This school gives us phone

As Eima and Hijoshikina cane back to there room, they saw a two black box's on there desk.

Eima approached the black boxes cautiously, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "What are these?" she asked, glancing at Hijoshikina for answers.

Hijoshikina shrugged, equally perplexed. "No idea," he replied, reaching out to inspect one of the boxes. It was sleek and modern, with no visible markings or indications of its purpose.

As they examined the boxes, Eima noticed a small button on one side of each device. Without hesitation, she pressed one of the buttons, and to their surprise, the box sprang open, revealing a sleek smartphone nestled inside.

"Well, that's unexpected," Hijoshikina remarked, picking up the phone and turning it over in his hands. "What do you think it's for?"

Eima hesitated, her mind racing with possibilities. "Maybe it's some kind of communication device," she suggested. "Or perhaps a tool for gathering information."

"Only one way to find out," Hijoshikina said, activating the phone's screen with a tap. As the display lit up, they were greeted with a simple interface, devoid of any identifying information.

With a sense of trepidation, they began to explore the phone's capabilities, uncertain of what secrets it might hold or what consequences their actions might bring.

As they saw note, Hijoshikina picked and up and started to read what it says. Hijoshikina unfolded the note, scanning its contents with a furrowed brow. The message was short and to the point:

"Congratulations on your new phones. These devices are provided to facilitate communication and coordination among students. Please use them responsibly and refrain from any unauthorized activities. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.

- Administration"

Hijoshikina exchanged a knowing glance with Eima, their suspicions confirmed. These phones were undoubtedly meant to serve as a means of control and surveillance, allowing the administration to monitor their activities and interactions.

"Well, that's just great," Hijoshikina muttered, the note crumpling in his hand. "Just what we needed, more ways for them to keep tabs on us."

Eima nodded in agreement, her expression grim. "It looks like we'll have to be careful about what we do and say from now on," she remarked, a note of caution in her voice.

With a sigh, Hijoshikina pocketed the note and slipped the phone into his pocket. They may not have liked it, but it seemed they had little choice but to adapt to their new reality and navigate the dangers of the school of the insane.

Will shit. Eima said looking at website. We cane access the comments. She siad as she looked at her phone.

Hijoshikina leaned in to examine the screen, his curiosity piqued. "Comments? What kind of comments?" he asked, reaching for his own phone to investigate.

As he navigated to the designated section, his eyes widened in surprise. There, displayed in stark black text against the sterile white background, were a series of comments from other students. Some were mundane observations about daily life in the school, while others hinted at deeper secrets and hidden agendas.

"This is... unexpected," Hijoshikina remarked, scrolling through the comments with growing interest. "It seems like everyone has something to say about this place."

Eima nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It could be a valuable source of information," she suggested. "If we're careful, we might be able to learn more about what's really going on here."

Hijoshikina agreed, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "Let's keep an eye on this," he said, closing the browser and slipping the phone back into his pocket. "Who knows what we might uncover."

As he read the note more.

Also don't try and contact anyone, from the outside, you just can't will not really, so yeah enjoy

Hijoshikina's brow furrowed as he read the additional warning. "Seems like they're really serious about keeping us isolated," he muttered, a note of frustration in his voice.

Eima nodded, her expression grim. "It's like they want to cut us off from the outside world completely," she observed. "But why? What are they trying to hide?"

Hijoshikina shook his head, his mind racing with possibilities. "I don't know," he admitted, tucking the note away in his pocket. "But it looks like we'll have to find our own answers if we want to survive in this place."

With a shared glance, they both knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty. But together, they were determined to uncover the truth behind the school of the insane, no matter the cost.

But we can still access YouTube. Hijoshikina siad turning on the app. And I have an idea, this school is full of killers, and they are training us to be assassin what do you think will happen if the public finds out

Eima's eyes widened in realization as Hijoshikina's words sank in. "You're right," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "If we can document what's happening here and expose it to the public, it could blow the lid off this whole operation."

Hijoshikina nodded, a determined expression on his face. "Exactly," he agreed. "We'll need evidence, though. Proof of what they're doing to us, and how they're training us to be killers."

Eima pulled out her own phone, her fingers flying over the screen as she searched for recording apps and editing software. "We'll start by documenting everything," she said, her voice resolute. "Every class, every conversation, every moment of our lives in this place."

Hijoshikina grinned, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "And then, when we have enough evidence, we'll find a way to get it out to the world," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "No matter what it takes."

