Chapter 05

Just as soon as she said that Apollo came through the door his ball in his hand. Ikaris confused but intrigued decided to go with Ajak's little game.

The two stepped out onto the large field in front of the house. Ikaris stood out facing the house, the large farmland behind him and Apollo stood a few feet in front of their pickup truck. Apollo gingerly threw Ikaris the ball and Ikaris caught it effortlessly and threw it softly back at Apollo. Apollo caught it and then threw the ball back to Ikaris. Ikaris felt like something was off, there was something about how softly the boy through the ball that was odd to him.

"Throw it harder" Ajak said as if she was sensing his thoughts just as Ikaris was throwing. It distracted him a little and the throw was off causing it veer to the side of Apollo and roll underneath the pickup. Apollo immediately turned towards the pickup and squatted to see where the ball was. He then turned and looked at Ikaris. His presence was off putting to Apollo somehow and Ikaris didn't fully understand why.

"It's okay honey, get your ball like you normally do, I promise you it'll be okay. Ikaris is my family, he's okay" Ajak shouted out encouraging her son.

Ikaris wondered what Ajak could possibly mean by that but before he could ask Ajak what she meant he saw the truck lift off the ground and his thoughts immediately stopped. Apollo was lifting the truck so he could pick up the ball underneath it. Ikaris stared in disbelief as the child lifted the truck with one hand over it's head before picking up the ball with the other. Questions quickly begun flooding his mind as he watched Ajak's son display strength very few children across the galaxy would be capable of. He looked at Ajak and her husband inquisitively and Ajak simply mouthed later.

Apollo put the truck down and turned to face Ikaris, looking incredibly embarrassed and very scared of Ikaris' reaction. Ikaris softened as he looked at the child in front of him, scared of his own power and his true nature. A feeling of understanding washed over him as he thought of how his own power was terrifying even compared to the other Eternals, he was powerful enough to kill all of them if he was forced to and his true nature as a soldier for Arishem was something he battled with constantly while he was with Sersi. He didn't want this kid to be in a battle against himself like he was, he needed to see that someone understood him and that he wasn't the only one burdened with power. Ikaris didn't want Apollo to end up like he was, at war with himself.

Ikaris crouched down and picked up the closest rock he could find, he held it out for Apollo to see before instantly crushing into dust. He smiled at the boy and Apollo's eyes lit up and his expression turned to one of amazement.

"You're strong" Apollo said excitedly.

"I know" Ikaris replied still smiling at Ajak's son. "Now throw that ball as hard as you can, let me see what you can really do."

Apollo wound up his throw and hurled the ball at Ikaris and it flew at him like a bullet. Ikaris instantly reacted and caught it. He chuckled to himself amazed at the boy's strength. He threw it back at Apollo hard and he caught it. This kid was a marvel Ikaris thought. He wondered where he was from to be capable of such strength at such a young age. He looked at the boy in amazement and Apollo looked back at him overjoyed at seeing someone with strength like his and that made Ikaris glad. The smile on the boy's face and the look of joy on Ajak's made Ikaris unburden himself if only for a moment. Moments like this where rare and he didn't want to let it slip, Ikaris wanted to let go and have fun.

"Throw it high and hard" Ikaris said a big smile on his face, "I've got something cool to show you."

Apollo looked at him questioningly before turning to Ajak and Jonathan, seeking their approval before he threw the ball. Ajak simply nodded to her son so he turned to Ikaris and then wound up his throw again before throwing it up towards the sky. The ball flew out of his hands and into the air at bullet like speeds. Ikaris smiled to himself before shooting up into the sky at incredible speeds, he tracked the ball with his eyes and then accelerated towards it. Closing in on the tiny baseball within seconds and catching out of the air. Ikaris took a moment in the sky, in a way he hadn't done in quite some time. He looked at the birds that flew beside and paused. Ikaris chuckled, Ajak was right the universe did give everyone endless possibilities. Ajak becoming a mother to a boy like this was something he never would've imagined but if she hadn't then this boy might be somewhere else going down a different path with his power tormented by his power and nature like Ikaris was but here Ajak could guide him and maybe so could he. That thought snapped Ikaris out of his miniature trance. Ikaris flew back to Ajak's farm and then he floated slowly down towards Apollo who watched him in awe.

He dropped the ball in Apollo's hands as he continued to stare at him in amazement.

"Wow" Apollo said simply causing Ikaris to smile

"Are you going to keep staring or are you going to throw it again?" Ikaris playfully questioned Apollo.

