Navigating Uncertainty

Harry and Hermione were strolling hand-in-hand down to Hogsmead, neither quite believing what they'd just done. "You know someone will be coming after us, the old man won't let you walk away from his influence, you're too important to his plans."

Harry wore a wry smile, "I've had lots of time to ponder about this since the night Snape killed him and I think I finally understand Dumbledore. He's utterly convinced that, for the greater good of the magical world, I must walk up to Voldemort and let him kill me, so he managed my entire life towards achieving that goal."

"Bugger that Mr Potter, you have a wife to consider now!"

"I'm also pretty sure I don't have the horcrux inside my head, which renders the whole scenario obsolete, but my point is Dumbledore is not evil, he's delusional. He gave up his life for the greater good as he saw it and can't understand why someone else wouldn't do the same."

Hermione thought about this for a minute before replying, "Should we tell him?"

Harry was horrified, "Absolutely not! Dumbledore would think he was the only one who could possibly handle such information and obliviate the shit out of us, we'd be lucky to remember each other's names, far less that we were married. While I wouldn't class him as evil, that doesn't mean he hasn't made my life crap because it suited his vision of the greater good."

Hermione was sure Harry was correct and detested the idea of anyone messing with her head, "So how do we handle this?"

"Well I suspect the old man won't want to get personally involved, he likes to perform his manipulations through third parties or, if you prefer, get others to do his dirty work. We'll have time to figure out how to play this, I think we should return but on our terms. I would like to see my godfather free, ensure my godson not only gets born but keeps his parents around for many years, we should also help Neville and Luna become the people we know they can be. Watching Neville standing there alone brought back just how clueless we were, I've never made a friend right away like that, the whole Weasley situation must have been staged managed right from the start. I'm so glad you dealt with him today."

Hermione was quiet for a moment, "I so wanted to kill him Harry, you have no idea how hard it was not to."

Harry now had his arm around her, "Hermione, had he laid a finger on you, nothing could have stopped me from killing him. To hell with everything else, you are by far the most important consideration in my life."

She gave a weak smile, "Thanks Harry, although it was good to feel my foot connecting with his bits I think I'd still rather have killed him, does that mean I'm going dark?"

"No darker than me love, Molly and Percy are definitely on my hit list. I don't think I could take down Ginny as she's still a child but Ron is another matter entirely, we'll have to play it by ear with the twins."

"Do we have the right to make those decisions Harry?"

"If we don't then who does love, we've seen the future and it's not pleasant. If we start second-guessing we'll drive ourselves nuts, do you think Draco is saveable if given more chances? He was still trying to kill us in the final battle and only the Malfoy money saved him from Azkaban."

"Your right Harry, Malfoy had chance after chance and made no attempt to change his ways, he's a pureblood supremacist and, since it got him everything he ever wanted, sees no point in changing. If we try to alter the system, sooner or later we're going to have to deal with the Malfoys."

"We don't need to decide everything right now, I'm still not sure getting out the country isn't our best option. I think we need to head to Gringotts and find out what our marriage status does for us, face the goblins then the Grangers, oh what a lovely day in prospect."

"My parents loved you before and will fall in love with you all over again, how could they not?"

Harry tried to hold on to that thought as they entered the Three Broomsticks to floo into the Leaky Cauldron.


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