But in all honesty. Hijoshikina siad looking at Eima. Why do this in the first place

Good point. Eima siad looking back at him. Why just do this, after the other options is death by our government, so yeah.

See your getting my point. Hijoshikina said a smile on his face. After let's face everything consider this school is a place we can be out self and killing games on day on proved it is a percent place for killers like us. He siad as lap cane out. After becoming assassin that is not really bad

As then they got a dm from vardent, as it was link clicking on it ut sent to a server as it has Vardent and Akari in it as well. Curious, Hijoshikina and Eima clicked on the link, which led them to a private server where Vardent and Akari were waiting.

"What's this all about?" Eima asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Vardent grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Welcome to our little secret hideout," he said, gesturing around the virtual space. "I thought it might be a good idea for us to have a place where we can communicate freely, without the prying eyes of the school administration."

Akari nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "We need to stick together if we're going to survive in this place," she said, her voice tinged with determination. "And having a secure channel of communication is essential if we want to coordinate our efforts."

Hijoshikina smirked, impressed by their initiative. "Not bad," he said, nodding approvingly. "Having a place where we can share information and strategize without interference could be a game-changer."

With a shared sense of purpose, they settled in to discuss their next steps, knowing that they were stronger together than they could ever be alone.

Ok but why are we here. Hijoshikina texted back. I mean me and Emia don't even now you two, we just interacted with Vardants today and I only saved Akari twitch which no need to thank me

Vardent chuckled, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he typed out a response. "Fair point," he admitted. "But in a place like this, it pays to have allies. And from what I've seen, you and Eima aren't exactly the type to sit back and wait for things to happen."

Akari nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "We may not know each other well," she said, "but we're all in the same boat here. And if we want to survive, we need to stick together."

Hijoshikina raised an eyebrow, considering their words. "Fine," he said, a hint of grudging respect in his voice. "But don't expect us to trust you just because you say so. Actions speak louder than words, after all."

With a shared nod, they settled into a tense but determined alliance, knowing that in a place where trust was a rare commodity, they would have to earn each other's loyalty one step at a time.

Alright sense everyone in this school has a nicker what is your Vardant. Eima texted in the chat. The one given to me is the white rabbit wolf and Hijoshikina is Dragon of hell.

Stop calling me that. Hijoshikina texted back in the group. Just because is the nickname the government gave me doesn't mean I like it

Vardent's response appeared promptly. "Mine's Nightshade," he typed. "Sounds ominous, but I guess it fits the vibe of this place."

Akari chimed in next. "They call me Silent Blade," she wrote. "Not very original, but I guess it gets the point across."

Hijoshikina sighed, shaking his head at his own nickname. "Fine," he typed. "If we're sharing, they call me Hellfire. But just so you know, I prefer Hijoshikina."

But really night shade. Eima siad texting. Out nickname cane from how many people, how we kill, or who have killed so what is reason for that nickname

"Good question," Vardent responded quickly. "Honestly, I think they just went for something that sounded cool. Maybe it's supposed to imply stealth or danger. Or maybe they just picked it randomly. Who knows with this place?"

As Hijoshikina closed his phone and opens his door, luckily it was not closing time.

We're are you going. Eima siad seeing him go out. You will get into trouble

As he Left, after a while arriving in same building from ch 4, last time he saw the man he had nothing to take it

But this time. He said pulling out his new phone. Let's take a few pictures for this whole map

Hijoshikina wandered through the building, his phone camera capturing every corner and detail. He took snapshots of the layout, the exits, and any unusual features. As he moved stealthily, his mind raced with thoughts of how this information might prove useful in the future.

Hijoshikina's steps were light and deliberate as he explored each room. He documented everything meticulously, from the architecture to any potential security measures. His eyes scanned for hidden passages, weak points in the structure, or any signs of recent activity.

In one room, he stumbled upon a storage area filled with crates and boxes. Curiosity piqued, he approached and began to rummage through them. Among the mundane items, he discovered something unexpected—a cache of weapons. His heart raced as he realized the significance of his find. This could be a game-changer.

With a quick series of photos, he captured the contents of the stash. Knives, firearms, and other assorted tools gleamed in the dim light. Hijoshikina's mind raced with possibilities. This wasn't just a school—it was a powder keg waiting to explode.

As he continued his exploration, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this place than met the eye. He made a mental note to share his findings with Eima and Vardent. Together, they might uncover the truth behind the facade of the school for the insane.

Oh it is you again. A voice siad to him. Nice to see you kid.