Apollo instantly got a competitive and playful look in his eye.

"That's more like it" Ikaris said "How about this time you aim for the moon?"

"Okay" Apollo said joyfully right before he threw the ball even harder than before.

Ikaris watched the ball sail into the clouds before he floated off the ground and then shot after it. Racing towards the ball at speeds rivalling sound laughing the entire time he did so.

Ajak watched Ikaris and Apollo play and smiled giddily. She could feel Ikaris letting his pain go, even if it was only momentarily and she hadn't seen Apollo this free in a while. She took Jonathan's hand as Ikaris came racing back with the ball. The two spoke to one another once again before Ikaris turned and threw the ball into the distance only for Apollo to race after it, easily running faster than any world class athlete could dream and disappearing into the corn field and then moments later the ball shot out of the cornfields into the sky and Ikaris instantly reacted flying to catch the ball. The scene brought happy tears to her eyes. Jonathan caressed her shoulder and she leaned into him, resting her head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat.

"You know I don't always understand why you do the things that you do but I don't always question it because I know that you're trying to heal the people around you. Even now Apollo looks more at peace than I can remember. So I am really glad that your family visited and I am really glad that you're who you are because I can't imagine raising a child without you" Jonathan said to Ajak.

"Don't thank me because without you I don't think I would be a mother. You opened up my life in ways I didn't think were possible and for that I'll be glad forever" Ajak replied before placing a quick peck on Jonathan's lips.

The two embraced and watched their son play and laugh with his uncle both of them free to use their power to enjoy themselves.

"I hope his life isn't like this, I hope he doesn't have to hide himself only allowing himself to be free in quiet and private moments. Our son shouldn't spend most of his life afraid to truly be himself" Ajak said to Jonathan.

"I hope so too, but the world wouldn't be able to handle what he is. He's this strong right now I can't imagine how powerful he'll be when he grows up. If the government finds out about him they'll stop at nothing to turn him into the next generation of super soldier. Even worse the world will tear him apart because of what he symbolises. He'll change our beliefs, our faith, everything" Jonathan said to Ajak.

"Is that what he did to you? Did he change your beliefs and faith?" Ajak asked

"No, because you already did that. When I met you, I was a young firefighter who was struggling with my purpose. I had left the farming to my Dad and quickly rose up in the fire department. I remember racing into that fire to save you and that little girl. I remember how you came by the station a few days afterwards to thank me and how you took my breath away. It felt like I was looking at a goddess, my world shifted. Then while we were dating my father died and my world fell from under me. Suddenly I was free falling, I didn't know what to do but you caught me. You gave me the strength I needed to carry on and so I came back to the farm; I tore myself in half with the farm and the fire department before deciding to becoming a farmer full time and asking you to move in with me. That was when you told me your secret and my world shifted all over, the woman who I thought was a goddess actually was one. I spent my life idolizing Captain America, the person who was called the first superhuman only for it to be revealed to me they were a race of super beings that had lived alongside us for millennia. Everything I thought I knew about the world and the universe was thrown into question and I felt small. But you helped me, you gave me space but helped me realize that while I was small it wasn't a bad thing. I made my world small, I found strength in what I love and purpose in the people I helped. My world solidified and I realised I believed in you and I had faith in you because you became my world" Jonathan said.

Ajak listened to her husband's speech and took it in. Looking at their son and thinking how his power would burden him. If he was anything like his father he would feel the need to help people, save them, like Jonathan used to. She doubted he would be okay being in hiding like the Eternals were. How could they raise him to love himself and help others in a world that would want nothing more than to use him? Phastos was distraught when he saw what nuclear power lead the humans to do, their son would be a new type of nuclear power. Ajak could feel her thoughts slipping to a dark place and that wasn't what either her or Jonathan needed so she stopped herself, she couldn't let these doubts overcome her mind. Humans were capable of more wonder than they knew, she believed in them and so should Apollo. Besides she had Jonathan by her side and together they would do it, they would raise him to love himself and help others if that's what he wanted for no other reason than they had to.

"We'll be his world, until he's strong enough to make his own. You're right he'll change everything but we'll make sure when he does he is ready. He'll be strong enough to bear that weight" Ajak said her voice filled with determination.

Jonathan looked at their son as he ran around, he was laughing and that laugh was still the most beautiful sound Jonathan had ever heard. Apollo was walking up towards Ikaris being playfully defiant, he puffed out his chest and flexed to Ikaris. No doubt the two were arguing about who was stronger. Jonathan saw the confidence and warmth on his son's face and he knew.

