
Ch 8 Eave.

As it had been a week in the school of the insane, Eima and Hijoshikina was in PE with all of there class, as Hijoshikina was using a gun shooting at a target, as vald walked in.

Thanks for talking my class jenny. Vlad siad looking at Jenny. But I need someone else help Eave.

Vlad glanced around the gym, his gaze falling on Eave, who stood at the edge of the room with her whip coiled at her side.

"Eave," he called out, "I need your assistance in 6D. There seems to be a bit of a situation."

Eave's lips curled into a sinister smile as she cracked her whip. "Of course, Vlad," she replied eagerly. "I'll take care of it."

Hijoshikina exchanged a wary glance with Eima as they watched Eave leave the gym. There was something unsettling about her presence, something that sent shivers down their spines. They couldn't shake the feeling that trouble was brewing.

Has she always been there. Hijoshikina siad chilling going down his spine as he saw eave leave. Because I didn't not notice. He siad to Eima, Vardent and Akari, people he would call friend if this was normal school

Eima nodded in agreement, her expression tense. "She's always lurking in the shadows, like a predator waiting to strike," she remarked, casting a wary glance in Eave's direction.

Vardent shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, but there was an uneasy tension in his demeanor. "Yeah, she gives me the creeps," he admitted, adjusting his glasses nervously.

Akari remained silent, her eyes narrowed as she watched Eave disappear from view. Her grip tightened on the hilt of her dagger, a silent reminder of the dangers lurking within the school.

Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung in the air. "We need to be careful," he said, his voice low. "Eave may be the guard of the gates of Hades, but we're not going to let her stand in our way."

So wanna she what is happening in class 6D. Another voice cane this one was male. I mean why not.

As they all turn there head to see a boy there ages with gray hair put down, he had dark eye's, as he was wearing, black pants, and a gray shirt with a golden chain on his neck.

Not now kaben. Hijoshikina siad annoyed, out of all his class mates he was most annoyed by kabe. But yeah do wanna check it out

Kabe shrugged, unperturbed by Hijoshikina's annoyance. "Suit yourself," he said, flashing a cocky grin. "But you know as well as I do that things are never boring in this place."

Hijoshikina rolled his eyes but couldn't deny Kabe's point. "Fine, let's go see what's going on in 6D," he conceded, curiosity getting the better of him.

Eima exchanged a glance with Vardent and Akari before nodding in agreement. "We should stick together," she said quietly, a note of caution in her voice.

With a shared sense of apprehension, the group made their way to class 6D, unsure of what they would find but determined to face whatever awaited them.

So the 5 student from 4d are going.to check out 6d. Eima siad lapping at what is happening. God we have death wish.

I mean she is not wrong. Vardant said with smile. Non of class like each other.

Hijoshikina chuckled wryly. "Yeah, it's a miracle we're even standing here together," he admitted, casting a glance at his unlikely companions. "But maybe there's strength in numbers, especially in this place."

As they approached class 6D, the atmosphere seemed tense, and voices could be heard from inside. Hijoshikina paused, exchanging a meaningful look with the others before pushing open the door and stepping inside.

Inside 6D, the scene was chaotic. Students were engaged in fierce combat, some wielding weapons while others relied on hand-to-hand combat skills. At the center of the chaos stood Eave, her whip crackling through the air as she dealt swift and merciless blows to anyone who dared challenge her authority.

Hijoshikina's group watched in astonishment as Eave effortlessly dispatched several opponents with calculated precision. Her demeanor was calm and collected, almost as if she were enjoying the spectacle of violence unfolding before her.

"Damn, she's good," Vardant muttered, his eyes fixed on Eave's movements.

"I've heard rumors about her," Akari said quietly, her expression unreadable. "They say she's the school guard, but she's more like its executioner."

Eima clenched her fists, her gaze unwavering as she watched the chaos unfold. "We need to be careful around her," she warned, her voice low but firm.

Just then, Eave's eyes locked onto the newcomers, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Well, well, well," she purred, her voice carrying over the din of the battle. "What do we have here? More lambs to the slaughter?"

Hijoshikina tensed, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon. He knew they were in dangerous territory now, but retreating wasn't an option. They had to stand their ground, even if it meant facing off against the most feared figure in the school.

