why are we here

As Hijoshikina settled into his seat in the classroom, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. The arrival of the enigmatic figure sent a ripple of surprise through the students, their curiosity piqued by his unfamiliar appearance. With his hair slicked back, glasses perched on his nose, and a few facial hairs framing his face, Vlad cut a striking figure as he addressed the class.

"Nice to see you again, students," Vlad began, his voice smooth and confident. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here."

Hijoshikina's eyes widened in recognition, his mind racing to reconcile the new image of Vlad with the hooded figure he had encountered before. The realization dawned on him, sending a jolt of shock through his system.

"It's Vlad!" someone exclaimed, their voice tinged with disbelief.

Hijoshikina's heart pounded in his chest as he processed the revelation. Vlad, the mysterious figure who had overseen their arrival at the school, was standing before them in the flesh.

Vlad's lips curved into a knowing smile as he surveyed the class, his gaze lingering on each student in turn. "But let's clarify things," he continued, his tone tinged with amusement. "You all know me as Vlad."

The room buzzed with whispered conversations as the students exchanged incredulous looks. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fall into place, but the true nature of their circumstances remained shrouded in mystery. And as Hijoshikina grappled with the implications of Vlad's revelation, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were just scratching the surface of something much larger and more sinister.

Wow talk about change. Another student said looking at Vlad. Like wow what an upgrade

As it was Green hair student, as his side of the hair was cut as he had multiple piercing, as he was wearing a black tank top, with a his green eyes meeting Vlad

Vlad's smile widened at the student's remark, a hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Thank you for the compliment," he replied smoothly, his voice carrying a note of satisfaction. "I do like to keep things interesting."

The green-haired student's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he observed Vlad's new appearance. "Seriously though, what's with the change?" he asked, his tone laced with intrigue. "You went from mysterious hooded figure to... this."

Vlad chuckled, a melodious sound that filled the room. "Ah, well, a change in scenery calls for a change in attire," he explained cryptically, his gaze flickering with amusement. "But let's not dwell on appearances. We have much to discuss."

Hijoshikina watched the exchange with a mixture of fascination and wariness. Vlad's transformation only added to the enigma surrounding him, leaving more questions than answers in its wake. As the class settled into an uneasy silence, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the cusp of something momentous. And with Vlad at the center of it all, the mysteries of the School of the Insane seemed more daunting than ever.

Anyway let's continue. The green hair student siad as he had smile. Let's talk about why you all are here

Vlad's smile widened, his gaze sweeping over the class with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "Yes, let's," he said, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "I'm sure you're all eager to understand the purpose of this... unique institution."

Hijoshikina leaned forward, his interest piqued by Vlad's words. The question of why they were all gathered in this strange school had been gnawing at him since the moment he arrived.

"You see," Vlad began, his tone measured, "each of you has been carefully selected to be here."

A murmur of confusion rippled through the class as the students exchanged puzzled glances. Carefully selected? For what purpose?

"You are all here because you possess a certain... aptitude," Vlad continued, his words deliberate. "An aptitude for survival, for adaptation, for... shall we say, unconventional methods."

Hijoshikina's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of Vlad's cryptic words. What did he mean by "unconventional methods"? And why had they been chosen for this supposed aptitude?

"As students of this institution, you will be tasked with honing your skills," Vlad explained, his voice carrying a note of authority. "You will learn to navigate the complexities of the world around you, to embrace your strengths, and to confront your weaknesses."

Hijoshikina's mind raced with questions, but Vlad's enigmatic demeanor offered no easy answers. As the class settled into an uneasy silence, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their presence in the School of the Insane than Vlad was letting on. And with each passing moment, the mysteries of their surroundings seemed to deepen, leaving him more determined than ever to uncover the truth.

Basically. Vlad siad looking over the group. We are here to become trained Assassin's for your government. Vlad looked at all of them with smile. Best part is if you guys no one will care all you, after all you all were carefully selected.

Hijoshikina's eyes widened in shock as Vlad's words hung in the air, the implications sinking in with chilling clarity. Trained assassins? For the government? The revelation sent a shiver down his spine, his mind reeling with the enormity of what Vlad had just revealed.

Around him, the other students exchanged incredulous looks, their expressions a mix of disbelief and apprehension. The idea that they had been handpicked to become government-sanctioned killers was almost too much to comprehend.

