Advance training

Hijoshikina was shown training in the PE room, handling a gun and learning how to target with precision. This school was not normal, and it would never be normal. One thing that was annoying him was his inability to get a clean shot.

"Damn, not again," Hijoshikina muttered, looking through the scope at the target. "I can't get a clean shot."

Eima, seeing his frustration, approached him. "Here, let me help. As your roommate, I should be helping you."

She came up close behind him, her chest lightly touching his back. Her arm moved to grab his, helping him steady the gun. Hijoshikina's face turned a bit red from the unexpected closeness, but he tried to focus. With her guidance, he fired, and the bullet hit the dummy squarely.

Hijoshikina stared at the target, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. "Thanks, Eima. That really helped."

Eima smiled, stepping back. "No problem. You'll get the hang of it with practice. Remember, it's all about keeping steady and controlling your breathing."

Hijoshikina nodded, taking in her advice. He reloaded the gun and aimed again, this time hitting closer to the center of the target. Encouraged by his improvement, he continued practicing under Eima's watchful eye.

Meanwhile, Vardant and Akari were in the adjacent training room, sparring hand-to-hand. Akari's movements were precise and fluid, a stark contrast to her usual timid demeanor. Vardant found it challenging to keep up, but he was determined not to give up.

"You're really good," Vardant panted, blocking a swift kick from Akari. "Where did you learn to fight like this?"

Akari hesitated for a moment before responding. "My other self... she's the one with these skills. I just... channel her when I need to."

Vardant nodded, understanding the complexity of her situation. "Well, she's a great fighter. And so are you."

Akari offered a small smile before launching into another series of attacks. Vardant matched her, the two moving in a synchronized dance of offense and defense.

After a while, Aria took counter and went to Isabella to train with her, it was time she worked with the best

In another part of the school, Isabella and Aria were engaged in a different kind of training. They were honing their strategic skills in a simulation room, where they had to navigate through various scenarios that required quick thinking and decision-making.

"You're too predictable," Isabella said, observing Aria's movements on the holographic map. "Try to think outside the box."

Aria frowned, adjusting her approach. She moved her pieces strategically, managing to outmaneuver the virtual opponents. Isabella nodded in approval. "Better. Remember, in this school, it's not just about strength. It's about being smarter than your enemies."

As the simulation ended, both girls exchanged a glance of mutual respect. "I guess that's why you're number one," Aria said with a smirk.

Isabella shrugged. "It's not about being the best. It's about surviving."

Back in the PE room, Hijoshikina finally managed to hit the bullseye. He let out a triumphant cheer, and Eima clapped her hands in encouragement. "Well done! See? Practice makes perfect."

"Yeah, thanks to you," Hijoshikina said, lowering the gun. "I think I'm getting the hang of this."

Just then, Kabee walked into the room, his expression as indifferent as ever. "What's all the noise about?"

Hijoshikina turned to him, grinning. "I finally hit the bullseye."

Kabe raised an eyebrow. "Impressive. Maybe you won't be completely useless in a fight after all."

Hijoshikina rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "Thanks, I guess."

As the day went on, the students continued their intense training, each one pushing their limits. They knew that surviving in this school meant being prepared for anything, and they were determined to become stronger and smarter.

In the evening, the group gathered in the common room, exhausted but satisfied with their progress. Verdant sprawled on the couch, Akari sat quietly with a book, and Hijoshikina and Eima chatted about their training.

Isabella walked in, followed by Aria, and the room fell silent. "Tomorrow, we start advanced combat training," Isabella announced. "Be ready. It's going to be tough, but it's necessary."

Hijoshikina exchanged a glance with Eima, both of them nodding in determination. They knew that the challenges ahead would only get harder, but they were ready to face them together.

As the night settled in, each student retreated to their rooms, thoughts racing about the days to come. They had come a long way, but they knew that in the School of the Insane, the journey was far from over.

The next day, the entire Class 4D gathered around the PE area. Their teacher, Vlad, had called them together, and his smile suggested something intriguing awaited them. As Vlad removed a tarp from a table, a collection of pills and vials filled with various liquids came into view.

Vlad addressed his students. "Tell me, how many of you know about the illegal drug known as Trigger?"

One student raised his hand. He had yellow hair, a scar over his right eye, tanned skin, and striking purple eyes. This was Jetta, named after an old Greek term, a name that often puzzled his classmates.

