Even PE is not normal

As the class transitioned to physical education, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. In a school filled with killers and assassins, even something as mundane as PE was bound to take a dark turn.

He glanced around the gymnasium, noting the absence of traditional sports equipment. Instead, the room was filled with an assortment of deadly weapons—knives, swords, and various other implements of death.

"Alright, listen up," Vlad's voice cut through the air, commanding the attention of the students. "Today, we'll be focusing on close-quarters combat. Each of you will pair up and spar with your partner using the weapons provided."

Hijoshikina exchanged a wary glance with Eima, both of them silently acknowledging the danger of the situation. With everyone in the class trained killers, there was no telling what might happen once the sparring began.

As the students paired off and began to spar, the gym erupted into a chaotic frenzy of violence. The sound of metal clashing against metal filled the air as each pair fought with deadly precision.

Hijoshikina and Eima cautiously circled each other, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Despite their alliance, they both knew that in the School of the Insane, trust was a rare commodity.

With a nod of understanding, they lunged forward, their weapons flashing in the dim light of the gym. As they clashed, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling that even PE was not safe in this twisted school of killers. But as the adrenaline surged through his veins, he knew that survival depended on his ability to adapt and overcome, no matter the circumstances.

As the sparring intensified, Hijoshikina and Eima moved with calculated precision, each anticipating the other's moves with a dancer's grace. Despite the deadly nature of their training, there was a strange synchronicity in their movements, a silent understanding forged through their shared experiences.

With each clash of their weapons, they exchanged a flurry of blows, their movements fluid and seamless. It was a deadly dance, a battle of skill and strategy played out in the confined space of the gymnasium.

But amidst the chaos, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. There was a tension in the air, a palpable sense of unease that hung over the sparring students like a dark cloud.

As he parried a blow from Eima, his senses heightened, alert for any sign of danger. It was then that he noticed a figure lurking in the shadows, watching the sparring matches with a predatory gaze.

Instinctively, Hijoshikina tensed, his grip tightening on his weapon as he prepared for a possible attack. But before he could react, the figure melted back into the darkness, disappearing without a trace.

A shiver ran down Hijoshikina's spine as he turned to Eima, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Did you see that?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the din of the gym.

Eima nodded, her expression grave. "I saw it too," she replied, her voice tinged with unease. "Something tells me PE is about to get a lot more dangerous."

With that ominous thought lingering in the air, Hijoshikina and Eima resumed their sparring, their senses on high alert for any sign of danger. In a school where even PE was not safe, they knew that they would have to rely on each other if they hoped to survive the deadly trials that lay ahead.

Hijoshikina's heart raced as he saw Akari pinned to the ground, a knife at her throat. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, grabbing a bat and swiftly incapacitating her assailant with a well-aimed blow to the head.

But his triumph was short-lived as Vlad intervened, his authoritative voice cutting through the chaos of the gym. Hijoshikina froze, the bat still clenched tightly in his hand, as Vlad approached with a stern expression.

"That's enough," Vlad declared, his tone brooking no argument. "We don't want the remaining twelve students to kill each other."

Reluctantly, Hijoshikina lowered the bat, his eyes never leaving Akari's prone form on the ground. He couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at his insides, knowing that the danger was far from over.

Vlad's gaze softened slightly as he knelt beside Akari, helping her to her feet. "Not before the games," he added, his voice tinged with a hint of menace.

As Vlad led Akari away from the gym, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. In a school where even PE was a deadly affair, he knew that the games Vlad spoke of would be more dangerous than anything they had faced before. And as he glanced around at his fellow students, he couldn't help but wonder who would emerge victorious in the twisted trials that lay ahead.

Why did you do that. Eima said going to side of Hijoshikina. You knew Vlad would stepped in

Hijoshikina's gaze softened as he looked at Eima, a flicker of regret crossing his features. "I couldn't just stand by and do nothing," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "Not when I saw someone in trouble."

As memories of his past surfaced, Hijoshikina felt a pang of nostalgia for simpler times, for the innocence of childhood before the darkness of the School of the Insane had consumed him.

Turning his attention back to Eima, he offered her a faint smile. "But you're right," he conceded. "I should have known Vlad would step in. Guess I let my emotions get the better of me."

Eima nodded in understanding, her expression softening with empathy. "We all make mistakes," she replied, her voice gentle. "But we have to stay focused if we want to survive."