Congratulations on not killing a whole class this time. Vlad said as he looked at Eave. Congratulations.

Vlad's words sent a chill down Hijoshikina's spine. It was clear that Eave's actions had his approval, further solidifying her position of authority within the school.

"Thanks, Vlad," Eave replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'll be sure to keep up the good work."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Vlad turned and left the chaotic scene behind. Eave turned her attention back to the newcomers, her eyes gleaming with malice.

"So, what brings you to my class?" she asked, her voice oozing with contempt.

Hijoshikina stepped forward, his expression guarded but defiant. "We were just curious," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "We heard there was some excitement happening here, so we thought we'd check it out."

Eave's grin widened, revealing a row of sharp teeth. "Well, you certainly found excitement, didn't you?" she said, her whip crackling with energy. "But I'm afraid you've stumbled into the wrong place, little lambs. This is my domain, and here, I am the law."

With that, Eave lashed out with her whip, the crack echoing through the room as it narrowly missed Hijoshikina's head. It was clear that they were in for a fight, and Eave had no intention of showing them mercy.

Alright enough. Vlad siad looking at Eave. This is my class, you can do what you want with class 6d sense it is your class. He siad looking at her. But 4d are my idiot's

Eave's grin faded slightly at Vlad's words, but she didn't back down. Instead, she took a step forward, her eyes locking onto Vlad's with an intensity that sent a shiver down Hijoshikina's spine.

"Your idiots, huh?" Eave said, her voice dripping with disdain. "Well, it looks like they've wandered into my territory. And you know what they say about trespassers, don't you?"

Vlad's expression remained impassive, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. He knew that Eave was unpredictable, and challenging her could lead to dire consequences.

"Fine," Vlad said finally, his tone conceding defeat. "But make it quick. We have a schedule to keep."

With a satisfied smirk, Eave turned her attention back to Hijoshikina and the others, her whip crackling with energy. "Well, then," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "Let's see what you're made of, shall we?"

And there goes our last hope. Akari siad hidng behind Hijoshikina. I blame kabe for this

Hijoshikina glanced at Akari, understanding the fear in her eyes. Kabe's impulsiveness had led them into a dangerous situation, and now they were at the mercy of Eave.

"Don't worry," Hijoshikina said, trying to sound confident despite his own unease. "We'll figure something out. Just stick close to me."

As Eave approached, her whip crackling menacingly, Hijoshikina braced himself for whatever came next. They may have walked into a trap, but they weren't going down without a fight.

Eave chuckled darkly at their response, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Suit yourselves," she said, twirling her whip expertly. "But just remember, breaking the rules in my presence has consequences. So play nice, or suffer the consequences."

With that ominous warning, she turned and walked away, leaving the group feeling uneasy but relieved that they had escaped unscathed for now.

As she left, kabe just looked at her as if anyone saw him they could swear hus eyes had just turned into hearth, yes he was that tipe of guy, as Hijoshikina shakes if.

You asshole. He screened in his ear. Onces your back in PE your death

As he sees Eima, Vardent, and Akari glaring at him.

Hijoshikina's threat echoed in Kabe's mind, but he simply smirked in response, seemingly unfazed by the animosity directed towards him. He knew he had a knack for getting under people's skin, and he relished in it.

Meanwhile, Eima, Vardent, and Akari exchanged knowing glances, silently vowing to keep an eye on Kabe and not let his provocations get to them. They understood that staying united was their best defense against the dangers lurking within the school of the insane.

Meanwhile in the teach room Eave seat done, as she pulled out her lunch, as she was ready to eat, she saw someone coming to her it was the the same woman and Hijoshikina keeps meeting

What do you want sister. Eave said looking at the woman. And make it quick

The woman approached Eave with a serious expression, her demeanor indicating that she had urgent news to deliver.

"Sister, there's been an incident," she said, her voice low but urgent. "One of the students from class 6D attempted to escape. I've already dealt with the situation, but I thought you should know."

Eave's eyes narrowed slightly as she absorbed the information. "Which student was it?" she asked, her tone betraying no emotion.

"It was one of the second-year students," the woman replied. "They tried to build a boat and flee from the island."

