I will kill you

As the next day arrived, Akari was pushed against the wall by a boy with yellow hair tied back, wearing a black shirt and ripped jeans. He looked at Akari with lustful eyes.

"Do you know what my crime is?" he said, leering at her. "I've ruined many girls like you and then taken their lives."

Akari went cold, staring at the boy as the bell rang, signaling the start of the next period. The boy smirked and walked away, leaving her trembling.

"By student ID, Class 6D," he said as he departed. "I wonder what your friends will say when they find your body."

Akari's heart pounded as she slumped against the wall, her legs feeling weak. The encounter had left her shaken, his words echoing in her mind. Gathering her strength, she slowly made her way to the classroom where Eima, Hijoshikina, Vardant, and Kabe were already waiting.

As soon as she entered, Eima noticed her pale face and trembling hands. "Akari, what happened?" Eima asked, her voice filled with concern.

Akari took a deep breath and explained the encounter with the boy from Class 6D, her voice quivering as she recounted his chilling words.

Hijoshikina's expression darkened. "Did he say his name?"

"No," Akari replied, shaking her head. "But he mentioned that Class 4D is full of rejects and that he wondered what your reaction would be if you found my body."

"That bastard," Vardant muttered, clenching his fists. "We need to find out who he is and make sure he doesn't come near you again."

Kabe, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. "It's clear that this school is more dangerous than we thought. If students from higher classes are targeting us, we need to be even more vigilant."

Hijoshikina nodded. "We need to stick together and watch each other's backs. And we need to figure out who this guy is and what he's capable of. If he's done this before, there has to be some record or rumor about him."

Eima placed a comforting hand on Akari's shoulder. "We won't let anything happen to you. We'll find a way to deal with him."

As the group discussed their plan, the classroom door opened, and Vlad walked in, followed by Isabella. Vlad's eyes scanned the room, landing on Akari.

"Is there a problem?" Vlad asked, noticing the tension in the room.

Hijoshikina stepped forward. "A student from Class 6D threatened Akari. We need to know who he is and what his history is."

Vlad's expression grew serious. "Describe him."

Akari described the boy's appearance, and Vlad's eyes narrowed.

"I know who you're talking about," Vlad said grimly. "His name is Reiji. He's notorious for his violent tendencies and has a history of preying on weaker students. But confronting him directly is risky. We need a strategic approach."

Isabella, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "I can help with that. Reiji respects strength. If he sees that Akari has allies willing to fight for her, he might back off."

Hijoshikina nodded. "Alright. We'll stand our ground and show him that we're not to be messed with. But we need to be careful. We can't afford to make any mistakes."

The bell rang again, signaling the start of the next class. As they filed out of the room, Hijoshikina couldn't shake the feeling that their challenges were only beginning. They were in a school where survival meant being smarter, stronger, and more ruthless than the others. And they would need every ounce of courage and cunning to make it through.

As the group left the classroom, a sense of urgency hung in the air. They knew they couldn't afford to ignore the threat posed by Reiji, especially now that they had a name to attach to their assailant. Hijoshikina led the way, his mind already working through possible strategies.

"We need to gather more information about Reiji," Hijoshikina said as they walked down the hallway. "Find out his weaknesses, his routines, anything that might give us an advantage."

Eima nodded. "Agreed. We can't confront him blindly. We need to be smart about this."

Vardant glanced around, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. "I'll see if I can dig up any rumors or gossip about him. Sometimes, people know more than they let on."

Kabe smirked. "Leave that to me. I have a way with words."

Akari, still shaken from the encounter, remained quiet but nodded in agreement. She appreciated her friends' support but couldn't shake the feeling of fear that lingered in the back of her mind.

As they split up to gather information, Hijoshikina found himself outside the school's library. He knew that if anyone had information on Reiji, it would be the librarian, who seemed to know everything about everyone.

Entering the library, Hijoshikina approached the librarian, a stern-looking woman with glasses perched on the edge of her nose.

"Excuse me," Hijoshikina began, trying to sound casual. "I was wondering if you could help me with something."

The librarian looked up, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Depends on what you're looking for."

Hijoshikina hesitated for a moment, then decided to be direct. "I need information on a student named Reiji. He's from Class 6D."

The librarian's expression softened slightly. "Reiji, hm? Trouble seems to follow that boy wherever he goes. What do you want with him?"

Hijoshikina chose his words carefully. "Let's just say we had a run-in with him, and we're trying to make sure it doesn't happen again."