"Yes he will" Jonathan replied hugging Ajak as Ikaris and Apollo began to play fight.

The two play fought and played catch for what felt like hours. Jonathan and Ajak had long since gone into the house when they decided to stop as the sun was setting. Ikaris was amazed at not just the boy's strength and kindness but his compassion. The two were walking towards the house when Apollo stopped to touch a butterfly, the butterfly got onto his index finger and Apollo let it sit there. Ajak and her husband were raising him well. He would grow into a fine man one day, Ikaris was sure of it. The kind of man he would be proud to stand beside.

"So can your kids fly like you?" Apollo asked Ikaris innocently.

Ikaris let out a small laugh at the question before saying "I don't have kids".

"Why not? I thought grownups had kids" Apollo asked in reply.

"Not all of them" Ikaris said softly

"Is it because you don't have someone you love? Kids come from love, that's what my Mum said" Apollo said not fully aware of how personal the question he was asking was.

"No it's not cause of that. There is someone I love, she's beautiful and kind and smart" Ikaris said adoringly as he thought of Sersi.

"Does she not love you back?" Apollo asked innocently once again, a small look of sadness in his bright blue eyes.

"She does, at least she once did but I can't be with her, our lives are complicated and I don't think it would work" Ikaris replied.

"That's dumb" Apollo said simply.

"Really?" Ikaris said questioningly "why do you think so?".

"Not being with someone you love if they love you back is dumb" Apollo said.

"You'll understand when you're older, sometimes things aren't that simple" Ikaris said.

"Why don't you make it simple? You can fly and you are strong, you can make it simple" Apollo innocently told him.

That gave Ikaris pause as he thought back to Ajak telling him to be with Sersi. He thought of how the Emergence would put him at odds with Sersi, how Arishem's design would pit them against one another meaning they could only break each other's hearts. Then he looked at Apollo again, Arishem's design had infinite paths that was what Ajak told him. She found this family by embracing the love of a man who she loved in return. Ikaris didn't want to be alone, these last few hours with Ajak, Apollo and Jonathan showed him what Ajak had been telling him. Happiness came from love, not from the mission and if the Emergence wasn't for a while then why shouldn't he choose happiness? At least for the time being? When the Emergence came to pass who knows what path he or Sersi would be on, but at least they'd be together on that day and walking down that path side by side would mean when the time came they would have a higher chance of being of winding up on the same road. Yes, they might break one another's hearts but their hearts were breaking right now as it stood. If they were together there is a chance they might avoid heartbreak. Or suffer the ultimate heartbreak the cynical voice in his head told him.

Ikaris could tell he was beginning to over think again, he was going to tear himself up again thinking that way so he stopped thinking.

"Make it simple", the words of Apollo rang through his mind as he slowed his mind. He let the words of Apollo guide him and decided to ask himself a simple question. If he could be anywhere with anyone in the world where would he be and who would he be with? His mind instantly travelled to Sersi, she was in London, he could feel her and once again his heart yearned for her only this time he didn't pull his thoughts away from her. Instead he decided to let them stay there, he forgot about the mission and just focused on her. There minds touched for the briefest of moments before he pulled back and he realised what he needed to do.

"Dinner's ready you two, you should come inside" Jonathan called.

"Okay Dad" Apollo said back as he started to walk to the house again.

Ikaris smiled to himself as he walked back with Apollo. He had come to Ajak hoping she'd help him and she had. Both her and Apollo had shown him what he needed and for that he was grateful. The two made it back to the house and Jonathan lead Apollo to the bathroom so he could wash his hands before dinner.

"Apollo hasn't had that much fun in ages, thank you for playing with him" Ajak said to Ikaris warmly.

"The pleasure was all mine. Where is he from anyway? We can't have biological kids so where did he come from?" Ikaris asked curious about Apollo.

"We don't know, he fell from the sky and I still haven't figured out which planet he is from" Ajak told him.

Ikaris pondered that for a moment thinking if he knew any species like Apollo but he came up with a blank.

"Whatever species he is doesn't matter. He's your son. Playing with him showed me that, he's so much like you and no doubt like your husband as well. He is yours regardless of the planet he was born on and you're both doing a great job of raising him, I can assure you of that" Ikaris said to Ajak finding it odd to be the one offering advice but feeling comfortable doing so now that he was assured of what he wanted.

"Please stay for dinner" Ajak asked him hoping to prolong this little family reunion.