"But why?" someone finally spoke up, their voice trembling with uncertainty. "Why us? What makes us so special?"

Vlad's smile widened, his gaze lingering on each student in turn. "Ah, that is the question, isn't it?" he replied, his tone tinged with amusement. "You see, each of you possesses a unique set of skills and talents that make you ideal candidates for this... specialized training program."

Hijoshikina's mind raced as he tried to make sense of Vlad's words. Specialized training program? What did that even mean? And what would become of them once their training was complete?

"But rest assured," Vlad continued, his voice smooth and reassuring, "you are in good hands. Here at the School of the Insane, you will receive the finest education in the art of assassination, ensuring that you are fully prepared for whatever challenges may lie ahead."

As Vlad's words washed over them, a sense of unease settled over the class. The knowledge that they had been chosen to become trained assassins for the government was a heavy burden to bear, one that would shape the course of their lives in ways they could scarcely imagine.

And as Hijoshikina braced himself for the trials that lay ahead, he couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was only just beginning. With Vlad as their guide, the students of the School of the Insane were about to embark on a dark and perilous path, one that would test their limits and push them to the brink of their humanity. But whether they would emerge from the shadows as killers or heroes remained to be seen.

Let me guess. The green hair kid siad. It is because we all are murdered and we were all put to the death penality, by our government. The green hair kid lamped and so did the other students

Hijoshikina's eyes widened in realization as the truth dawned on him, echoed by the laughter of the green-haired student and the murmurs of agreement from the others. They were all murderers, condemned to death by their own government, and now they were being repurposed as tools for its dark purposes.

A sense of bitter irony settled over him as he considered the twisted logic behind their selection. They were society's castaways, deemed unworthy of redemption or rehabilitation, yet valued for their lethal skills and propensity for violence.

"And here I thought we were just misunderstood," Hijoshikina quipped, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Turns out, we're the government's dirty little secret."

The green-haired student chuckled, his expression a mixture of amusement and resignation. "Guess we're not the only ones with blood on our hands," he remarked, his tone tinged with bitterness.

As the laughter faded and a somber silence settled over the class, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with his fellow students. They were all victims of a system that had failed them, condemned to a fate they could never escape.

But as Vlad watched over them with a knowing smile, Hijoshikina knew that their journey was far from over. They may have been chosen as assassins, but they still held the power to shape their own destinies. And with each passing moment, they would strive to reclaim their humanity in a world that had branded them as monsters.

Now let's start the class. Vlad dias picking up a marker. We will be learing science to see how to kill someone more effectively, chemistry on how to make drugs and poison, math to help you solvee problems and many more and social science my personal class, where I will teach you about the dark side of history. Vlad siad as he looked at his class. So let's start

As Vlad's words hung in the air, Hijoshikina felt a chill run down his spine. The curriculum laid out before them was a stark reminder of the true nature of their education at the School of the Insane. Science to perfect the art of killing, chemistry to craft deadly poisons, and math to aid in the execution of their sinister tasks—it was a curriculum designed for killers, by killers.

But it was Vlad's mention of social science that intrigued Hijoshikina the most. The study of human behavior, motivations, and the darker aspects of history—this was where the true depths of their training would be revealed.

As the class settled into their seats, Hijoshikina braced himself for what lay ahead. With each lesson, they would delve deeper into the shadows, exploring the darkest corners of the human psyche under Vlad's expert guidance.

And as Vlad picked up the marker, ready to impart his knowledge to the eager students before him, Hijoshikina knew that their journey into the depths of darkness had only just begun. With each passing day, they would edge closer to unlocking the secrets of their own potential, and embracing the darkness that lurked within them all.

So what subject is first. Eima akses vlad. Because chemistry sounds fun to me

Vlad's gaze shifted to Eima, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Ah, chemistry," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "A popular choice, indeed."

Hijoshikina watched as Vlad moved to the whiteboard, his movements fluid and precise. With a flick of the marker, he began to outline the basics of chemistry, his explanations clear and concise.

"As assassins, it is essential that you understand the properties of various chemicals and compounds," Vlad explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "From poisons to explosives, chemistry holds the key to a wide range of lethal weapons."