Jetta cleared his throat before speaking. "Trigger was a drug developed by the World Health Government as a means to improve the human health system. Initially, it worked very well, providing significant health benefits. However, it was later discovered that it gave users a temporary power boost, essentially turning them into superhumans. Unfortunately, it also came with severe side effects. After that, it was banned worldwide."

Vlad nodded, pleased with Jetta's explanation. "Exactly. Trigger was a double-edged sword. While it provided immense power, it also came at a great cost. Today, we're going to explore this concept further."

He picked up one of the vials, holding it up for everyone to see. "These are not Trigger, but they are derived from similar research. Our objective today is to understand their effects and how to manage them. Each of you will take a controlled dose under my supervision."

The students exchanged uneasy glances, but none dared to object. Vlad's lessons were always unconventional, pushing them beyond their limits, but they trusted his guidance.

"Step forward one by one," Vlad instructed. "We'll start with a small dose and monitor the effects."

Jetta was the first to step up. Vlad handed him a vial and Jetta drank it without hesitation. Almost immediately, a surge of energy coursed through his body, and his muscles visibly tensed. He clenched his fists, feeling a rush of power.

"How do you feel?" Vlad asked.

Jetta took a deep breath, his voice steady. "Stronger. Faster. It's like... everything is heightened."

Vlad nodded. "Good. Now, try to control it. Focus on maintaining your composure."

One by one, the students stepped forward, each experiencing the effects of the modified drug. Hijoshikina felt a surge of adrenaline, his senses sharpening. Eima's agility improved dramatically, allowing her to move with unprecedented speed and precision. Vardant's strength increased, making him feel almost invincible.

As the last student finished their dose, Vlad observed them closely. "Remember, the key is control. These enhancements are temporary, but they can give you a significant edge in critical situations."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "However, be mindful of the side effects. Fatigue, aggression, and other physical symptoms may follow. Your task is to manage these effects and maintain your focus."

The training session continued, with Vlad putting them through a series of exercises to test their enhanced abilities. They sparred, practiced target shooting, and engaged in strategic drills, all while under the influence of the drug.

Despite the initial discomfort, the students began to adapt, learning to harness their temporary powers effectively. By the end of the session, they were exhausted but exhilarated, having experienced a new level of performance.

As they gathered around Vlad once more, he gave them a stern look. "This was just a taste of what's possible. In the real world, you may face situations where such enhancements could be the difference between life and death. Always remember the importance of control and responsibility."

The students nodded, absorbing the gravity of his words. They knew that their training was far from over, and that each lesson was a step towards becoming the best they could be in the School of the Insane.

Hijoshikina looked at the wall, then clenched his fist and punched it, cracking the surface without feeling any pain. The effects of the Trigger were astonishing.

He turned to Eima, his voice steady but laced with a hint of awe. "Well, now we know what we'll be using after we become assassins."

Eima, still feeling the heightened agility coursing through her veins, nodded. "Yeah, this stuff is powerful. But we have to remember what Vlad said about control and the side effects."

As they continued to discuss the implications of using such enhancements, Vlad approached them, his sharp eyes observing their reactions. "Impressive, isn't it? But remember, Trigger is a tool, not a crutch. You must master it, not let it master you."

Hijoshikina nodded. "Understood, Vlad. But it does make me wonder how often we'll need to rely on this in the field."

Vlad smirked. "That depends on the missions you take on. Some situations will demand every ounce of strength and skill you possess, and sometimes, more than that. Trigger will be there as a last resort, a means to push beyond your natural limits when necessary."

Eima crossed her arms, contemplating. "And the side effects? How do we manage them when we're out there, possibly alone and surrounded by enemies?"

Vlad's expression turned serious. "That's part of your training. You'll learn to anticipate and mitigate the effects. There are techniques and other aids that can help, but ultimately, it's about knowing your own limits and managing them effectively."

He glanced around at the other students, who were similarly absorbed in their newfound abilities. "This is only the beginning. As assassins, you'll face challenges that will test your resolve, your skills, and your willpower. Trigger is just one of many tools you'll have at your disposal. Use it wisely."

The bell rang, signaling the end of the session. The students, still buzzing with the remnants of their enhancements, began to file out of the PE area. Hijoshikina and Eima stayed behind for a moment, exchanging a look of determination.

"We're going to make it through this," Eima said confidently. "We have to."

Hijoshikina nodded, his resolve firm. "Yeah. No matter what it takes."

As they walked out, the weight of their training and the responsibility it entailed settled heavily on their shoulders. The School of the Insane was shaping them into something formidable, and they knew that the real test was yet to come.