Hijoshikina siad Turing his head once again seeing the same woman he meet last time, her whip hit the ground as almost like she was explain or get wiped

Hijoshikina regarded the woman with a mixture of caution and intrigue. "You again," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism. "What's your deal?"

The woman chuckled, the sound echoing in the empty room. "Just passing through, same as you," she replied cryptically. "But it seems you've stumbled upon something interesting."

Hijoshikina's grip tightened on his phone, his instincts on high alert. "And what if I have?" he countered, eyeing her warily.

"Nothing," she said with a shrug, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Just remember, curiosity killed the cat."

With that enigmatic warning, she turned and sauntered away, her whip trailing behind her. Hijoshikina watched her go, a sense of unease settling over him. There was more to this woman—and to the school—than met the eye.

Are you guard of this place. Hijoshikina siad to the woman. Like why else are you here.

No. The woman said as she was going away. If you ever meet her run, and run fast

Hijoshikina's eyes narrowed as he watched her retreat, her words leaving a chill in the air. "Her? Who are you talking about?" he called after her, but she had already vanished into the shadows, leaving him alone with his thoughts and a growing sense of foreboding.

Meanwhile in the edge of the island two students seem to be in there second years, made a boat as they were ready to escape they heard a sound

Shit. One of them siad. She is here.

As the trees moved showing a giant, man, or maybe a monster, as it had Gian steal pipe on the solder of the man was women wearing a black uniform, as she had orange hair and sadistic smile.

Now now. The woman sjad looking at them. We're you trying to run if so. She siad as she pulled out a wipe. You will now why I am called the guard of hades In this school. The women sand with smile. Because no one escape eave. The women siad saying her name. Now die

The two students exchanged panicked glances, realizing the dire situation they were in. With adrenaline coursing through their veins, they made a split-second decision to fight rather than flee. They lunged at the woman, their makeshift weapons raised, ready to give it their all in a desperate bid for survival.

And just like two more dead. Eave siad seating on the dead body of the students. What same they would have made good assassin. She sighs. Well better tell the principal about this.

Eave casually rose from her seat on the fallen students, her expression unchanged by the violence she had just enacted. With a nonchalant shrug, she began to walk back towards the school, her ominous presence lingering in the air like a dark cloud over the island.

Meanwhile Hijoshikina returned back to his dorm room, as he saw Eima was glarring at him, like how a house wife would.

Hijoshikina sensed Eima's glare as he entered the room, her eyes piercing through him like daggers. He knew he had some explaining to do, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the adventure he'd just embarked on.

Hijoshikina met Eima's glare head-on, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "What? Did you miss me already?" he teased, setting his phone down on the desk.

Eima's expression softened slightly, though her eyes still held a hint of annoyance. "Where did you go?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Just out for a walk," Hijoshikina replied nonchalantly, flopping onto his bed. "I needed some fresh air, you know?"

Eima crossed her arms, her gaze unwavering. "You're always getting into trouble," she muttered.

Hijoshikina chuckled. "Hey, what's life without a little excitement?" he said, flashing her a grin.

Eima rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "Just be careful, okay?"

"Always am," Hijoshikina assured her, though his mischievous grin hinted otherwise.

As they settled back into their routine, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling of exhilaration from his impromptu adventure. Little did he know, more excitement and danger awaited them at the School of the Insane.

Plush look at this. Hijoshikina said pulling out the picture of the man. There is more island then just this one. Hijoshikina siad with a smile. Which means more school of the insane like this one. He siad as lap cane out his mouth. Is this what Vlad ment by the games if so this is going be fun

Eima leaned in to examine the photo, her expression thoughtful. "You might be onto something," she mused, studying the landscape depicted in the image. "If there are more islands like this one, it could mean there are other schools similar to ours."

Hijoshikina nodded eagerly. "Exactly. And if Vlad mentioned 'the games,' it's possible that these schools compete against each other in some way. Maybe it's a twisted competition to see which school produces the most skilled assassins."

Eima's eyes widened at the idea. "That's... horrifying," she admitted. "But it would explain why they're so focused on training us to be killers."

"Exactly," Hijoshikina agreed, a determined glint in his eyes. "But it also means we have more opportunities to gather information, find allies, and maybe even figure out a way to escape."

Eima nodded, her gaze steely. "We'll need to be careful," she cautioned. "But if it means getting out of this place and putting an end to whatever twisted games they're playing, I'm in."

Hijoshikina grinned. "That's the spirit," he said, feeling a surge of excitement. "Let's show them what we're made of."

As they plotted their next move, a sense of determination settled over them. Despite the dangers lurking around every corner, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest for freedom.

To be continued