I hate this school

So let me get this corrected Akari other side went on some type os killing spread. Hijoshikina siad looking at Vlad. And that is why she is here correct, really the government will do anything to get more power won't they, first they free me so I can be there assassin and know there doing this

Vlad nodded solemnly. "Yes, Hijoshikina, that's essentially the situation. Aria, Akari's other personality, has gone on violent rampages in the past, leading to her being placed here. The government's interest in utilizing individuals like you and Akari for their own purposes isn't surprising, given their history."

Hijoshikina's expression hardened, his fists clenching at his sides. "I can't believe they'd manipulate us like this. Using our pain and trauma to create weapons for their own gain."

Eima placed a comforting hand on Hijoshikina's arm. "We can't change what the government does, but we can control how we handle it. Akari needs us now more than ever."

Vlad sighed, rubbing his temples. "The situation is far from ideal, but the priority now is Akari's safety and stability. We need to ensure that Aria doesn't surface in a way that endangers her or others. Your role is crucial in this. Akari trusts you both, and that trust can be a powerful tool in keeping her grounded."

Hijoshikina took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "Alright. We'll keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't lose control again. But we also need to find a way to help her, to bring Akari and Aria to some kind of understanding or balance."

Eima agreed. "Maybe there are ways to help her integrate her personalities, or at least manage them better. We can't let her be consumed by Aria."

Vlad's gaze softened as he looked at them. "Your loyalty and determination are commendable. Remember, though, that this won't be an easy journey. It will take time, patience, and understanding. Akari's path to healing won't be straightforward."

Hijoshikina squared his shoulders, his resolve firm. "We'll do whatever it takes. Akari is our friend, and we're not giving up on her."

Eima nodded in agreement. "We'll protect her and help her find her way. She's not alone in this."

Vlad offered them a rare smile. "With friends like you, Akari has a fighting chance. I'll support you in any way I can. Let's work together to navigate this and ensure her safety."

As they left Vlad's office, Hijoshikina and Eima felt a renewed sense of purpose. They knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were determined to stand by Akari's side, helping her face her inner demons and find a way to coexist with Aria. In a world where survival was a daily battle, their friendship and loyalty would be their greatest weapons.

As Hijoshikina and Eima walked through the dimly lit hallways of the school, they reflected on the weight of the task ahead. The school bell rang, signaling the end of the class period, and students began to spill into the corridors, their voices filling the air with a mix of excitement and tension.

"We need a plan," Eima said, her voice low and determined. "We can't just react to Aria when she surfaces. We need to be proactive."

Hijoshikina nodded, his mind already racing with ideas. "Agreed. First, we need to understand more about Aria. If we can learn what triggers her and what keeps her at bay, we might be able to help Akari control her better."

As they reached the infirmary, they found Akari lying on a bed, still unconscious. The school nurse, a stern-looking woman with gray hair tied back in a bun, glanced up as they entered.

"She'll be out for a while," the nurse said. "The blow to her head wasn't severe, but it did the trick."

Hijoshikina and Eima exchanged worried glances. "We need to be here when she wakes up," Hijoshikina said. "We can't let her face this alone."

The nurse nodded. "Just make sure you don't agitate her. She needs rest and calm right now."

They pulled up chairs next to Akari's bed, watching her peaceful yet troubled sleep. As the hours passed, Hijoshikina couldn't help but reflect on how they'd come to this point. They'd been through countless battles and faced innumerable threats, but this felt different. This was a fight for Akari's soul, a struggle to save their friend from a darkness within.

Finally, as the sun began to set, Akari stirred. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked around groggily before focusing on Hijoshikina and Eima. There was a moment of confusion before recognition set in.

"You're here," she said weakly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We're here," Eima said gently, reaching out to take her hand. "How are you feeling?"

Akari frowned, trying to sit up. "I feel... strange. Like there's something just beneath the surface, trying to break free."

Hijoshikina leaned in, his eyes serious. "Akari, we need to talk about Aria. We know she's part of you, and we want to help you understand her better."

Akari's eyes widened with fear. "Aria... She's dangerous. When she takes over, I can't control what happens. She wants to hurt people."

"We know," Eima said softly. "But we believe there's a way to manage her. To find a balance where you can coexist without harm."

Akari looked down, her hands trembling. "I don't know if I can do it. What if I hurt you? What if I can't control her?"

Hijoshikina placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure it out together. You're not alone in this, Akari. We're with you every step of the way."

Tears welled up in Akari's eyes as she nodded. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

As they sat there, the bond between them felt stronger than ever. They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but they were determined to face it together. With their friendship and resolve, they believed they could help Akari find peace and reclaim control over her life.

In the following days, Hijoshikina, Eima, and Akari worked tirelessly to uncover the mysteries of Aria's existence. They spent hours researching dissociative identity disorder, consulting with the school's limited psychological resources, and even delving into Akari's past to understand the trauma that had led to Aria's creation.

One evening, while sifting through old records and notes in the library, Hijoshikina found a journal entry written by Akari years ago. It detailed a particularly traumatic event that seemed to be the catalyst for Aria's emergence.

"Listen to this," Hijoshikina said, reading aloud. "'I can't take it anymore. The pain, the fear, it's too much. I wish I could be stronger, someone who doesn't feel this way. Someone who can protect me.'"

Eima leaned over to read the entry. "It sounds like Aria was born from Akari's desire for protection and strength. Maybe if we can help Akari feel more secure and empowered, Aria won't need to take over."

