the auction

Chapter 21

The auction commenced with great competitiveness, featuring a variety of captivating items. However, the first half of the auction predominantly catered to Qi gathering practitioners, leaving Wang Shitian and Xue Wuya uninterested. Meanwhile, Li Tianxi indulged in purchasing any beautiful trinkets, including some that were merely decorative jewelry.

As the auction progressed into the afternoon, the attention of the attendees was captured by the introduction of a remarkable item—the flowing feather sword. Its white blade was adorned with flame-like patterns and shaped like a feather, deceptively resembling an actual plume. The auctioneer revealed that the sword's origins were shrouded in mystery. Discovered in a ruin, the sword possessed immense strength and near-indestructibility. However, it could only be wielded by cultivators below the foundation establishment stage, limiting its ability to unleash one's full potential.

Xue Wuya, who had kept his eyes closed until that moment, abruptly opened them and fixed his gaze upon the stage. Although he almost lost his composure, he swiftly regained his composure, ensuring that his companions remained oblivious to his reaction. His mind raced with questions upon seeing the feather sword. How had the auction organizers obtained such a treasure? Could someone have unwittingly stumbled upon a golden Peng's nest? Numerous thoughts filled his mind, ultimately leading him to conclude that those who found the wing must have been exceptionally fortunate. Ordinarily, if a Great Wing Golden Peng sensed the presence of its kind on a being not of their race, it would immediately engage in a life-and-death battle. Xue Wuya was convinced that if Peng birds existed on the continent, they would have likely detected the aura of the feather and be en route.

However, he realized that he possessed an advantage. He could utilize the feather sword to its fullest potential without alerting the Peng clan. With this thought in mind, he surprised his companions by making a bid of 300 spirit stones, prompting another bidder to join in at 320 spirit stones. The bidding continued, gradually surpassing the 400 spirit stones mark, until only a few participants remained. Xue Wuya's voice resounded confidently once again, calling out a bid of 500 spirit stones unchallenged. After three calls, he successfully obtained the item and promptly stowed it away in his storage bag, paying it little further attention. Wang Shitian always harbored a peculiar feeling when observing Xue Wuya. Nothing seemed to faze him, and he carried himself with an air of indifference, as though he were untouched by the mundane world.

Soon, their focus returned to the ongoing auction as it transitioned into the second half. Wang Shitian considered the experience to be immensely valuable, having witnessed cultivators from various backgrounds and encountered numerous treasures. He had even acquired several medicinal herbs, greatly satisfying his desires. Content with his purchases, he was grateful for attending the auction.

At that moment, Xue Wuya's voice reached Wang Shitian's ears, suggesting that he should acquire a particular elixir that might greatly aid him. Wang Shitian instinctively turned his gaze toward the stage, where the item was soon announced—the Essence Rejuvenation Pill. Upon hearing the pill's introduction, Wang Shitian nodded appreciatively at Xue Wuya, feeling grateful for his timely reminder. Throughout the auction, Wang Shitian had often found himself inattentive to the items being presented. Without Xue Wuya's prompt, he might have missed the opportunity altogether. The pill held significant value for Wang Shitian, particularly in strengthening his viscera. He couldn't help but find it peculiar how Xue Wuya seemed to possess knowledge of his cultivation method and progress, but he dismissed the thought as impossible, temporarily setting it aside while he competed for the auction item.

The bidding for the Essence Rejuvenation Pill proved intense, attracting considerable interest from the attendees. Emitting a five-colored light, the pill's solitary existence within the bottle captivated everyone's attention. Initially, Wang Shitian anticipated fierce competition from the private box attendees for this coveted treasure. Yet, to his surprise, none of them placed a bid, as if they had been disinterested in the entire auction from the beginning.

Engaging in a captivating and spirited bidding war, Wang Shitian ultimately emerged victorious, securing the pill for 700 spirit stones. However, the cost held little significance to him, as he possessed substantial wealth.

On the auction stage, a young and beautiful girl made her way forward, carrying a tray covered with a cloth. There was an air of anticipation as everyone wondered what lay beneath the mysterious covering, which seemed to block any detection by spiritual senses.

With grace, the girl presented the tray to the auctioneer, who slowly unveiled the cloth. Resting on the tray was a black jade token, instantly recognized by all, including Wang Shitian—it was an inheritance jade.

Inheritance jades were known to contain high-level techniques and could only be viewed once. Once the technique was inherited, the jade would shatter and turn to dust. It was said that only cultivators at the soul formation level possessed the ability to successfully inscribe their Dao and domain into an inheritance jade. The significance of the token was clear, as it had been passed down as an inheritance by a king.

The auctioneer addressed the crowd, acknowledging their familiarity with the item, but unable to disclose its origin for the sake of client safety. However, the auctioneer assured everyone of the authenticity of the inscribed technique. Excitement and speculation filled the room as conversations buzzed among the attendees. Wang Shitian noticed movements from the private boxes, indicating that those occupants had likely come specifically for this item.

The auctioneer declared that there would be no starting bid for the inheritance jade, and each subsequent bid must increase by at least a hundred spirit stones. The auction promptly commenced, leaving little time for the audience to process the information.

Wang Shitian sensed the emergence of three new auras at the foundation establishment level from the back of the auction house. These auras seemed to emit a warning, cautioning against reckless actions. The crowd quieted down slightly, but as soon as the first bid was made, the excitement resumed.

In less than a minute, the bidding surpassed the 2000 spirit stones mark and quickly approached 3000. The auction intensified as participants refused to back down. However, when it reached 3500, no one in the hall made another bid. Only those in the private boxes continued to bid, showing no intention of ending the fierce competition.

"5000 spirit stones," a voice called out, reigniting the excitement in the crowd. The price soared to an astonishing level of 5000, leaving Wang Shitian stunned. He realized that his own wealth paled in comparison to the fortunes possessed by these bidders.

Although many desired the treasure, Wang Shitian himself had no interest in it. He recognized its uselessness to him. His attention briefly shifted to Xue Wuya, who remained indifferent to the scene as usual. Wang Shitian couldn't help but find Xue Wuya's behavior peculiar.

On the other hand, Li Tianxi's eyes sparkled with excitement as she observed the intense bidding below. Although she didn't participate in the bidding, she thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle, her demeanor resembling that of a young girl rather than a woman in her 30s.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted Wang Shitian's thoughts, delivering a veiled threat. "Old Ghost Qi, can your clan truly handle such a treasure? I advise you to let this old woman take it away. It would be best for all parties involved."

In response, another voice sounded confidently, dismissing the concern. "Haha, Granny Hua, the treasures of heaven and earth belong to those fated to possess them. In the auction house, it all depends on financial power. As long as I have the money, why can't I bid? Don't concern yourself with whether my clan can absorb it or not. That is not for you to decide... 15000 spirit stones."

Wang Shitian presumed the latter voice belonged to Old Ghost Qi. The auction continued with only these two voices bidding, as many others had either stopped due to fear or lack of funds.

"Good, good, good. Old Ghost Qi, you have acquired the treasure. I only hope you don't regret it," Granny Hua's voice sounded once again. She concluded her bidding, while the other old man remained silent. The auctioneer made the final call, and the treasure was sold to Old Ghost Qi at a staggering price of 18900 spirit stones.