shitian moved away, a powerful attack landed precisely where he had stood, causing ice and snow to scatter in all directions. The battle continued, with the three figures darting back and forth within the snow covered forest. Wang Shitian soon noticed that his opponents possessed a marginal advantage in terms of speed.

In the midst of the relentless clash, a fireball found its mark, hitting Wang Shitian and prompting him to instinctively plunge himself into the snow, seeking respite from the flames. As he quickly regained his footing, a sword pierced his previous location, emphasizing the urgency and peril of his situation. There was no time to waste.

Cling, cling, bang, whoosh!

The resounding clash of weapons reverberated through the forest, filling the air with tension. In that moment, Wang Shitian stood opposite his two adversaries, who were now filled with surprise and shock. Questions flooded their minds. How could this supposedly Level 1 cultivator possess a fighting style akin to mortal warriors? Why were there no spiritual Qi fluctuations emanating from his body? And why was his body so inexplicably resilient?

Amidst the uncertainty, Wang Shitian's hand bled profusely, and blood also flowed from his side. On the other side, his opponents wore expressions of paleness and gloom, with blood trickling from the corners of their mouths. They had exhausted their defensive talismans and had taken direct hits from Wang Shitian's formidable attacks.

Observing his weakened adversaries, Wang Shitian made a resolute decision.

Within the confines of the forest, the clash of weapons persisted, but there was a marked difference this time. Wang Shitian was resolute in his determination to trade injury for injury. However, what set him apart from his enemies was his ability to withstand the onslaught without deteriorating. Adorning his body was a thin, almost transparent shirt, a manifestation of his mastery of defensive mortal martial arts—the iron shirt technique.

As the battle raged on, Tuo Sen's flying sword lost its accuracy and swiftness, weakened by his depleted Qi. Although Wang Shitian himself felt fatigue creeping in, he now surpassed his adversaries in speed. It wasn't that his own speed had increased; rather, it was the relative decrease in speed of his opponents. Seizing the opportunity, Wang Shitian swiftly appeared behind Tuo Sen, launching the Breaking Wave Palm. Tuo Sen, sluggish in his reaction, found himself unable to evade the attack. In an instant, a golden hand smashed into his head, splattering blood and leaving Tuo Sen lifeless on the ground.

Unrelenting in his actions, Wang Shitian wasted no time and pressed forward, his target now Xu Li, who stood momentarily stunned by the demise of his companion. Although Xu Li had the intention to retreat, he found himself inundated with a relentless barrage of attacks. In close combat, he proved no match for Wang Shitian's prowess, and soon, battered and beaten, he fell to the ground, lifeless.

Huff, huff, huff.

Wang Shitian's breathing grew heavy as he felt the strain on his body and the blood trickling from his wounds. It was at this moment that he realized his lack of experience in battling human cultivators. Most of his time had been spent honing his skills against demonic beasts, and this encounter served as a wake-up call, a reminder of the challenges he faced in the world of human cultivation.

As Wang Shitian contemplated his next move, a fragment of the scripture, the Invincible Vajra Body, flashed in his mind. It spoke of his ability to refine the blood of all living beings. With a pensive gaze, he turned his attention to the lifeless bodies of his fallen foes. Soon, resolution gleamed in his eyes as he pulled the corpses together and seated himself upon them. Chanting the mantra, he initiated the process of refining their blood, allowing it to flow into his own body, fortifying his muscles. Heat emanated from within him, and his body wriggled and vibrated, undergoing a transformative process that lasted for about an hour.


A resounding roar echoed from the depths of his consciousness, jolting him awake from his meditative trance. He realized that his body had healed, his muscles chiseled and defined. He had grown taller, now standing at a height of 1.9 meters.

"Finally, I have completed the muscle strengthening chapter. The speed at which my body is tempered is truly remarkable," he thought to himself, feeling a surge of confidence and power coursing through his veins.