Hijoshikina nodded thoughtfully. "We need to help Akari confront her fears and build her confidence. If she feels in control of her life, Aria's grip might weaken."

They approached Akari with their findings, discussing their plan to help her regain control and build her inner strength. Akari listened intently, hope and determination flickering in her eyes.

Over the next few weeks, they put their plan into action. They practiced mindfulness techniques, engaged in therapeutic exercises, and supported Akari in facing her fears head-on. Slowly but surely, Akari began to feel more in control, and the incidents of Aria's emergence decreased.

One day, during a particularly intense session, Akari felt a breakthrough. As she confronted a painful memory from her past, she felt Aria's presence, but instead of succumbing to it, she spoke directly to her other self.

"Aria, I understand why you're here," Akari said, her voice steady. "You came to protect me when I felt weak. But I don't need to be protected anymore. I'm stronger now, and I can handle this."

For a moment, it felt like the room held its breath. Then, slowly, Akari felt Aria's presence recede, leaving her with a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time.

Hijoshikina and Eima, who had been watching closely, smiled with relief and pride. "You did it, Akari," Hijoshikina said softly. "You took control."

Akari nodded, tears of relief streaming down her face. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you."

As they embraced, they knew the battle wasn't completely over, but they had made significant progress. With their unwavering support and newfound strength, Akari had taken the first step towards healing and reclaiming her life.

In the unpredictable and dangerous world of the School of the Insane, they had found a way to survive and thrive, not just as individuals but as a united front. And together, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Yes but. Akari said looking at them. I can put her back, but I can't control hear

Makes sense. Hikari said looking at her. After all she is your self but different, also one more things. Hikari said with a smile. She can be used, like imagine we know something like the killings games happen imagine having someone like that on our side

"Yes, but," Akari said, looking at them with determination. "I can push her back, but I can't control her."

"That makes sense," Hijoshikina said, nodding thoughtfully. "After all, she is a part of you, but different. But there's one more thing to consider." He paused, then smiled. "She can be used. Imagine if we end up in situations like the killing games. Having someone like Aria on our side could be a powerful asset."

Eima frowned. "Are you suggesting we use Aria as a weapon? That sounds risky. What if she turns on us?"

Hijoshikina shook his head. "Not as a weapon, but as a tool. We need to find a way to channel her strength in a controlled manner. If Akari can learn to communicate with Aria, maybe they can work together instead of fighting each other."

Akari took a deep breath. "It's worth a try. If I can learn to reach her without losing myself, we might be able to use her abilities for our benefit."

Eima still looked uncertain but nodded. "Okay, but we need to be extremely careful. This isn't just about survival anymore; it's about making sure Akari stays safe and whole."

With a renewed sense of purpose, they devised a plan to help Akari communicate with Aria. They set up sessions where Akari would meditate and try to reach out to Aria, with Hijoshikina and Eima providing support and guidance.

Over time, Akari began to understand more about Aria's motivations and fears. She discovered that Aria's aggression stemmed from a deep-seated desire to protect Akari from perceived threats. By acknowledging Aria's role and expressing gratitude for her protection, Akari found that she could calm Aria's rage and bring her to a place of cooperation.

One evening, during a particularly intense meditation session, Akari felt a shift within her. She could sense Aria's presence, but instead of fear, she felt a strange sense of unity.

"Aria," Akari whispered within her mind, "I know you're trying to protect me. And I appreciate it. But we can do this together. We can be strong together."

For a moment, there was silence. Then, Akari felt a surge of energy, a blending of her own consciousness with Aria's. It was overwhelming but also empowering.

When she opened her eyes, she found Hijoshikina and Eima watching her with hopeful expressions. "I think... I think we did it," Akari said, her voice filled with wonder. "I can feel her, but she's not trying to take over. We're working together."

"So what is going on?" Vardant asked, coming up to them. "What the hell have you guys been doing these last few days?"

Hijoshikina exchanged a glance with Eima before responding. "A lot, actually. Akari's been dealing with something pretty intense. She has... another side to her, named Aria."

Vardant looked confused. "Another side? Like, a split personality?"

"Kind of," Akari said. "Aria is more aggressive and dangerous. She takes over when I'm in extreme situations."

Vardant raised an eyebrow. "And you've been trying to control her?"

"Not control," Akari corrected. "Communicate. We're trying to work together."

"Okay, so how does that help us?" Vardant asked, crossing his arms.

Hijoshikina explained, "If Akari and Aria can cooperate, Aria's abilities could be useful. We might need that edge in this place."

Vardant nodded slowly. "Alright. Sounds risky, but it could be a game-changer. Just make sure Akari stays safe."

"We will," Eima assured him. "We're in this together."

Vlad joined them, observing their conversation. "Good to see you all united. You'll need that unity to survive here."

Akari looked at her friends, feeling a sense of solidarity. "We will. And with Aria's help, we're stronger than ever."

Vardant smirked. "Well, this place just keeps getting weirder. But if it means we stand a better chance, I'm in."

"Same here," Eima agreed. "We'll figure this out together."

Hijoshikina nodded. "Alright then. Let's move forward. We have a lot to prepare for."

As they walked away, Akari felt a renewed sense of hope. Despite the challenges ahead, they were ready to face whatever the school threw at them, united and stronger than ever.

To be continued

So for people wondering why is there no second Ch this week is because I have exams, going on