Hijoshikina's interest piqued as Vlad delved into the intricacies of chemical reactions and formulae. The prospect of creating deadly substances with his own hands was both exhilarating and terrifying.

"As part of your training, you will learn how to identify, synthesize, and utilize a variety of chemical agents," Vlad continued, his voice echoing in the classroom. "By mastering the principles of chemistry, you will gain the tools necessary to eliminate your targets with precision and efficiency."

Eima nodded, her expression unreadable as she absorbed Vlad's words. Chemistry may have sounded fun to her, but Hijoshikina could sense the gravity of their training weighing heavily on her shoulders.

As Vlad concluded his lecture, Hijoshikina felt a sense of anticipation building within him. With each lesson, they would inch closer to mastering the deadly arts that would define their existence as assassins. And as they delved deeper into the realm of chemistry, he knew that their journey into the shadows had only just begun.

As the class break time came, Hijoshikina was seating on the desk reviewing notes with Eima, as the same green hair student from before came to them.

Can I help you. Eima siad looking him up and down. If so well tell

Fuck of. Hijoshikina said decided to be an asshole to him. We don't want to hear what you have.

The green-haired student's eyes narrowed as he regarded Hijoshikina with a mixture of irritation and amusement. "Wow, aren't you charming," he remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I was just trying to be friendly, but if you'd rather be an asshole, be my guest."

Hijoshikina shrugged nonchalantly, unfazed by the other student's attitude. "Suit yourself," he retorted, returning his attention to his notes.

Eima glanced between the two of them, a hint of unease flickering in her eyes. "Guys, can we not do this right now?" she interjected, her voice tinged with exasperation. "We're all in this together, whether we like it or not."

The green-haired student sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Fine, whatever," he muttered, shooting Hijoshikina a disdainful glare before turning on his heel and stalking away.

Hijoshikina watched him go with a smirk, satisfied with his small victory. Despite the tension between them, he knew that they were all bound by the same fate—a fate that would force them to rely on each other, whether they liked it or not. And as the break came to an end and they returned to their seats, he couldn't help but wonder what other challenges awaited them in their twisted journey through the School of the Insane.

But still. The green hair student said looking at Hijoshikina. Your fun dragon of hell. He said saying Hijoshikina nickname. So what is your real name and I will tell you mine

Hijoshikina's eyes narrowed at the mention of his nickname, a flash of annoyance crossing his features. He wasn't fond of being referred to by that moniker, especially not by someone he barely knew.

"It's Hijoshikina," he replied curtly, his tone clipped. "And I don't recall asking for yours."

The green-haired student raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Hijoshikina's brusque demeanor. "Fair enough," he conceded, a sly grin playing on his lips. "The name's Verdant Mort."

Hijoshikina arched an eyebrow at the unusual name, the hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Verdant Mort, huh?" he repeated, the words rolling off his tongue. "Sounds like a name you'd find in a Gothic novel."

Verdant chuckled, the tension between them momentarily dissipating. "Yeah, well, it suits me," he replied, his tone casual. "But enough about names. We've got bigger things to worry about than what to call each other."

Hijoshikina nodded in agreement, a sense of camaraderie settling between them. Despite their differences, they were all in this together, bound by the same fate and the same dark purpose. And as they returned to their seats, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling that Verdant Mort would prove to be a valuable ally in the trials that lay ahead.

Eima watched from her seat, a bemused expression crossing her features as she observed the exchange between Hijoshikina and Verdant Mort. The sudden shift from hostility to camaraderie left her feeling perplexed, unsure of what to make of the dynamic between the two boys.

"They're weird," she mused to herself, her thoughts drifting as she returned her focus to her notes. "First they're assholes, and now they're friends."

Despite her initial skepticism, Eima couldn't deny the sense of relief that washed over her at the sight of their newfound alliance. In a place as dark and unforgiving as the School of the Insane, having allies even unlikely ones could mean the difference between life and death.

As she glanced over at Hijoshikina and Verdant Mort, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited them in their twisted journey through the school. With each passing day, the lines between friend and foe seemed to blur, leaving Eima to navigate the treacherous waters of their shared existence with caution and uncertainty. But one thing was for certain she wouldn't survive this alone. And if that meant forming alliances with the likes of Hijoshikina and Verdant Mort, then so be it.

To be continued