Returning To Ox Village

Chapter 13

As his bones mended, a remarkable transformation took place. Intricate iron coloured patterns emerged on his healed bones, accompanied by ethereal chants that resonated through the air. The process continued for an extended period, until finally, every bone in his body had been removed and replaced. In that moment, he felt a surge of rebirth, akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes.

With his mind now clearer and his senses sharper than ever before, he could keenly perceive the power coursing through his revitalized body. But it didn't stop there—every part of his flesh had been further strengthened, enhancing his physical capabilities. After six hours, he opened his eyes, an indifferent gaze emanating from them. As he stood up, the faint creaking of his bones accompanied his movements. Testing his newfound strength with small exercises, he felt immensely content.

The arduous efforts he had dedicated over the past years had undeniably been worthwhile. With a sense of fulfillment, he retrieved water and fire essences, commencing their refinement. Two hours later, he rose to his feet and dashed into the forest with remarkable speed.

Upon arriving in the vicinity of Ox Village, a mixture of anxiety and palpitations enveloped him. There was a bittersweet joy in returning home, coupled with the sorrow of knowing he would never see those who had made it his home again. His sharpened gaze allowed him to peer far into the village as he approached the entrance. What met his sight was a desolate, grass-covered settlement—an eerie environment that bore the unmistakable signs of massacre.

His heightened senses enabled him to discern the different types of Qi present, including the devilish Qi intertwined with the lingering resentment within the village. Though he had confirmed this fact on numerous occasions, sensing it firsthand ignited his desire for retribution. He yearned to eradicate his enemies, believing that only through their slaughter could he attain even a modicum of peace.

While leisurely exploring the village, he suddenly detected a surge of energy, prompting him to swiftly evade an incoming attack. A black sword, emanating a devilish Qi, whizzed by him, leaving a trail of lingering sword light in its wake. Turning to face the source, he saw a man and a woman emerging from one of the buildings. Judging by their disheveled appearance, Wang Shitian surmised they were perhaps a couple engaging in illicit activities even in broad daylight. He regarded them with an indifferent gaze, silently condemning their audacity.

These two individuals, at the 5th and 6th levels of Qi gathering respectively, posed no threat to him. "A disciple of the One Leaf Sect, another battle achievement for us junior sister", The man spoke with a hint of amusement, declaring Wang Shitian as another achievement. The girl responded with laughter and a nod, but said nothing.

Before the man could speak again, Wang Shitian launched an attack. Despite the man's incredible control over his flying sword and his prowess at the 6th level of Qi gathering, he stood no chance. Wang Shitian's palm landed squarely on the man's chest, preventing any evasive maneuver. The impact proved fatal, resulting in a gruesome demise.

The unexpected turn of events shocked the girl, who had failed to perceive Wang Shitian's swift movements. She stared at her dead senior brother in disbelief, then leapt backward, quickly initiating hand seals. However, as her gaze returned to where Wang Shitian had stood, she found him gone. Confusion engulfed her as she searched for his whereabouts, but before she could react, a hand seized her neck, applying gentle pressure.

"Inform me of the whereabouts of the little demon king," Wang Shitian demanded sternly.

As the woman processed his question, she swiftly analyzed the situation and reached a conclusion. A sad smile adorned her face, tinged with a glimmer of twisted joy in the corner of her eye. She spoke, her voice laced with resignation, "Hahaha, so you've come for the little demon king, huh? No wonder. Hehehe, I understand. I'll tell you what I know, for I know he will kill you and avenge us. Head east, one mile from here" With those words, she closed her eyes, awaiting her impending demise. Wang Shitian, true to her expectations, ended her life.

In that moment, a sense of admiration welled up within him as he contemplated the woman's strong mental fortitude. Even in the face of death, she embraced her fate without fear. Letting out a sigh, he couldn't help but draw a stark contrast between her and Mao Song and Yang Ling, who even after all their plotting and traps to kill him, had begged for their lives shamelessly and disgracefully. Wang Shitian felt embarrassed to be from the same sect as them and pushed them out of his mind.

Collecting the corpses of his fallen adversaries, he placed them carefully into a storage bag. With a determined resolve, he set off in the direction the woman had indicated, determined to confront the little demon king.

As he drew nearer to his destination, the sounds of battle grew louder, filling the air with a cacophony of booming echoes and anguished cries. The forest reverberated with the intensity of the ongoing conflict. It must be noted that the Malevolent Earth Sect and the One Leaf Sect, situated at the boundaries of their respective domains, had turned the land between them into a violent battlefield. Even the villages in the area were not spared, often falling victim to the devil sect disciples who utilized them as training grounds for their sinister arts.

Approaching the scene, Wang Shitian beheld a grim sight. Corpses littered the forest floor, a testament to the toll the war had already taken. Among the cultivators engaged in combat, his attention was drawn to a young man. Clad in a black robe, he appeared no older than 16 or 17, yet his striking white hair contrasted starkly against his attire. A crimson sword, emanating a red glow, hovered silently at his command. It moved with deadly precision, silently reaping the lives of those who dared to be careless.

From a distance, Wang Shitian observed the increasing number of fallen disciples from the One Leaf Sect. If the trend continued, it seemed inevitable that all the One Leaf Sect disciples present would meet their demise. Determined to intervene, he leaped forward, swiftly traversing the battlefield with enigmatic cloud treading steps.

In an instant, he materialized before a disciple from the devil sect, overwhelming in his strength. With a display of overpowering force, he crushed the disciple's head. This particular cultivator had reached the 7th level of Qi gathering and possessed divine sense, enabling him to detect movements within a 50m radius. Sneak attacks such as the one Wang Shitian had employed typically proved futile. However, in this instance, the target was already entangled in combat with another individual, granting Wang Shitian the element of surprise. A smile played upon his lips, knowing that his sneak attack had succeeded where it otherwise would have failed.