Eave's lips curled into a small, predatory smile. "Thank you for informing me," she said dismissively. "Continue to monitor the situation closely. We can't afford any more disruptions."

The woman nodded and quickly left the room, leaving Eave to finish her lunch in peace, her mind already strategizing how to maintain order within the school.

Securely, I did this yesterday and I am doing it again. Eave said singing. Kj, needs to keep his students in check.

Eave's voice carried a chilling edge as she continued her song, her words hinting at the underlying power dynamics within the school.

"Kj may be the principal," she sang softly, "but it's my iron fist that keeps them in line."

As she finished her lunch, Eave's thoughts turned to the next steps she needed to take to maintain control over the students and ensure that no further attempts at escape were made.

Two minutes later the students were brought back alive, unlike the student of yesterday they chose to come with eave,

You two better understand. Eave siad looking at them. There is not escape from this school. She said cracking her whip. Be lucky that, I didn't kill you like the other two I found yesterday

Eave's words hung heavy in the air, her presence casting a shadow of fear over the students as they listened to her ominous warning. Hijoshikina, Eima, and the others exchanged uneasy glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

"We get it," Hijoshikina replied, his voice tinged with a mix of defiance and resignation. "There's no escaping this place."

As Eave turned to leave, the students couldn't shake the feeling that they were trapped in a nightmare from which there was no waking.

"We were just passing by," Hijoshikina replied casually, though the tension in the air was palpable. "Didn't mean to interrupt your... lunch break."

Eima and the others remained silent, their eyes darting nervously between Eave and Hijoshikina, unsure of what might happen next.

As the group left, as they sigh the group entered the capitarea.

She is scary. Akari siad singing. What do you guys think, and to think we meet her on the same day twitch one thanks to kabe and this time by accident

"I think we need to be more careful around her," Hijoshikina replied, his expression serious. "She's not someone to mess with, that's for sure. And Kabe... well, he's a whole different problem."

Eima nodded in agreement. "We'll just have to watch our backs and stick together," she said, her voice determined. "We can't let ourselves become victims in this place."

Vardent chimed in, his usual cheerful demeanor somewhat subdued. "Yeah, sticking together is definitely the way to go. And maybe we should keep an eye on Kabe too. He seems like trouble."

Hijoshikina nodded. "Agreed. We don't know what his deal is, but we can't trust him."

Akari glanced around nervously. "I just hope we can make it through this without any more incidents," she said softly.

As they walked, the group couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Eave's presence had left behind. They knew they had to tread carefully in this school of killers, where danger lurked around every corner.

As they walked through the corridors, the atmosphere seemed heavier than usual, weighed down by the recent encounter with Eave. Even the typically boisterous Vardent was subdued, his usual jokes replaced by thoughtful silence.

Eima glanced at Hijoshikina, her expression betraying her concern. "What do you think Eave meant by 'there's no escape from this school'?" she asked quietly.

Hijoshikina frowned, mulling over the words. "I don't know, but it can't be good. We need to be cautious and stick together."

Akari nodded in agreement, her eyes darting nervously from shadow to shadow. "We should also keep an eye on Kabe. I don't trust him."

Vardent sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I hate to say it, but this place is more messed up than I thought. We've got to watch our backs."

With renewed determination, the group pressed on, each step bringing them closer to uncovering the secrets of the school of the insane. They knew they had to stay vigilant if they were to survive in this deadly environment.

Really. Hijoshikina said looking at Vardant. As if the drugs they give us during PE was not enough prove, plush the phone they gave us I pretty sure it has tracking chip in it

Vardent's eyes widened in realization. "You're right," he muttered, tapping his chin in thought. "They're keeping tabs on us, every move we make."

Eima's brow furrowed in concern. "But why go to such lengths? What's the point of all this surveillance?"

Hijoshikina shrugged, his expression grim. "Who knows? Maybe they're testing us, seeing how far they can push before we break. Or maybe..." He trailed off, a flicker of suspicion in his eyes.

"Maybe what?" Akari pressed, her voice edged with unease.

Hijoshikina shook his head, unwilling to voice his darkest thoughts aloud. "Let's just keep our guard up," he said finally. "We can't afford to let our guard down in a place like this."

To be continued