Food fight

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual chaotic energy of the students, but today there was an added tension in the air. As Hijoshikina and his classmates entered, they could feel the atmosphere crackling with anticipation. Eima eyed the other students warily, while Hijoshikina scanned the room for potential threats.

Vardant, always one to break the tension with humor, nudged Hijoshikina. "Ready for a food fight?"

Hijoshikina smirked. "More like a fight for survival."

Just then, chaos erupted as someone hurled a tray of food across the room. The cafeteria erupted into a frenzy as students grabbed whatever they could find to use as weapons. Hijoshikina ducked behind a table, narrowly avoiding a barrage of flying food.

"Looks like things just got interesting," he muttered to Eima as they prepared to defend themselves.

As then Eima Pulled out her axe from her back, Vardent pulled out his knife, and Hijoshikina out his back, as then they just looked at the group.

Alright who is Frist. As then a cake flys to him as he Bat it's away. Try again.

Hijoshikina scanned the chaotic scene, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a group of students wielding trays like shields. Without hesitation, he charged towards them, his bat at the ready. Eima and Vardant followed closely behind, their weapons poised for action.

The air was filled with the sounds of shouting and the clatter of trays and utensils as the food fight escalated into a full-blown brawl. Hijoshikina swung his bat with precision, knocking aside trays and sending food flying in all directions. Eima's axe cleaved through the air, while Vardant's knife flashed in the dim light of the cafeteria.

Amidst the chaos, Hijoshikina caught sight of a particularly menacing opponent charging towards them. With a fierce battle cry, he lunged forward, ready to meet the challenge head-on.

As Eima swung her axe, deflecting another flying piece of food, she shouted, "Alright, who's next?"

Hijoshikina stood beside her, bat in hand, fending off various attacks. Vardant, with his knife at the ready, stayed vigilant, while Akari cautiously watched the chaos unfold.

The cafeteria was in utter disarray. Students from various classes were engaged in a full-blown battle, using anything they could get their hands on as weapons. Some were even using utensils and trays as makeshift shields.

"Why does this always happen during lunch?" Eima groaned, blocking another incoming projectile.

Vardant smirked. "Well, it's the perfect time for everyone to let off some steam, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but does it always have to be so messy?" Akari added, ducking to avoid a flying bowl of spaghetti.

A loud crash echoed through the room as a table was overturned. Hijoshikina glanced around, eyes scanning for the source of the disturbance. His gaze landed on a familiar figure.

"Isn't that Kabe?" he asked, pointing towards the boy with gray hair who was currently entangled in a brawl with another student.

"Looks like it," Eima said, rolling her eyes. "He's always in the thick of things."

Vlad, standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, watched the mayhem with a bemused expression. "Alright, enough playing around," he called out, his voice cutting through the noise. "If you don't want to spend the next week in detention, I suggest you all calm down."

Reluctantly, the students began to lower their makeshift weapons and cease their attacks. The room gradually quieted, though the tension remained palpable.

Hijoshikina lowered his bat but kept it within reach, just in case. He exchanged a glance with Eima, who nodded slightly. They knew better than to completely let their guard down in this school.

"Everyone, clean up this mess," Vlad commanded. "You have ten minutes, or you'll be eating in the courtyard for the rest of the month."

Grumbling, the students began to pick up the scattered food and right the overturned tables and chairs. Hijoshikina, Eima, Vardant, and Akari worked together to tidy up their section of the cafeteria.

As they cleaned, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The school of the insane was aptly named, and every day seemed to bring a new challenge, a new threat. But despite the chaos, there was a strange sense of camaraderie among those who survived each ordeal.

"Hey," Eima said, breaking the silence. "Do you think we'll ever get used to this?"

Hijoshikina shrugged. "Maybe. Or maybe we just get better at surviving."

"Either way, we stick together," Vardant added, offering a rare moment of sincerity.

"Agreed," Akari said, smiling slightly. "We're in this together."

As the group finished cleaning, they shared a moment of quiet understanding. In a place as unpredictable and dangerous as this, the bonds they formed might just be the key to making it through alive.

Vlad surveyed the now-clean cafeteria and nodded in approval. "Good. Now get back to your classes. And remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch in this school."

As they headed back to their respective classes, Hijoshikina couldn't help but glance back at the cafeteria. The chaos had subsided for now, but he knew it was only a matter of time before the next storm hit.

And when it did, they'd be ready. As then kabe went flying as Hijoshikina just movies to the side letting him fly, as he saw Isabella as she looked at the group

Oh shit. The group of four thoughts seeing her. Not again

Kabe hit the ground with a heavy thud, skidding to a stop a few feet away. Hijoshikina, Eima, Vardant, and Akari instinctively tensed up as they saw Isabella striding towards them, a predatory grin on her face.

"Well, well, well," Isabella purred, her red hair falling around her shoulders like a fiery mane. "If it isn't my favorite group of misfits."

"Oh shit," they all thought in unison, their minds racing. They had already had one close encounter with Isabella, and it hadn't ended well for Hijoshikina.

Isabella's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "I hope you all are ready for some fun."

Hijoshikina stepped forward, trying to keep his voice steady. "We don't want any trouble, Isabella. We're just trying to get through the day without more fights."

Isabella laughed, a sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, I see the fear in your eyes. It's exhilarating."

Eima tightened her grip on her axe, Vardant held his knife at the ready, and Akari subtly shifted into a defensive stance. Hijoshikina kept his bat close, ready for whatever Isabella might throw at them.

"Look, Isabella," Eima said, trying to sound calm, "we just had a food fight turn into a brawl. Can we not do this right now?"

Isabella's grin widened. "That just sounds like a warm-up to me. But fine, if you don't want to play, I'll leave you alone… for now."