With a shared understanding, Hijoshikina and Eima resumed their sparring, their movements fluid and coordinated. In the midst of the chaos that surrounded them, they found a fleeting sense of solace in the familiarity of combat, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, they were not alone. And as they fought side by side, their bond grew stronger, a beacon of hope amidst the ever-present shadows of the School of the Insane.

As while they were fighting they saw Verdant being through at them as Verdant hits Hijoshikina as he was on the ground, as they saw it was dark skinned girl, as she looked America, she has red hair and black eyes, As Eima helped Hijoshikina up from where verdant had hit him, they both watched with bewilderment as the dark-skinned girl approached. Her appearance was striking, with red hair and black eyes that seemed to gleam with an otherworldly intensity.

Before they could react, the girl grabbed Hijoshikina by the hand, her grip firm and unyielding. "You," she said, her voice low and menacing. "You're fighting me."

Hijoshikina's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. Who was this girl, and why did she seem so intent on fighting him? But before he could voice his questions, he found himself being dragged away by the mysterious newcomer, leaving Eima behind in a cloud of confusion.

As Eima turned to Verdant for answers, he sighed heavily, his expression grave. "That," he said, his voice tinged with resignation, "is Isabella Noir, one of the deadliest fighters in the school. And if she's challenging Hijoshikina to a fight, then things are about to get a lot more dangerous around here."

With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Eima realized that they were about to face a new and formidable opponent one whose motives and abilities were shrouded in mystery. And as she watched Hijoshikina being dragged away by Isabella, she couldn't shake the sense of unease that settled over her like a dark cloud, signaling the beginning of a deadly confrontation that would push them to their limits.

Eima's eyes widened in realization as she connected the dots. "Isabella Noir," she murmured, her voice tinged with dread. "The girl who killed five students in the battle royale, despite not having a weapon."

As the memory of that brutal encounter flooded back, Eima couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine. Isabella's prowess in combat was legendary, her skill unmatched by any other student in the school.

With a sinking feeling in her gut, Eima knew that Hijoshikina was facing a formidable opponent—one who had proven herself to be a deadly force to be reckoned with.

"We have to do something," Eima said, her voice urgent. "We can't just let her drag Hijoshikina into a fight with her."

But even as she spoke, Eima knew that confronting Isabella would be a dangerous proposition. With her incredible strength and skill, Isabella was not someone to be underestimated.

As Eima struggled to come up with a plan, she couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that washed over her. In a school where survival was a constant struggle, they were all just pawns in a deadly game, at the mercy of forces far beyond their control.

Now this is interesting. Vlad siad see Isabella dragg Hijoshikina. Top 1 of this year has chosen the hell dragon as her fighter. Vlad said looking at Isabella. Should I stop this, no this is fun

Vlad's words sent a chill down Eima's spine as she watched Isabella drag Hijoshikina away, a sense of dread settling over her like a heavy cloak. The realization that Isabella had chosen Hijoshikina as her opponent filled her with a mixture of fear and apprehension.

But Vlad's nonchalant attitude only added to Eima's growing sense of unease. His casual dismissal of the situation made it clear that he had no intention of intervening, leaving Hijoshikina to face Isabella on his own.

As Eima glanced around the gym, she saw that the other students were watching with a mix of excitement and anticipation. To them, the prospect of a showdown between two of the school's top fighters was nothing short of thrilling.

But for Eima, it was a stark reminder of the brutal reality of life at the School of the Insane. In a place where violence and bloodshed were the norm, there was no room for mercy or compassion.

With a heavy heart, Eima knew that she couldn't stand by and do nothing. Despite the dangers that lay ahead, she was determined to do whatever it took to protect her friend and ensure his survival in the deadly game that had become their reality.

Aren't you going to take a weapon. Hijoshikina said talking a bat. I mean aren't you

I don't need one. Isabella siad looking at him. My hands are enough

Hijoshikina's grip tightened on the bat, his knuckles turning white with tension as he faced off against Isabella. Despite the unease churning in his gut, he couldn't help but admire her confidence, her unwavering belief in her own abilities.

But as Isabella spoke, her words sent a shiver down his spine. The casual dismissal of weapons, the self-assurance in her stance—it was clear that she was not to be underestimated.

