Leaving the mountain range

Chapter 28

As Wang Shitian approached his friends, a sense of uncertainty gnawed at him. It was the second time that a Nascent Soul eccentric had attempted to seize his soul, and he couldn't comprehend how he had managed to survive each encounter. What troubled him even more was that with each narrow escape, he felt a heightened perception of the world around him, as if something inexplicable within him had transformed.

His brisk pace confirmed everyone's suspicions that something was amiss. "Let's leave this place," he declared bluntly, indicating his strong desire to depart immediately. Recognizing Wang Shitian's reluctance to discuss the recent events, his companions turned without a word and retraced their steps. Exiting the area proved easier than their initial entry.

After a while, they regrouped and split into three separate teams. "Fellow cultivators, if destiny allows, we shall meet again. Farewell," Huo Ming bid, vanishing into the distance in a streak of light. Following suit, Shui Meiyin and Shui Lanyu bid their farewells and departed in another direction. As they surveyed their surroundings, they realized that their exit point differed from their entry point—they had ventured deeper into the forest.

Deeper into the forest lay the territory of formidable demonic beasts, more powerful and perilous than before. Observing Wang Shitian lost in thought, Li Tianxi couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Brother Wang, what truly happened?" she inquired. Wang Shitian gazed at her momentarily before responding, "Serenecloud Daoist was a wicked man." Li Tianxi was taken aback. Wang Shitian understood her shock, knowing how much she admired Xu Haoren. Unfortunately, he was not someone to be admired, nor a role model. Perhaps his conduct would have been highly regarded within the devil sects. "He attempted to possess my body and convert us all into corpse puppets, but fortunately, he failed," Wang Shitian elaborated.

Xue Wuya nodded, wearing an expression of expectation, but moments later, his face contorted with bewilderment as he scrutinized Wang Shitian intently. The notion of how Wang Shitian had survived flashed through Xue Wuya's mind, suggesting that Wang Shitian harbored some enigmatic secrets. Nonetheless, he had no doubts about Wang Shitian's identity, as he had vigilantly observed to ensure that Wang Shitian remained unchanged. Everything, from mannerisms to speech patterns and aura, remained consistent, leaving no room for doubt that the possession had failed.

"Sigh, this world truly holds its share of strangeness. The depths of human hearts are unfathomable. Even the hero of the Serenecloud region turns out to be such a person," Li Tianxi lamented with pity. Had someone from their sect witnessed her behavior around these two individuals, they would have doubted their own eyes. They conversed for a few more minutes before setting off in a specific direction. They couldn't afford to linger in this territory of demonic beasts for long.

Meanwhile, faraway in the sky covering sect, an elderly man opened his eyes and directed his gaze toward Wang Shitian's group. His piercing blue eyes and icy hair defined his appearance, while a chilling aura surrounded him. This secluded space was his cultivation ground, a frozen expanse stretching as far as the eye could see. The old man projected a thought, and before long, a figure arrived—a young woman in her thirties, though she possessed formidable power as a Nascent Soul cultivator despite her youthful countenance. She bowed respectfully before the old man.

"Go to the One Leaf Sect and bring back my granddaughter," he commanded. The woman nodded and vanished, causing space to ripple in her wake. Within seconds, she was hurtling toward the One Leaf Sect at incredible speed.

This old man was none other than the Ice Emperor, the one who had conversed with Li Tianming earlier. He was Li Tianxi's grandfather, the current patriarch of the Mu Clan, and one of the twelve Elders of the Sky Covering Sect.

Deep within the tranquil mountain range, Wang Shitian and his companions were en route to Cloud City when Xue Wuya abruptly halted. His eyes gleamed with intensity as he focused on a particular direction. Without hesitation, he dashed forward, followed swiftly by Li Tianxi and Wang Shitian. They were puzzled by Xue Wuya's uncharacteristic reaction, as they had grown accustomed to his unyielding demeanor.

As they drew closer, the sound of clashing intensified, reverberating through the forest and causing shockwaves to ripple across the surroundings. A clearing emerged before them, revealing a fierce battle between two formidable creatures. The forest bore the scars of their clash, ravaged by flames and poisonous corrosion.

One combatant was a venomous green python, its fangs glistening wickedly as it writhed amidst the trees. Its body was covered in blood, with patches of charred flesh. Its adversary was a bird, its wings engulfed in flames. The bird, predominantly white with crimson wings ablaze, left a trail of fire in its wake. The battle had raged on for some time, showing no signs of abating.

With his group now perched on a distant tree, Xue Wuya observed the fiery bird, nodding in excitement. Li Tianxi, her face etched with concern, inquired, "Brother Xue, what's happening?"

Xue Wuya replied, his voice filled with determination, "I desire the blood of that bird."

Wang Shitian interjected immediately, "Brother Xue, it's impossible. Both of these creatures are Rank-3 beasts. We cannot afford to provoke them."

Aware of the risks, Xue Wuya responded, his gaze darting across the forest, "I understand that. That's why I will settle for the spilled blood on the ground."

Within the battlefield, pools of blood could be seen intermittently. Some were dark and emitted a putrid stench, possessing corrosive properties, while others exuded intense heat akin to burning flames. Xue Wuya's interest lay in the scorching blood—the blood of the fire plume bird.

Understanding Xue Wuya's intentions, Wang Shitian nodded, and they patiently awaited the moment when the two beasts would disengage after their relentless confrontation. Given the formidable auras emanating from these creatures, no lower-ranked beasts would dare venture into this area, affording them an opportunity to collect the desired blood.

After an hour had passed, the battle gradually moved into the distance, presenting the perfect opening they had been waiting for. Equipped with bottles provided by Xue Wuya, they swiftly traversed the battlefield, meticulously gathering the blood of the fire plume bird while carefully avoiding the python's venomous residue.

"Remarkable," Wang Shitian remarked in awe. "For such a small bird, it possesses an astonishing amount of blood." The bird, seemingly insignificant in size, had yielded more blood than that contained within an average human body.

Having completed their collection, they promptly departed the area, aware that lower-ranked beasts would soon arrive, seeking opportunities within the aftermath. They had no intention of becoming entangled in further conflicts.

Approximately half a day later, they successfully departed from the mountain range, their eyes catching a glimpse of Cloud City in the distance. However, they bypassed the city, for their current course led them back to the sect. Boarding their boat, they took to the skies.