Awakening the five treasures

Chapter 29

Three days later, they returned to the One Leaf Sect. It was during this time that they learned about a fierce battle between the Qi and Hua clans, two powerful factions in the Serenecloud region. The cause of the conflict was the jade slip that had been auctioned off. Given the long-standing animosity between the two clans, it was not surprising that the Hua clan refused to let the matter go. The birth of a Nascent soul expert from the Qi clan would spell doom for the Hua clan.

This news greatly surprised Wang Shitian. "All these people are crazy... Anyway, it's their business. Let them fight and die," he muttered to himself, quickly dismissing the news and shifting his attention to other matters.

His greatest concern was still the Darkmoon Sect, and he remained vigilant for any news or developments related to them. After reviewing the available information and realizing that nothing significant had occurred, he retreated to his cave dwelling.

Half a day later, Li Tianxi visited him to bid farewell as she was returning to her clan. After her departure, Wang Shitian pushed the encounter out of his mind, as his primary goal now was to achieve a breakthrough to the viscera strengthening stage.

The five viscera—heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys—each represented one of the five elements: fire, wood, earth, metal, and water, respectively. By refining each viscera, one could generate vital Qi corresponding to the element it represented.

Since Wang Shitian was unable to harness the Qi between heaven and earth, he sought to tap into the Qi contained within the human body, viewing it as a treasure trove. The refinement of the five viscera in the prescribed order would lead to the unification of the corresponding elemental Qis, resulting in the birth of the five elements' true Qi.

However, before he could embark on the process of strengthening his viscera, there was one crucial stage that Wang Shitian had to complete—the medicinal bath. He had already gathered all the necessary ingredients.

Within a chamber in his cave dwelling, a large vat filled with water could be seen, its surface bubbling with heat. Beneath the vat, a massive formation connected to the sect's earth flame. This arrangement was common for all disciples who possessed cave dwellings. The water's temperature was so high that steam filled the room.

As time passed, Wang Shitian methodically added herbs to the vat at specific intervals, ensuring precision and temperature control. Gradually, the liquid within the vat transformed into a dark, greenish hue with each addition of a new herb. It took another two days for the process to complete, resulting in a thick, black, viscous liquid that bubbled like magma. The air above the vat twisted and distorted due to the intense heat.

Though apprehensive, Wang Shitian remained resolute. He stripped off his clothes and immersed himself in the vat, enduring excruciating pain as he sank deeper into the molten substance. Despite his agonized screams, the sound barely traveled beyond the vat. Opening his mouth only allowed the liquid to enter, exacerbating his suffering.

Once the process began, he couldn't leave the vat, or all his efforts would be in vain. The recommended duration of immersion was until the liquid became transparent again, resembling water. However, if one couldn't bear the pain, they could only emerge after a month to achieve success.

Days turned into weeks, and Wang Shitian remained submerged in the liquid, his agony intensifying as the color gradually shifted towards green. Two more weeks passed, and he still endured, his bulging, reddened eyes reflecting his torment. The liquid had already turned green.

He persisted, choosing to endure further despite reaching the one-month mark when it was permissible to exit. Surrounded by the light green liquid, he resolved to see the process through since he had already begun.

One day after the one-month period, Wang Shitian sensed a resonance within his body. However, the doubled pain he experienced left him no time to examine the changes occurring within him. If he had taken the opportunity, he would have discovered that his body emitted a radiant glow. Deep within his body, the golden luminescence of his bones had become more intense.

Only two full weeks later, the liquid within the vat cleared up, becoming as pure as water. As the pain subsided, Wang Shitian opened his eyes and stepped out of the vat, the faint glow in his body gradually fading away.

Finally finding a moment to examine his transformed body, Wang Shitian noticed that he resembled a newborn. Not a single scar marred his flawless skin, which felt as soft as milk. Strangely, his stature had somehow shrunk to around 1.75 meters, giving him a leaner appearance.

However, the presence of well-defined muscles indicated that he had grown stronger. While his imposing demeanor had diminished, he sensed a newfound strength within himself. To test his power, he retrieved a spirit sword and tightly gripped it, causing it to shatter into splinters with a simple squeeze. Smiling at this display, he shifted his focus inward and discovered that his five viscera were vibrating—an unmistakable sign of the awakening of the five treasures.

As he walked out of the room, Wang Shitian realized that his steps had become lighter, and his speed had increased. Hastily donning a robe, he entered his meditation chamber, fully aware of the need to continue his cultivation. Having already taken a significant step toward the level of viscera strengthening, he intended to capitalize on the momentum and achieve a breakthrough in one go. Retrieving the starheart fruit, he commenced the process of refining its essence.

A month ago...

At the Sky Covering Sect, the Ice Emperor listened attentively as Li Tianxi recounted their journey to Serenecloud's abode. Surprised yet somewhat expectant, the Ice Emperor nodded,

"I had suspected as much. Neither of their backgrounds is simple. If Wang Shitian were an ordinary Qi realm practitioner, he would have surely fallen under possession, unable to resist. And what about the other one? Did he reveal the reason behind his need for the blood of that beast?" The Ice Emperor inquired, his piercing blue eyes fixed upon Li Tianxi.

Li Tianxi responded, "No, grandfather. He only mentioned that it would be of great help to him."

"Very well, from now on, you shall devote yourself to cultivating our family's technique, the Frozen End Scripture. Once you have laid a solid foundation, I will assist you in refining the Heavenly Frost Fire. This will enable your cultivation to soar rapidly, free from any detrimental effects. My hope is that you will be able to participate in the conclave a hundred years from now."

As the Ice Emperor spoke, he pointed his finger at Li Tianxi's forehead, and a blue light shot into her head. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes, respectfully bowed, and took her leave. Observing her cold and respectful demeanor, the Ice Emperor couldn't help but sigh. He understood that her behavior stemmed from the deep-seated grudge she held regarding her parents' matter. Reminiscing about the days when she used to affectionately call him "grandpa" and playfully tug at his beard, he longed for those simpler times.

With a sigh, the Ice Emperor closed his eyes and soon became like an ice sculpture, blending into the bone-chilling calmness of his surroundings. Any unwelcome intruder would swiftly find themselves frozen in place, transformed into a popsicle by the frigid atmosphere.