With a deep breath, Hijoshikina prepared himself for the inevitable clash. As the first blow was struck, he quickly realized that he was outmatched in every way. Isabella's speed and agility were unmatched, her strikes landing with pinpoint accuracy as she effortlessly dodged his every move.

Try as he might, Hijoshikina found himself unable to gain the upper hand. Each strike from Isabella was like a sledgehammer, driving him back with relentless force. Despite his best efforts, he could feel his strength waning, his limbs growing heavy with exhaustion.

And then, in a swift and decisive motion, Isabella delivered the final blow—a devastating strike that sent Hijoshikina crashing to the ground, his bat slipping from his grasp as darkness closed in around him.

As he lay there, battered and defeated, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of bitter resignation. In the brutal world of the School of the Insane, strength was everything, and he had just learned a harsh lesson in humility.

Alright not giving up. Hijoshikina said getting back. I mean what is the worst that can happen

This was the biggest mistake if his life. As he then got his ass kicked in many ways as the students just watch

Yeah no. Eima siad watching the match. The second is on him

Hijoshikina's determination burned bright, despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him. With a fierce resolve, he pushed himself to his feet, refusing to back down in the face of adversity.

But as the fight raged on, it became increasingly clear that Hijoshikina was outmatched in every way. Isabella's skill and strength were simply on another level, and no matter how hard he fought, he couldn't seem to gain the upper hand.

With each blow that landed, Hijoshikina felt his strength waning, his body growing weaker with every passing moment. But still, he refused to give up, his pride and stubbornness driving him forward even as his chances of victory slipped further and further away.

But as the match wore on, it became painfully obvious that Hijoshikina's determination was no match for Isabella's sheer power. With a final, devastating blow, she sent him crashing to the ground, his body broken and bruised, his spirit shattered.

As the other students watched in stunned silence, Eima could only look on with a heavy heart, knowing that she had been powerless to stop the inevitable. In the end, all she could do was stand by and watch as her friend suffered defeat after defeat, each one more crushing than the last.

Vlad's voice cut through the tension like a knife, bringing an end to the brutal confrontation that had unfolded in the gymnasium. With a sense of relief, Eima watched as the other students began to disperse, their faces etched with a mixture of shock and concern.

As Hijoshikina was escorted to the nurse's office, Eima couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience. She had watched in silence as her friend had faced off against Isabella, unable to do anything to prevent his inevitable defeat.

With a heavy heart, Eima followed the other students to the nurse's office, her mind racing with thoughts of what had transpired. In a place where violence and bloodshed were a daily occurrence, it was all too easy to become numb to the suffering of others.

But as she entered the nurse's office and saw Hijoshikina lying on a cot, his face pale and bruised, she knew that she couldn't turn a blind eye to the pain and suffering that surrounded her. With a sense of determination, she vowed to do whatever it took to protect her friends and ensure their survival in the deadly world they found themselves in.

As she looked around at the other students, their injuries a stark reminder of the dangers they faced, Eima knew that they were all in this together. And as long as they stood united, they would have a fighting chance of overcoming the challenges that lay ahead.

Hijoshikina let out a low groan as he slowly blinked his eyes open, the dull ache in his body serving as a painful reminder of the beating he had endured. As he glanced around the room, he saw Eima seated beside him, her expression a mix of concern and relief.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Hijoshikina muttered, his voice rough with pain. He shifted uncomfortably on the cot, wincing as he felt the pull of the bandages around his injuries.

You really got your ass kicked. Verdant siad with a smile. Also the second ass kick was on you, like what were you thinking

Verdant's words brought a grimace to his face, his pride stinging at the reminder of his defeat. "Hey, I was just... trying to make a point," he muttered lamely, though even he knew it sounded feeble.

But as he looked at Eima and Verdant, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. Despite his recklessness, they were still there by his side, offering their support in his time of need.

With a rueful smile, Hijoshikina knew that he had a lot to learn if he was going to survive in this unforgiving place. But as long as he had friends like Eima and Verdant by his side, he knew that he wouldn't have to face the challenges ahead alone.

Alright your almost fixed. As a girl came. I am school nurse jenny

She was woman which seem to be in her 20, he eyes had dark circle and she had a face of I am done with life, she has yellow hair, and wears a doctor outfit as she put something in Hijoshikina neck.

