The Might of Core formation

Chapter 22

After the jade token containing the technique was sold as the finale of the auction, people began to disperse and return to their respective places. Wang Shitian and his group followed suit. By the time they stepped out of the auction house, evening had already settled in. They found their way to an inn, where they settled down and ordered food and drinks, relishing in the experience of the auction.

As they conversed and enjoyed their evening, darkness gradually enveloped the surroundings. Suddenly, a thunderous boom shattered the peaceful ambiance of the inn. Startled, they hastily leaped out of the window and directed their gaze towards the source of the explosion. The echoes of subsequent booms reverberated through the night, accompanied by dazzling flashes of light.

It was evident that a fierce battle was unfolding between two figures. One of them lay on the ground, bleeding but still clinging to life. In a voice filled with frustration, the victorious figure spoke, "Damn bastard old ghost, you are stronger than I expected. Managing to buy yourself much time... you are lucky, but this is far from over."

The words echoed through the alley, and Wang Shitian immediately recognized the familiar voice. It was none other than Granny Hua, the elderly woman he had encountered at the auction. The person she was addressing must be the winner of the auction, Old Ghost Qi. Wang Shitian pondered silently, wondering if they were still fighting over the jade token.

He couldn't help but recall that fighting within the city was strictly prohibited. However, as he further contemplated the situation, Wang Shitian realized that Granny Hua must be willing to take any risk to obtain the technique. After all, it held the power to determine the fate of a clan. The significance of the technique was immense, cultivation techniques were ranked in ascending order; yellow, black, earth and heaven and each was further divided into lower, middle, higher and peak tier. Even soul formation experts could benefit from a low-tier earth-grade technique.

Though it could not be confirmed what tier this technique was they were sure it was an earth-grade technique.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, with even Nascent Soul cultivators willing to make a move if they caught wind of such a technique. Wang Shitian imagined the enormous contribution bringing back such a cultivation technique to her clan would make. It would greatly aid Granny Hua, who was on the cusp of reaching the peak of the foundation stage, in gathering the necessary resources to form her core and also benefit her clan.

This fight was not driven solely by greed or jealousy; it was a battle for the pursuit of longevity. In the world of cultivation, those who stood at the pinnacle did so upon a mountain of fallen enemies, their fortunes plundered along the way.

To Wang Shitian, in this case, no one was truly in the wrong. The rule that governed the cultivation world was "might makes right." Many had grown accustomed to this reality, so Granny Hua's audacity to initiate an attack within the city was what shocked everyone the most.

As Wang Shitian's mind raced with thoughts, he suddenly spotted a figure draped in a black robe, clutching an old cane, soaring through the air propelled by the wind. The figure sped past them at an astonishing speed, heading toward the outskirts of the city. Wang Shitian understood why Granny Hua had chosen this desperate course of action—it was her only chance at survival. But could it really be that easy?

"Humph, daring to attack people in Cloud City and still thinking of escaping? What a joke," a majestic voice resonated through the night sky, accompanied by a surge of aura emanating from the city center. The air grew heavy, and visible ripples of Qi undulated through the atmosphere. From Wang Shitian's perspective, the sky seemed to churn and descend into chaos. He couldn't help but wonder, "What is this?"

Granny Hua, who was desperately fleeing, suddenly felt an immense pressure bearing down on her as the aura locked onto her. Her speed slowed, but she did not halt. She shouted, "City Lord Yun, I advise you not to meddle in other people's affairs, or you may be swept away by the tide!"

Shock and wonder reverberated throughout the entire city upon hearing a Foundation Establishment cultivator threatening a Core Formation expert. It was an unprecedented sight. While it wasn't unheard of for such a situation to occur, those who had dared to do so in the past rarely lived to tell the tale. The survivors were undoubtedly backed by immensely powerful backgrounds and influential seniors. However, in terms of strength and background, Granny Hua was in no way comparable to the city lord. Most concluded that fear had driven her to madness.

"Hahahaha! This is the first time I've been threatened by someone like you, old hag Hua. You truly are remarkable. Now, perish!" As the city lord spoke, the pressure in the sky intensified. A colossal palm wreathed in flames materialized and loomed over the city, hurtling toward Granny Hua.


The palm struck her, sending her crashing to the ground, but it did not stop there. It continued pressing down on her. A massive explosion ensued, and when the dust settled, all that remained was a gaping hole in the shape of a palm. Only mangled and charred remains lay within the pit. Granny Hua couldn't have been more dead.

Silence blanketed the city in awe of the city lord's might. The flames continued to burn, emitting scorching temperatures as if delivering a warning to all who witnessed it. The aura in the sky receded as if it had never been there, and everything returned to normal. The flaming pit stood as the sole testament to the recent events.

Wang Shitian stood in awe of the strength he had just witnessed. Li Tianxi, having seen Core Formation experts in action before, remained composed, as if such displays were ordinary. Xue Wuya seemed indifferent, as if it were nothing in his eyes. If not for the effect the aura's pressure had on him, Wang Shitian would have believed this was an old monster concealing his true cultivation.

For Wang Shitian, however, it was his first encounter with a Core Formation expert, let alone witnessing their power. He was left in awe. The group returned to their dinner in silence, their thoughts filled with contemplation.

Later that night, as Wang Shitian retired to his room and entered a meditative state, his mind couldn't help but replay the image of that devastating palm strike. He remained in deep contemplation throughout the night. By morning, the three of them were seen journeying outside the city. It was time to fulfill their objective for coming here—their path was set toward the mountain in search of the inheritance land of Serenecloud Daoist.