Chapter 06


Location: Smallville, Kansas – Earth – 1998

Apollo Kent opened his eyes as he was awoken by the sound of the school bus hooting. He slept in again. He had stayed up late the last night, sneaking out of the house after his parents fell asleep so he could run and leap through the cornfields and just enjoy his last night of summer vacation. He ran all over Smallville, taking in the cool summer night air, playing with various animals and racing the train. He even saved a person from being hit by a drunk driver, luckily it was night and he was fast enough that he didn't think they saw him because he knows he's not supposed to get caught using his powers. He had saved a few people from small accidents all over the course of the summer and his parents were worried that eventually people would start to notice he was different. By the time he snuck back home and went back to sleep it was well past his bedtime and he was tired.

The bus hooted again and Apollo scrambled out of bed and quickly put on a blue flannel shirt, some pants and his glasses. He didn't really need his glasses but his eyes were so bright that they were practically luminescent, his glasses dulled the colour so they looked more normal. Apollo quickly tidied his curly hair as much as he could before running out of his room to the kitchen just as the bus pulled out of the driveway and went off to pickup another student. Most likely the new neighbours who moved in down the road, his Mum and Dad had talked about how they wanted to formally greet them and invite them over but wanted to let them get situated so they didn't feel too overwhelmed.

"You missed the bus again" his aunt Sprite simply stated as she made a sandwich.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Apollo asked somewhat annoyed.

"It's not my job" she replied simply and Apollo grumbled, he had wanted to be on the bus to try make some new friends before school started.

"Where are my Mum and Dad?" Apollo asked as he grabbed his packed lunch.

"They went to deliver some crop to the market" Sprite told him. "They also said don't be late to school" she added a mischievous yet playful grin on her face.

Apollo rolled his eyes at her. Sprite had moved in with them about a year after he had first met Ikaris and even though she would often leave to travel the world she was here more often than not. Sprite was like his Mum and him, she had powers but her personality was a bit rough at times. She could often act mean or playfully mischievous but beneath that she really cared about people. She loved telling stories, she would use her powers and tell the best stories Apollo had ever heard. Stories about heroes, legends and myths and whenever she told them he could see her light up. Telling stories was how she brought joy into the world and whenever she made people laugh, smile or feel with her stories Apollo could tell that she was truly happy. She also liked to pull pranks on him with her powers which could be quite annoying. She was like the mean but loving big sister he never asked for but now had. Which was weird cause she was technically his aunt.

"I'll show you, I definitely won't be late" Apollo said determined right before he stuck his tongue out at Sprite.

Sprite just stuck her tongue back out at him and then using sign language said to him "you better get running then".

His Mum and Dad had been teaching him a lot of different languages since he was a kid, one of them being sign language. Sprite had a tendency to use it when she was teasing him.

Apollo stuck out his tongue at her one last time before stepping out of the door. He stretched a little grinning to himself wondering if he could break his record. Apollo took off his glasses not wanting them to fall off as he ran and put them in his bag. He went into the corn fields so he could stay hidden as he ran just like he and his parents had agreed. He grinned to himself again, a race between him and the school bus with the school bus having a head start. That could be fun. He looked at his watch and got ready to time himself.

"On your marks" Apollo said to himself as he got into racing position. "Get set" he said as he got into a takeoff stance. He then looked ahead at the sprawling cornfields ahead of him and with a determined expression said "Go!" as he took off at speeds faster than even Captain America could reach.

Apollo raced through the corn fields his strong legs propelling him forward, the wind swept through his hair and Apollo laughed out loud enjoying the feeling of running at well over two hundred and fifty miles per hour. The world was just a blur to him and all he could hear was the wind howling through his ears. To him running like this felt like true freedom. Apollo knew he was different; he had been since he was born. He could lift a tractor before he had ever stepped foot inside a classroom and he was faster than a car by the time he was in kindergarten. Right now he was running at about 300 miles per hour and he knew if he pushed himself he could run faster but his perception hadn't fully caught up to his speed and he didn't want to lose control and run through a wall. He did that before when he was racing his Mum home and it was very embarrassing.

His Mum was different too, she was strong and fast not as strong or as fast as he was but she was definitely stronger and faster than regular people. His aunt's Sprite and Sersi were also pretty strong and fast, not like him but just like his Mum they were superhuman. Ikaris was the only person he knew who was stronger than him and when he flew he was faster than Apollo could even imagine. Apollo thought he got his powers from his Mum, everyone on her side of the family was beyond human and at first he had thought they must be super soldiers like he and his Dad's hero Captain America but after a while he realised that wasn't the truth. However, he was never told the full story so he could only speculate on what they were because he wasn't told much. They just told him that he was different and everyone on his Mum's side of the family was different too. Apollo suspected he was some kind of demigod because everyone on his Mum's side of the family had a name from myth and they sometimes talked about things that happened a long time ago like they were personally there to witness it. Apollo assumed this was the case and this is why he was different and he didn't mind being different when he was with them but sometimes at school or when he was by himself he would wish he could play with the other kids freely, hang out with them and not have to wear nerdy glasses to hide that his eyes glowed. Just be like them, be free to be himself all the time and not feel alone.