The librarian nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. "I see. Well, I can't give you any personal information, but I can tell you this: Reiji is a loner. He doesn't have many friends, but those who do associate with him are usually just as trouble-prone as he is."

"That's helpful," Hijoshikina said, grateful for the information. "Do you know anything else about him? Any weaknesses we can exploit?"

The librarian tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I've heard that he has a soft spot for animals. Rumor has it that he volunteers at the local animal shelter on weekends."

Hijoshikina filed away the information, a plan forming in his mind. "Thanks. That's more than enough to go on."

As he left the library, Hijoshikina felt a renewed sense of determination. They might be up against a dangerous opponent, but they weren't alone. With the information they had gathered, they had a fighting chance.

Reuniting with the others, Hijoshikina shared what he had learned from the librarian. Eima, Vardant, and Kabe listened intently, their minds already racing with possibilities.

"So, he's a loner with a soft spot for animals," Eima mused. "That gives us something to work with."

Vardant grinned. "I have an idea. What if we use that against him? We could lure him into a trap using an animal as bait."

Kabe nodded in agreement. "It's risky, but it might just work. We just need to be careful not to get caught."

Akari, who had been quiet throughout the discussion, spoke up. "I don't like the idea of using animals as bait, but if it's the only way to stop Reiji, then I'm in."

Hijoshikina placed a reassuring hand on Akari's shoulder. "We'll make sure no harm comes to the animal. And once we have Reiji where we want him, we'll deal with him once and for all."

With their plan in place, the group set out to execute it, knowing that the fate of not just Akari, but potentially all of them, hung in the balance. The game was far from over, and they were about to enter the next level.

Wait a minute sense when the fuck didn't this island have animal shelter. Kabe said finally everything being put together. Like what, ok know this school and island it is probably not normal, I mean we have healing potions

Kabe's realization added another layer of mystery to their already complicated situation. If there wasn't a conventional animal shelter on the island, then Reiji's involvement with animals took on a whole new significance. It hinted at something deeper and potentially more sinister about the nature of the island and the school.

Hijoshikina furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "You're right, Kabe. This island isn't exactly normal. If there's no traditional animal shelter here, then where is Reiji getting his access to animals?"

Eima's eyes narrowed as she considered the implications. "Could it be that there's some sort of underground operation? Something hidden from plain sight?"

Vardant nodded. "It wouldn't be the first time we've discovered something shady about this place. But how do we find out more without tipping off Reiji?"

Akari, who had been silently pondering, spoke up. "Maybe we don't need to confront Reiji directly. If we can uncover the truth about this animal situation, we might be able to use it against him without him even realizing it."

Hijoshikina nodded in agreement. "Good point. Let's focus on gathering information first. We need to know what we're dealing with before we make any moves."

With a new plan forming, the group set out to investigate the island's secrets, determined to uncover the truth behind Reiji's mysterious connection to animals. As they delved deeper into the unknown, they knew that they were stepping into dangerous territory. But they also knew that they had each other, and together, they were stronger than any challenge the island could throw at them.

As then a few hours later, Akari was running, this was break time and she was Alone as she Tryed to reach for her class, she was grabbed and pinned to the wall, as she saw Reiji, as he put a knife next to her neck.

Know. He said looking at her let's have some fun.

As Akari vison went dark, meanwhile Eima and Hijoshikina was running looking for Akari.

Fuck where is she. Hijoshikina said said running

Where is she.

As then they Hurd a screen going to that area they saw Reiji body in the ground his fingers gones, his eyes stabbed out and his neck slices, as Akari was standing on top of him, as her close was mess and kinda ripped as she looked at Hijoshikina and Eima as her eyes were sole less

Who are you she. She said looking at them. No matter if you hurt us we will kill so die

Hijoshikina and Eima froze in shock at the gruesome scene before them. Akari stood over Reiji's lifeless body, her clothes torn and bloodied, her eyes devoid of their usual warmth.

"Akari..." Eima whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and concern.

Hijoshikina took a tentative step forward, his heart pounding in his chest. "Akari, it's us. It's me, Hijoshikina, and Eima. You're safe now."

But Akari's expression remained cold and distant, as if she were a stranger inhabiting her own body. "Who are you?" she repeated, her voice flat and emotionless. "No matter if you hurt us, we will kill. So die."

Hijoshikina exchanged a worried glance with Eima. Something wasn't right. It was as if Akari had been consumed by a dark, primal force.