"What was that?" Hijoshikina asked, his curiosity piqued despite the throbbing ache in his body.

"Just a little something to help with the pain," Nurse Jenny replied, her tone matter-of-fact. "You took quite a beating out there. You'll need all the help you can get."

As the medication took effect and the pain began to dull, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Nurse Jenny. In a place where violence and suffering were all too common, her small act of kindness was a rare glimmer of compassion in the darkness.

Also basically it ia healing potion. She siad as she looks at him. Something the who, is trying to developed and need test subject, I mean where do you think all our medican are tested before being given to the public

Hijoshikina's eyes widened in surprise at Nurse Jenny's revelation. A healing potion? The concept seemed straight out of a fantasy novel, yet here he was, experiencing it firsthand.

"Seriously?" he exclaimed, disbelief evident in his voice. "I thought those were just myths."

Nurse Jenny nodded, a weary smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Believe it or not, they're very real," she confirmed. "And in a place like this, where injuries are all too common, they're a valuable resource."

As the healing potion worked its magic, Hijoshikina felt the last traces of pain begin to fade away, replaced by a newfound sense of vigor and vitality. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and he couldn't help but marvel at the wonders of modern medicine.

"Thanks," he said gratefully, his voice tinged with wonder. "I owe you one."

Nurse Jenny waved off his thanks with a tired gesture. "Just doing my job," she replied. "Now get some rest. You'll need it for whatever comes next."

So what is the side effects. Eima said looking at Jenny. What is it, after all I don't think it is fully tested

Nurse Jenny's expression turned somber as she considered Eima's question. "You're right, it's still experimental," she admitted. "And like any new medication, there are potential side effects."

She paused for a moment, her gaze flickering between Hijoshikina and Eima. "The most common side effects are dizziness, nausea, and fatigue," she explained. "But in rare cases, there have been reports of more severe reactions, such as allergic reactions or complications with healing."

Despite the seriousness of her words, Nurse Jenny's tone remained calm and reassuring. "But rest assured, we're monitoring you closely," she added. "If you experience any unusual symptoms, don't hesitate to let me know."

With that, she gave them a reassuring smile before moving on to attend to the other injured students, leaving Hijoshikina and Eima to contemplate the implications of their newfound treatment.

I see. Vardants siad looking at Jenny. So we are not just training to be assassin but also, lab rats Jesus this school gets more insane the more we learn about it

Verdant's words echoed the growing unease in the room as the gravity of Nurse Jenny's revelation settled over them. The realization that they were not only being trained as assassins but also serving as test subjects for experimental medications added another layer of darkness to an already grim situation.

"Yeah, no kidding," Hijoshikina muttered, his mind racing with the implications of what he had just learned. The thought of being little more than a pawn in someone else's twisted game filled him with a sense of anger and betrayal.

"But what choice do we have?" Eima spoke up, her voice tinged with resignation. "We're stuck here, whether we like it or not. All we can do is try to survive."

Verdant nodded grimly, his expression mirroring their own apprehension. "Survival's all that matters in a place like this," he agreed. "But we'll need to be careful. Who knows what other secrets this school is hiding."

As they exchanged uneasy glances, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding settle over him. In a place where even the most basic assumptions could be turned on their head, they would need to tread carefully if they were to have any hope of escaping the twisted web they found themselves trapped in.

As then they all saw Isabella walking, Eima grabbed a scapel, as she just looked at Isabella.

Hahhahaah. Isabella lapped. You Hijoshikina rights you will be my rival from now on, let's who survives during these last 3 years.

As she left, leveling the thrio to wonder what the fuck. The tension in the room thickened as Isabella's words hung in the air, her laughter echoing ominously in their ears. Eima's grip tightened on the scalpel, her eyes fixed on Isabella's retreating figure with a mixture of determination and apprehension.

Hijoshikina's mind raced as he processed Isabella's declaration. A rival? In a place already filled with danger and uncertainty, the prospect of facing off against someone as formidable as Isabella sent a chill down his spine.

But he refused to back down. If Isabella wanted a challenge, she'd certainly found one in him. With a steely resolve, he met Eima's gaze, silently conveying his determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Isabella disappeared from view, leaving them to grapple with her ominous promise, the trio was left to wonder just what kind of trials awaited them in the unforgiving crucible of the school of the insane.

To be continued.