However, this feeling, the feeling of running so fast that you feel at one with the wind was exhilarating. Apollo had never flown with Ikaris before because he was afraid of heights but this was what he imagined flying felt like. The world a blur around you leaving you alone with nothing but the wind as it not only passed through you but also pushed you forward. Apollo didn't want to ever lose this feeling because it felt like true freedom. Apollo continued his run embracing how free he felt and deciding not to dwell on sad thoughts and soon he saw the school come into view. Apollo slowed down as he saw the cars and buses driving to drop off the other kids in his school. He had beat the bus and done so by quite a bit, he looked down at his watch and noticed he hadn't broken his record. He must've inadvertently slowed down when he got lost in thought. It was okay though; he'd beat his record another day. Apollo stopped at the edge of a road put on his glasses and then crossed it at regular speed. He waved to the other kids as he passed them, a friendly smile on his face and with every face he saw he felt hopeful. Maybe he could make some new friends this new school year, friends that could one day would be okay with fact that he was different.

Apollo sat down in his seat in the middle of the class and smiled as his classmates walked in one by one. Their teacher Ms. Rampling went around asking everyone how they were and if they were excited for the new school year. Meanwhile most of the kids were excited to talk about they did over summer break. Pete Ross was talking about the hunting trip he went on with his Dad, Chloe Sullivan was talking about how she was able to go to the Chicago Women's Club and talk to some journalists and Kenny Braverman was talking about how he was able to go to watch the Jazz and Bulls play in the NBA Finals. Apollo listened to everyone describe their eventful summer holidays and Apollo wanted to tell them about the people he saved or about how he discovered his skin was super tough when he jumped too high up, fell through the barn and ended up landing hard on the ground leaving an impression in the earth several inches deep but wound up without a scratch on him. However, he knew he couldn't talk about that so he just told them about his Uncle Ikaris and Aunt Sersi coming to visit and playing with some animals in the woods. The bell rang signaling the start of class and Ms. Rampling told everyone to quiet up and get ready for class. Everyone started taking out their books and that's when the principal knocked on the door. Ms. Rampling opened up the door for him and he walked in with a pretty Asian girl following right behind him.

"Good morning class" Principal Siegel said.

"Good morning Principal Siegel" they all said in unison right back to him.

"I'd like you all to welcome this lovely young girl into your class. Her and her Dad just moved to Smallville recently and I hope you'll all do your best to be kind and friendly to her."

Everyone in the class nodded and Principal Siegel smiled before saying something to Ms. Rampling and then walking out.

"Okay class you heard Principal Siegel please welcome our new student and do your best to become friends with her" Ms. Rampling said to the class.

"Honey, why don't you tell us your name and something about yourself" Ms. Rampling instructed the pretty Asian girl. The girl nodded and then stood out confidently in front of the class.

"Hi everyone my name is Skye Hubbard and I want to be a pilot" the girl, Skye, said as she smiled brightly.

"Hi Skye" the class replied back to her in unison.

"Very good Skye and well done class" Ms. Rampling said. "Skye why don't you go sit next to Apollo over there, he's the boy with curly hair in the flannel with glasses."

Skye nodded and then walked to her seat, she put all her books and stationary on her desk and Apollo smiled to her. He gingerly stuck out his hand for her to shake and she looked at him for a moment before she shook it.

"Hi, I am Apollo" Apollo said introducing himself.

"Like the space program, that's so cool" Skye said as she smiled back at him.

Apollo blushed a little having never been called cool before.

"Yeah, like the space program" he said sheepishly trying to stop his cheeks from turning red.

"Do you like space?" Skye asked.

"I love space, my Dad got me a telescope for my last birthday" Apollo answered a big smile on his face. "Maybe you can come over one day and see it, we leave in the farm up the road from you" Apollo offered nervously.

"That would be awesome" Skye said excitedly and Apollo's smile somehow grew bigger than he thought possible.

Apollo grinned at Skye and she smiled back at him. Ms. Rampling was saying something in the background but the two of them couldn't hear what she was talking about nor did they care they were both just happy to have made a friend.

The late summer turned to fall and Apollo found himself happier than he'd ever been at the start of a new school year. The leaves were falling from the trees and everything was cooling down. He was enjoying the cool autumn breeze and thinking ahead to what the rest of the week had ahead of him.

The Harvest festival was coming up and Apollo was excited to show Skye her first of hopefully many Harvest fests. Mr. Hubbard and her were already planning on what to donate, Skye didn't seem too excited about that part but she was excited for the Fishers Sugar Bowl stand and the prospect of eating chocolate bacon. Apollo loved the Harvest Festival, every year he would say the town he lived in come together to help the less fortunate. His Dad used to tell him this is the essence of what farming is about, it wasn't about growing crops, not really, it was about providing for people who couldn't provide for themselves. Giving back and helping, that was what made humanity survive as long as it did, kindness, helping others. His Mum loved the Harvest Festival too, she loved how it brought people together, made the town feel more like one big giant community, she would tell him how no matter what anyone told him everyone in the world had the capacity to be good and as long as he believed in that people more often than not wouldn't let him down. That the festival showed that even those you thought were mean had kindness in their hearts and the festival showed that, everyone selflessly giving showed that. Sprite liked it too, she didn't like having to project her illusion for a long time but the festival was great place for her to connect with others by telling them stories and hearing the stories they told others. Apollo liked the festival because it made everyone in his family so happy. Apollo loved the festival but in years past he would feel lonely seeing kids run around playing with one another and everyone being hesitant to let him join because he was usually so sheltered and they thought he was weird. This year would be different, this year he would have a friend that he could enjoy the festival with.