"We're not here to hurt you, Akari," Eima said softly, taking a cautious step forward. "We're your friends. We're here to help you."

But Akari's gaze remained fixed on them, her eyes empty and unreadable. Without another word, she turned and walked away, disappearing into the shadows of the corridor.

Hijoshikina and Eima exchanged a silent look of concern before hurrying after her. They knew that whatever had happened to Akari, they needed to find a way to bring her back before it was too late.

As then Akari went to stab Hijoshikina as he moved out of the way as he and Eima was ready for a fight to stop there friend as the a marker went flying hitting the head of Akari with enough speed and power to knock her out, as they saw it was Vlad.

What a mess. Vlad said looking at the Hijoshikina and Eima. Take her to trh nurse, we will explain things there.

Hijoshikina and Eima exchanged a glance, relief flooding through them at Vlad's intervention. They quickly moved to support Akari, gently lifting her unconscious form off the ground.

"Let's get her to the nurse's office," Hijoshikina said, his voice tense with worry. "We need to make sure she's okay."

Eima nodded, her expression grim. "And then we'll figure out what the hell just happened."

Together, they hurried towards the nurse's office, their thoughts racing with questions and concerns. What had caused Akari to attack them? And what did Vlad know that they didn't?

As they entered the nurse's office, they laid Akari down on one of the beds, watching anxiously as the nurse examined her.

"She'll be alright," the nurse reassured them after a thorough examination. "She just needs some rest."

Once Akari was settled, Hijoshikina turned to Vlad, his expression serious. "What's going on, Vlad? What happened back there?"

Vlad sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll explain everything, but not here. Meet me in my office after school. We have a lot to discuss."

With that, Vlad left the nurse's office, leaving Hijoshikina and Eima alone with their thoughts. They exchanged another worried glance before settling in to wait for the end of the school day, knowing that answers awaited them, but unsure of what they would find.

I think you all quest why Akari was in this school. Vlad siad looking at Eima and Hijoshikina. Why some who is two scared and didn't kill is here in the school of the insane, where everyone has killed some and is a type of kill or murder or other things correct

Hijoshikina and Eima exchanged puzzled glances, both nodding slightly. They had indeed wondered about Akari's presence in a place like this.

"Yeah, we've been curious," Hijoshikina admitted. "Akari doesn't seem like the type to belong here. She's always been so gentle."

Vlad sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Appearances can be deceiving. Akari's case is... complicated. She wasn't always like this. Before she came here, she was involved in something traumatic."

Eima leaned forward, her brow furrowed. "What do you mean? What happened to her?"

Vlad took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and resolve. "Akari witnessed something horrific when she was younger. She saw her entire family murdered in front of her. The trauma caused her to develop a split personality as a defense mechanism. The Akari you know is her dominant personality, gentle and kind. But under extreme stress or threat, her other personality—let's call her Aria—takes over."

Hijoshikina's eyes widened. "Aria? So that's who we saw today."

"Exactly," Vlad said. "Aria is ruthless and violent, the complete opposite of Akari. She was brought here because the system couldn't handle her split personality. This school, for all its brutality, was deemed the best place to contain and possibly rehabilitate her."

Eima frowned. "But why didn't anyone tell us? We could have helped her, or at least been prepared."

Vlad looked at them seriously. "Because knowing could change how you treat her, and Akari needs friends who see her as she is, not as a ticking time bomb. Plus, the administration hoped her personalities could be integrated or at least managed without causing further harm."

Hijoshikina shook his head slowly, trying to process everything. "So, what do we do now? How do we help her?"

Vlad stood up and walked over to the window, looking out thoughtfully. "We need to monitor her closely, be there for her when she's Akari, and contain her when she becomes Aria. I'll talk to the administration about what happened today. In the meantime, it's crucial you keep this information to yourselves. The other students can't know."

Eima nodded firmly. "We'll do whatever it takes. Akari is our friend, and we're not going to abandon her."

Hijoshikina placed a hand on Eima's shoulder, his resolve hardening. "Yeah, we're in this together. We'll protect her, and we'll figure out how to help her manage Aria."

Vlad turned back to them, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Good. Akari needs people she can trust. Remember, strength isn't just about physical power. Sometimes, it's about standing by those who need you the most."

As they left Vlad's office, the weight of the new responsibility settled heavily on their shoulders. But Hijoshikina and Eima were determined. They had faced many challenges in this school, and they would face this one, too. Together.

To be continued