"I can't" Ikaris replied. "I have somewhere to be" he told her before sharing his thoughts with her. Ajak let his thoughts fill her mind and she smiled so wide before rushing to hug Ikaris.

"Go Ikaris, be free. Just don't forget to visit" Ajak said to Ikaris proud of him for choosing his own happiness.

"Of course I won't. I've got a nephew to play with now" Ikaris said to her warmly.

Just then both Jonathan and Apollo came out of the bathroom. The two walked to the dining room and started setting the table.

"Are you staying?" Jonathan asked as he was reaching for the plates wondering if he should grab one for Ikaris as well.

"No, I have to leave unfortunately" Ikaris told Jonathan.

"Why?" Apollo asked

"Because it's like you said not being with someone you love is dumb. So I'm going to be with the woman I love now" Ikaris said as he crouched down and looked at Apollo in the eyes.

He hugged the boy and said "I'll visit again don't worry. And who knows maybe next time I'll bring my wife".

Ikaris got up and then said to all of them "thank you not just for your hospitality but for a truly fun afternoon. You have no idea how much it helped me"

"Feel free to drop by anytime" Ajak said to him.

"And have a safe flight" Jonathan added, a joking grin on his face.

Ikaris chuckled and nodded before stepping outside. He looked back once more at Ajak and her family. The heroic farmer, the kindly healer and the boy who fell from the sky. He waved goodbye to all of them before floating away from the farm and into space. He looked down at the planet below him and thought of Sersi again using the thought of her to guide his flight. Then he shot down towards London leaving nothing except a sonic boom in his wake as he raced towards the woman he loved.

Location: London – Earth – 1992

Sersi and Sprite had just finished moving into there new apartment. The two were at a pub enjoying a drink. Sprite had cast an illusion so she could appear as a full grown woman and the two were chatting. A man and his friend had brought the two of them a drink and so the two sat there talking about maybe chatting with them.

"You should go" Sersi said "I'm sure they would love talking with you".

"Yeah until they realize they can't hold my hand cause it's an illusion" Sprite retorted. "Why don't you go?"

Sersi wanted to tell Sprite the reason was that she had felt Ikaris' mind earlier for a brief second but she knew how that sounded, she was still waiting for the man who had left her for decades dreaming he would come back to her and that would seem pathetic. Sersi opened her mouth to speak but felt Ikaris in her mind again, except this time it wasn't for a second. This time it was real, he was honing in on her, trying to reach her and so she let him. Sersi stood up, a flood of different emotions overwhelming her, she was mad that he could just leave and come back like this, she was glad she wasn't crazy and that he truly had reached out to her earlier but most of all she was happy. As much as she wanted to be angry with him for abandoning her she ultimately felt happy he came back, she would definitely question him about why he did what he did but that could come after. Right now she just wanted to see the man she loved once more.

"Earth to Sersi. Sersi, are you alright?" Sprite questioned as she watched Sersi stand up and look outside expectantly.

Sprite heard a faint woosh sound and her heart fluttered for a second. For years whenever she heard that sound she dreamed it was Ikaris coming for her but since his disappearance she taught herself to dismiss it, she knew Ikaris didn't feel the same way about her. She ignored the sound and pushed away any hopeful feelings. She began to ask Sersi again if she was okay again but Sersi raced outside the pub. Sprite chased after her yelling her name as she did so. The two ran outside into the slight drizzle and standing there in the flesh was Ikaris. He looked just as handsome as always, his expression was one of longing. He extended out his right hand, in it he was holding a bouquet of lily's, Sersi's favourite flower.

Sersi stood there for a moment, frozen just like Sprite was as if they were in a spell. Ikaris looked into Sersi's eyes and took a step forward still holding out the flowers he got for her.

"Sersi, I am so sorry" he shouted to her from across the street. His voice was dripping with regret and shame.

Ikaris had gone over what he was going to say to her while he was flying over here but now in the moment he couldn't seem to find the words to convey how sorry he was for hurting her. Ikaris tried to speak again but his voice failed him, tears formed in his eyes as he thought of how much pain he caused her.

Sersi even through the drizzle saw the tears forming in his eyes and she ran towards him wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a big hug. She looked up into his eyes and he looked down into hers and what felt like electricity passed through the two of them. They leaned in towards each other like they were two magnets drawn together and the two kissed deeply and passionately as Sprite looked on dejected.

"Don't you ever leave me again" Sersi said warningly to Ikaris as the two broke apart to catch their breaths after their deep kiss.

"Never again, I promise" Ikaris said and the two kissed again as the rain fell over them.


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