blood changing realm

Chapter 30

After six months of refining the Starheart fruit, Wang Shitian suddenly felt a heat wave rush through his body. And as it did, he felt his strength increase, pushing him to new heights. The energy that flowed through his body gave him a feeling of control. He felt he could manipulate it according to his will. And with a thought, a flame lit up on his finger. He could feel that the source of this energy was his blood. Whoever created this cultivation method had figured out a way to manipulate the elements through the viscera, with the blood as the source of energy rather than the dantian.

Even knowing this, he was still very excited because this meant that using this vital Qi, he could now manipulate some spells within the five elements.

He did some tests and came to the conclusion that the larger flame he used, the more blood Qi was expended, and the more supplements he needed to maintain his strength.

Luckily for him, he had the Blood Pearl, and with it, he would not feel starved for a while. Without it, his body would gradually shrivel due to severe depletion of blood Qi.

He soon took out the Essence Rejuvenation Pill and consumed it, then slowly started refining the liver. Six months later, he successfully refined the liver and awakened the Wood Vital Qi. Only after 3 months in the midst of refining the kidney was the power of the Essence Rejuvenation Pill exhausted.

Without waiting, he took out the Nirvana Blossom Fruit and started refining. It should be known that at this level, Wang Shitian had completely stepped into the level of viscera strengthening and was in every way comparable to a Foundation Establishment cultivator. But even so, the strength of the Nirvana Blossom Fruit was still overpowering for him.

It brought him great pain, but thanks to his extremely powerful body, he could hold on, and pain was nothing new to Wang Shitian on his path. Only two months passed before he succeeded in refining the spleen to completion and without hesitation went straight to the lungs. At this moment, he could not stop. The medicine had already permeated his whole body, washing his bones and every part of his body, pushing them to the extreme.

Four months later, Wang Shitian suddenly heard a thundering sound in his body, and upon observing, he realized to his surprise that his bones had all turned to jade. By chance, during this session, he had succeeded in refining the legendary Jade Bones. This could not simply be achieved through cultivation; it needed an opportunity, and in this case, the Nirvana Blossom Fruit was his opportunity. It gave him a feeling akin to rebirth. This particular medicine was of a whole different level, being a fruit that could even help push a Nascent Soul cultivator to the Soul Formation stage. With the jade bones, Wang Shitian's talent would gradually change over time, and he would become a legendary genius. It was like he had undergone Nirvana. Now, even if he died and a thousand years went by, his bones would not decay.

At this moment, Wang Shitian felt a gaze upon him. He searched around vigilantly but could not find it, no matter how he looked. Soon, he felt that the gaze came from within and started checking throughout his body with his mind's eye. After a careful sweep of his body, he saw nothing and then moved to his sea of consciousness. Within it, he saw a huge giant wheel that alternated between black and white, suspending in the air above his sea of consciousness, emitting no waves.

"It can't be this thing after all. I have tried everything within my power to explore it, but it remains unmoving. But I am sure it's a great treasure. It's not going anywhere anytime soon, and someday I'll definitely be able to control it. But if it's not this wheel, then what?" As these thoughts ran through his mind, he kept sweeping his sea of consciousness. After a clean sweep, he saw nothing. "Perhaps it's just my mind playing tricks on me." He didn't have the time to think things through further as he was in the midst of refining a very powerful medicinal fruit.

A month later, he successfully refined the lungs, and the Metal Vital Qi was born. Then, after another five months, the kidney was completely refined.

At this moment, within his body, a circle of Qi flow was formed as the vital Qi from each flowed through all the five viscera in a rush of current, mutually restraining and reinforcing each other. And as they did, a unity was born within them, and a thundering force was audible from within his body, signifying the great strength that was within him. It gushed forth like an opened dam as the Five Elements True Qi was born. It rushed throughout his whole body, pushing his strength to a new level, and then permeated his blood, directly going for the blood source within his body.

At this moment, it could be said thathe could use all spells within the five elements, and he felt that his body was changing further at a fundamental level. Since the medicinal energy from the fruit had not been exhausted, he continued to refine as the Five Elements True Qi rushed to his blood marrow and started permeating and refining it. A week later, a golden drop of blood was born from his marrow, and as it entered his bloodstream, boom, his strength soared by several levels again.

The second layer of the first volume of the Invincible Vajra Body was divided into three stages: viscera strengthening, blood changing, and skin transformation.

At this moment, Wang Shitian stepped into the blood changing level, causing his strength to soar to new heights. As time passed, more drops of blood were being born, and with each one, his strength would increase further.

After a year of arduous cultivation, about 30% of his blood was now golden.

He soon realized the advantage of this golden blood, as it allowed him to use his Five Elements True Qi more often and on a greater scale while reducing the consumption of his blood Qi by several magnitudes.