He glanced down at his watch and then cursed at himself slightly. He was supposed to be on the farm helping his Dad working on the farm preparing for the same harvest festival he was daydreaming about. He grumbled to himself before taking off quickly to the farm to help his Dad.

He reached the farm a few minutes later and found his Dad working on collecting the corn from their cornfields. He was getting off the corn harvester. Something was in it's way and it was stuck. His Dad was inspecting what it was and how to go about moving it when he heard Apollo run in.

"You're late" Jonathan said in a matter of fact tone.

"I'm sorry I got distracted at Skye's" Apollo replied.

"Of course you did" Jonathan said a slight chuckle in his voice.

Apollo just put his head down and looked out at the cornfields, he rolled up his sleeves and then took off his glasses so they didn't get in his way.

"I thought we agreed that right before sunrise and sunset you'd be here on the farm to help with corn" Jonathan told him.

"I know, I'm sorry" Apollo said.

"It's great to have friends and hang out with them and I don't ever want you to feel bad about spending time with them but you have responsibilities and you have to remember to make sure you honour them. Okay?" Jonathan asked him softly.

"Okay Pa" Apollo said as he walked towards him and saw that what was in the way of the harvester was a large boulder.

His Dad was looking for a way to remove it and trying to get something to use as leverage so he could lift it.

"You need some help?" Apollo asked as he watched his Dad struggle.

Jonathan simply nodded, and Apollo lifted the boulder out of the ground. He held it in one hand casually and Jonathan shook his head.

"Pa?" Apollo asked.

"Sometimes I forget how different you and I are" Jonathan said a bit of wonder in his voice.

Apollo suddenly felt self conscious but smiled to his Dad as he walked away with the boulder.

"So you and Skye are getting mighty close" Jonathan said in a teasing tone with a raised eyebrow.

Apollo immediately understood the insinuation and blushed heavily causing him to nervously drop the boulder on his foot. His Dad laughed at him and Apollo picked the boulder up again with his left hand, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand.

"It's okay son, it's nothing to embarrassed about" Jonathan told him as he put his hand on his right shoulder and walked with him towards the barn.

Apollo just nervously nodded before taking the boulder and putting it to the side of the barn.

"It's not like that" Apollo said finally as he walked back to the fields with his Dad.

"What's it like then?" Jonathan asked inquisitively.

Apollo paused for a second thinking of how to phrase his answer.

"I don't know; it's just everyone thinks I'm weird. I used to not play with them when we were kids cause I was afraid of hurting them. It's hard to make friends when everyone remembers you as the odd kid with glasses who used to sit to the side alone not talking or playing with anyone. But Skye doesn't see me like that, she just sees me. Or at least the part of me she wouldn't be freaked out by" Apollo told his Dad.

Jonathan nodded a part of him pained by hearing his son talk about how lonely he used to feel.

"Son I know it doesn't feel like it now but trust me you'll make more friends as you grow up and they all see how amazing you are. Skye was the first but I can promise you they'll be more" Jonathan said to his son hoping his words would give him hope for the future.

Apollo smiled at his Dad's words for a moment before he looked out at the cornfields.

"We have a lot of work to still do" Apollo said to his Dad.

"That we do" Jonathan replied.

"How about we make it a game. Let's see who can pick the most corn. Me on the harvester or you on your two feet" Jonathan said playfully challenging his son.

Apollo just smiled confidently.

"Your on old man" Apollo said with confidence.

Jonathan got back on the harvester and started it as Apollo crouched in a running stance.

"Go!" Jonathan shouted to his son as he drove the harvester through the fields and Apollo removed the corn one by one at super speed.

Together the two managed to clear the Kent farm cornfields by the time the sun was setting and in the end Apollo's incredible speed proved to be too much for his Dad and he beat him. The two were smiling together as Apollo and him were pulling the corn off it's stalk.

"Pretty soon we won't need any equipment. You'll be doing all of the farm work by yourself in minutes" Jonathan told Apollo as he watched pull the corn at super speed.

"I'd never do that Pa; after all you need to feel like you still have a job" Apollo joked to his father causing him to laugh.

Apollo lied hearing his Dad laugh, it was a deep belly laugh that made him feel at ease and happy. He continued his work and looked out at the sunset and it took his breath away. The symphony of colours all coming together to sing in the night sky. The red, oranges and yellows merging with the blues and purples to create the greatest painting God gave humanity.

"Do you ever get tired of looking at that?" Apollo asked his Dad as they watched the sunset.

"No. Never have. Guess I never will…" Jonathan replied just as in awe of the sunset as his son.


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