As Hijoshikina and Eima were in there room, Hijoshikina was playing a game as he did he looked at Eima, everyone in this school was something so he wonder what had made the Government put Eima in this school

Hey Eima. Hijoshikina said as Eima looked at him. Whua re you here what was your crime

Eima looked at her roommates as she seat next to him. I killed people, no there is more have you heard of human trafficking victims

Hijoshikina paused his game, giving Eima his full attention. "Yeah, I've heard of it. It's a horrible crime. But what does that have to do with you?"

Eima took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a painful past. "I was one of those victims. Kidnapped, sold, and... used. But I managed to escape. And when I did, I decided that I couldn't let it happen to anyone else. I hunted down the people who did that to me and others. One by one, I killed them."

Hijoshikina's expression softened with understanding. "So, you became a vigilante. You took justice into your own hands."

Eima nodded, her gaze distant. "Yes. But the government didn't see it that way. To them, I was just another killer. That's why they put me here, in the School of the Insane. They figured if I was going to kill, I might as well do it for them."

Hijoshikina leaned back, absorbing her story. "I get it now. You were fighting for something, for someone. That's different from most of the people here."

Eima smiled faintly. "Thanks, Hijoshikina. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm here, just like everyone else. I have to play by their rules now."

Hijoshikina nodded, a newfound respect for his roommate. "Well, you're not alone in this. We'll get through it together."

Eima's smile grew a bit wider. "Yeah. Thanks. It means a lot to have someone on my side."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared burdens hanging in the air. Despite the darkness of their pasts, they found a glimmer of hope in each other's company. The School of the Insane was a harsh place, but with allies like Eima and Hijoshikina, there was a chance for something better.

Eima then looked at Hijoshikina. So what is your past, what was your crim, after all who in there right mind names there kid insane

Hijoshikina looked at her as Memory flash in his eyes. Not telling and as for my name, it is something I choose, my real name...will you need to figure it out your self

Eima raised an eyebrow at Hijoshikina's response. "Mysterious, aren't you? Fine, I'll figure it out one day. But for now, let's focus on surviving this place."

Hijoshikina nodded, smirking. "Deal. Just remember, curiosity killed the cat."

Eima chuckled. "And satisfaction brought it back. Now, let's get some rest. We've got more training tomorrow."

As they prepared to sleep, Hijoshikina couldn't help but think about the day ahead. The Trigger drug had given him a taste of what was to come, and he knew that their training would only get tougher. They needed to be stronger, smarter, and more ruthless to survive in the School of the Insane.

The next morning, the students of Class 4D gathered once again in the training area. Vlad stood before them, a grim expression on his face.

"Today, we push your limits," Vlad announced. "You will be paired up for combat training. This isn't just about physical strength. It's about strategy, quick thinking, and your ability to adapt under pressure. Remember, in the field, hesitation means death."

The students were paired off, and Hijoshikina found himself facing off against Jetta. As they squared up, Jetta's eyes gleamed with a competitive edge.

"Let's see what you're made of, Hijoshikina," Jetta said, cracking his knuckles.

"Bring it on," Hijoshikina replied, getting into his stance.

The match began, and Jetta came at Hijoshikina with a flurry of punches. Hijoshikina dodged and countered, the two exchanging blows with impressive speed. Hijoshikina's mind raced, analyzing Jetta's movements and looking for an opening.

As the fight intensified, Hijoshikina remembered Eima's words from the night before. They were in this together, and they had to rely on each other to get through. With renewed determination, he dodged Jetta's next punch and landed a clean hit on his opponent's jaw, sending him staggering back.

"Nice one," Jetta said, rubbing his jaw. "But it's not over yet."

They continued to spar, each learning from the other. The rest of the class watched, knowing that they too would face similar challenges. The School of the Insane demanded the best from its students, and only those who could adapt and grow stronger would survive.

As the training session ended, Hijoshikina and Jetta shook hands, a mutual respect forming between them. They had pushed each other to their limits and had come out stronger for it.

Vlad addressed the class once more. "Good work, all of you. Remember, this is just the beginning. The real test comes when you're out in the field. Stay sharp, stay focused, and watch each other's backs."

As they left the training area, Hijoshikina felt a sense of camaraderie with his classmates. They were all in this together, facing the same challenges and fighting for the same goal. In the School of the Insane, they would become stronger, smarter, and more ruthless, but they would also learn the value of trust and teamwork.

To be continued

So um yeah sorry for not uploading in a long time, the reasons for that is I need time to figure out a few things and it was the lack of motivation