She glanced over at Kabe, who was groaning on the floor, struggling to get up. "But your friend there," she said, pointing at him, "he might not be so lucky next time."

Isabella turned to leave, her eyes still glittering with that unsettling mix of excitement and malice. "See you around, Dragon of Hell," she called over her shoulder, using Hijoshikina's hated nickname. "And don't think you can avoid me forever."

As she walked away, the tension in the group finally began to ease. Hijoshikina let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

"She's insane," Vardant muttered, sheathing his knife.

"No kidding," Akari agreed. "What's her deal, anyway?"

Hijoshikina shook his head. "She's just a battle junkie. Loves the thrill of the fight and the fear she instills in others."

Eima glanced at Kabe, who was finally getting to his feet. "You okay?"

Kabe nodded weakly, brushing himself off. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for not letting her beat me senseless."

"Maybe if you didn't go around antagonizing everyone, you'd have fewer bruises," Hijoshikina said, half-jokingly.

The group started to move towards their next class, trying to put the encounter behind them.

"Let's just get through the rest of the day without any more incidents," Eima suggested, and the others nodded in agreement.

As they walked, Hijoshikina couldn't help but glance back. Isabella was a force to be reckoned with, and he had a feeling that this wouldn't be their last confrontation. But for now, he was content to focus on surviving the present.

After all, in a school where every day was a fight for survival, staying alive was the ultimate victory.

Meanwhile, from the rooftop, three shadowy figures watched the commotion below. Their features were obscured, making it impossible to determine their identities or genders.

"So, that's class 4D," one of them said, their voice low and contemplative. "They're lucky, you know. Unlike 3D, they still have 12 students. 3D has none."

"Yeah, their teacher killed them all," another voice chimed in, tinged with a mix of amusement and disdain. "But hey, let's get back to our class. We don't want to keep 1D waiting."

The three figures turned and moved away from the edge of the rooftop, disappearing into the shadows as they headed back inside. Their movements were fluid and silent, like ghosts drifting through the halls of the School of the Insane.

As they made their way to their destination, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air. Class 1D was known for its ruthlessness and deadly efficiency, and the three figures were integral parts of that deadly machinery. In a school where survival was a daily battle, 1D stood at the top of the hierarchy, feared by all.

Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, Hijoshikina, Eima, Vardant, and Akari were finally starting to relax. The near-encounter with Isabella had left them on edge, but they were determined to make it through the rest of the day without further incident.

"Do you think we should be worried about those three on the rooftop?" Akari asked, her eyes darting nervously to the ceiling as if expecting them to reappear.

"Probably," Vardant replied, his voice steady but his expression serious. "This place is full of surprises, and not the good kind."

Eima nodded in agreement. "We just have to stay vigilant. We can't afford to let our guard down, not even for a second."

Hijoshikina looked around at his friends, feeling a rare sense of camaraderie. Despite the chaos and danger that surrounded them, they had each other's backs. And in a place like this, that was the most valuable thing they could have.

"Let's stick together," he said firmly. "No matter what happens, we watch out for each other. Agreed?"

"Agreed," they echoed, their resolve strengthening in the face of the challenges ahead.

As they left the cafeteria, ready to face whatever the school threw at them next, the shadows on the rooftop watched, their intentions hidden and their plans unknown. The game was far from over, and the stakes were only getting higher.

So I been doing some digging. Eima said looking at the group. More hoenthr student system works, we are devided into 6 class 1-6 and they all have d which probably means death, but the seacond year class also has 1-6 but with a C, third years have B and fourth years have an A behind the numbers, what does this all mean

Hijoshikina frowned as he considered Eima's discovery. "So, we have four different groups, each split into six classes," he mused. "The letters must stand for something significant."

"Maybe it's a hierarchy system," Vardant suggested. "Each year progresses through different levels, and the letter represents that level. D for first years, C for second, B for third, and A for fourth years."

Eima nodded. "Makes sense. The higher the letter, the more advanced and deadly the students. That means by the time they reach the fourth year, they're the most skilled and dangerous."

"But what about the numbers?" Akari asked. "Why are there six classes within each year?"

"Maybe it's a way to categorize us based on skills or specialties," Vardant offered. "Like different tracks or divisions in a military unit."

"Or it could be a ranking system," Hijoshikina added. "Class 1 could be the top performers, and Class 6 could be the lowest. It would explain why our class seems to be full of... well, misfits and rejects."

Eima sighed. "If that's the case, we have a long way to go if we want to survive here, let alone rise through the ranks."

"We need more information," Hijoshikina concluded. "If we're going to navigate this system, we need to understand it fully."

Just then, a voice interrupted their conversation. "You lot always seem to be scheming," Kabe said, sauntering over with his usual smug expression. "Got room for one more?"

Hijoshikina rolled his eyes. "Depends. Are you going to get us into more trouble?"

Kabe grinned. "No promises. But I did overhear something interesting. The higher classes have access to certain privileges and resources that we don't. If we want to survive and maybe even thrive, we need to aim higher."

"Figures," Eima muttered. "In a place like this, power and resources are everything."

"Exactly," Kabe said. "So, what's the plan?"

Hijoshikina looked at his friends, then back at Kabe. "First, we gather more intel. We need to know exactly what we're dealing with. Then, we find a way to use that knowledge to our advantage."

"And how do we do that?" Akari asked.

"Simple," Hijoshikina said with a determined smile. "We start by making allies. Then we work our way up through the ranks, one step at a time."

Eima nodded, her eyes glinting with resolve. "Agreed. Let's find out everything we can about this system. We might be at the bottom now, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there."

As they left the cafeteria, a new sense of purpose drove them forward. They were determined to uncover the secrets of the school, rise through the ranks, and carve out a place for themselves in this deadly environment. The game had just begun, and they were ready to play.

To be continued