Little Demon king

Chapter 14

As the devil cultivator fell to the ground, a sudden silence descended upon the scene. The disciples who had been locked in battle abruptly separated, their attention now fixed on Wang Shitian. Only one person remained steadfast, maintaining his composure despite the chaos—the little demon king, his brows slightly furrowed.

The forest already bore witness to over ten corpses, only four of which belonged to devil cultivators. It was evident that the One Leaf Sect was on the verge of losing this battle, but with Wang Shitian's arrival, the tide was bound to turn.

Wang Shitian glanced at his fellow disciples from the One Leaf Sect and noted that they were already receiving healing. Among them was Li Xia, a skilled healer who possessed expertise in the verdant blossom technique—a unique aspect of the longevity art. This technique encompassed offense, defense, and healing, making it exceptionally rare and difficult to comprehend. Li Xia's proficiency in this technique made her invaluable. Despite her own strength, she received extra protection from her allies during the battle.

A shimmering green light enveloped the disciples, and their injuries visibly healed at an accelerated pace. However, it was evident that the caster, Li Xia, was drained by the effort.

Turning his attention back to the situation at hand, Wang Shitian addressed the disciples before him. "Which one of you is known as the little demon king?" he inquired, nodding to his fellow One Leaf Sect disciples. As he spoke, all eyes fell upon the white-haired youth who had remained motionless since Wang Shitian's arrival.

"So, it's you? You're quite young indeed," Wang Shitian commented, scanning the disciples. "Senior Brother Tang, I will engage my target now. Inform the elders that he will no longer be a concern. Even if I can't kill him, I will ensure he does not interfere any further."

Tang Ming, a disciple at the 8th level of Qi gathering, interjected with doubt. "You are the one they sent to eliminate him? Are you certain you can handle him alone?" He was well aware of the little demon king's strength and doubted whether Wang Shitian could survive, let alone emerge victorious.

Frowning, Wang Shitian prepared to respond, but before he could utter another word, he emitted a commanding aura and leaped into action. He landed opposite the little demon king, drawing the attention of everyone present. The atmosphere hung heavy with anticipation as all eyes rested upon the two figures.

The little demon king merely smiled, saying nothing, yet the killing intent emanating from his eyes conveyed his immense danger.

"Hahahahahaha! The One Leaf Sect truly underestimates this devil king. To think they would send someone like you... Excellent, excellent! After I kill you, I'd love to see if they dare to send more trash..." The little demon king's voice trailed off as he seized the sword beside him and unleashed a blood-red arc in a blinding display of power. It swept forward, obliterating everything in its path.

But Wang Shitian responded swiftly, his hands turning golden as he employed the Void Palm technique. A wave of energy surged forth from his palms, colliding with the blood arc. Spectators watched as a torrent of blood surged toward Wang Shitian, as if aiming to submerge him, while his hand seemed to pierce through the fabric of reality, calming the turbulent sea.


A resounding explosion rocked the forest, and a shockwave blasted away everything in its wake, propelling weaker cultivators farther from the epicenter. Only those at the 8th level of Qi gathering managed to maintain their positions, albeit barely.

As the clash between Wang Shitian and the little demon king continued, Tang Ming's astonishment only grew. He had heard that Wang Shitian relied solely on mortal martial arts, but he had never expected him to elevate it to such a remarkable level. Each attack seemed to be effortlessly blocked by a sudden manifestation of a palm in front of him. Wang Shitian's golden hands acted as formidable weapons, crushing everything they touched.

Meanwhile, the little demon king displayed precision and sharpness with his sword, threatening to tear through the very fabric of space. The battle intensified, with booming sounds reverberating through the air. The combatants gradually moved away from their initial position, and the onlookers followed, observing from a safe distance.

Suddenly, something unexpected occurred—the little demon king leaped onto his sword and took flight. Without hesitating, Wang Shitian swiftly pursued him. To the astonishment of the onlookers, Wang Shitian walked on air, utilizing the Cloud Treading Steps technique to increase his speed. However, he could only sustain this ability for a limited time of 15 minutes.

Before anyone could fully process what was happening, the combatants vanished from view, leaving the remaining cultivators to continue their own battles. Without the presence of the little demon king, the devil cultivators found themselves at a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, on Wang Shitian's side, after flying for a few minutes, the little demon king abruptly halted and smiled. As Wang Shitian caught up, he noticed a condescending look on the little demon king's face. However, it did not faze him. He had prepared for every possible scheme his opponent might employ. With the strength and defense of his body, Wang Shitian was confident that as long as he avoided provoking cultivators at the peak of the Qi gathering realm, no one below that level could kill him.

"You truly wish to die," the little demon king taunted, his eyes turning blood-red as he spoke. His voice altered, carrying the weight of an old man who had witnessed the vicissitudes of life.

As the words left the little demon king's mouth, a black claw covered in ghostly and devilish Qi descended upon Wang Shitian—a technique known as the Ghost Claw.

Wang Shitian remained motionless, confident in his abilities. He raised his hand and delivered a powerful slap forward, aiming to counter the incoming attack.

As the Ghost Claw collided with Wang Shitian's golden hand, an unexpected force sent him hurtling through the air in a backward trajectory. Although his hand managed to block the attack, the impact was stronger than he had anticipated. Sparks erupted at the point of contact, exerting additional force that propelled him even further.

In response to this unexpected turn of events, Wang Shitian made a swift decision. Recognizing the need to prioritize his safety, he activated his defensive technique—the Iron Shirt. This was the first time in a long while that he felt compelled to employ such a defensive measure. He understood the importance of minimizing risks in a battle of this magnitude, knowing that even the slightest misstep could result in the loss of his life.