Ambiguous Words (1)

Phoebe was looking through the pantry for something to fix when the back door opened. It had been locked and the only other person to have a key to it besides her and Luna was Isaac.

"Hey, Aunt Phoebe!" Isaac greeted her with a smile and a bounce in his step.

"Hello, Isaac dear. You seem like you're in a good mood."

His dark curly hair bounced atop his head as he eagerly nodded. "I have my date with Simon today! Oh! I didn't want Mom to know so I told her I was staying the night here, is that alright?"

Phoebe's lips turned down into a frown and she resisted the urge to bite her lower lip. "It's fine dear, but you shouldn't lie to your mother."

Call her a hypocrite, but the lying part wasn't what was bothering her. She still didn't trust this Simon boy-though you couldn't really trust any teenage boy.