Ambiguous Words (2)

"Would you like to find out?" His voice turned low and suggestive. His chin-length wavy hair, which was reminiscent of melted chocolate, brushed against his broad shoulders when he leaned down to be more at eye-level with Phoebe.

"Maybe I would," Phoebe said, rising to the challenge. Morales be damn, she would flirt with this man until they could prove rather or not he was a Witch Hunter.

He leaned in closer and Phoebe could feel the heat radiating off his body. His vibrant blue eyes made Phoebe feel as if she were being sucked into them. "Would tonight work for you?"

Phoebe opened her mouth to say yes, but stopped herself just in time. "I can't today, I'm on cooking duty." She pointed to her cart for emphasis. "Luna dear, was up for most of the night studying with Mark, Simon, and Isaac." She threw the kids' names out, seeing if she could get a reaction out of him.