Unexpected Wealth

Over two hours later and Harry led a shaky Hermione out of Gringotts, deciding his wife cold use a seat he pointed the dazed witch in the direction of Fortescue's ice cream parlor.

Ordering a sundae for each of them, Harry waited until the waitress left before speaking. "The arrogance of Dumbledore strikes again, because he doesn't know how to deal with something he just assumes no one else does. The goblin method of forcing the horcrux into a pig, slaughtering the animal and then roasting the carcass for a feast is not only brilliant but poetic justice."

Hermione gave an involuntary shudder with the thought she might never eat a ham sandwich again as Harry continued, "I just wish we had thought to ask them for help the last time instead of having to break into that bitch's vault, the procedure doesn't harm the item so the cup will be returned to the Lestrange vault undamaged and we'll be able to save Ravenclaw's diadem."

Harry's next word was 'ouch!' as Hermione punched him none too gently on the upper arm, "What was that for?"

"Harry James Potter why the hell didn't you tell me you were at least ten times richer than the Malfoy's?"

"Hermione love I had no idea, I'd only been in Gringotts once since we rather hurriedly left it riding a dragon, and that day my only concern was hoping I had enough gold to buy the woman I loved a ring worthy of her. When I discovered what we now know is the Potter ring, the only other thing I was interested in was collecting the Black island portkey. The goblins advised I needed a will so I set up a trust fund like mine for Teddy and named you and him my main beneficiaries, Luna and Neville got a little but I just signed my name. They dealt with all the arrangements, I never once looked at the amounts as I was so bloody worried you were going to turn me down, if you had said no then all the gold in Gringotts would have been little compensation."

Hermione was staring at the new dragon skin wallet with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry Hermione, but I know you never married me for my money since neither of us knew it was there?"

"It's not that Harry, my new Gringotts card has 'Hermione Jane Potter' printed on it and nothing can change that, you have no idea how many nights I lay in bed dreaming of this. We're legally married and neither the ministry nor the Wizengamot can alter that fact, I was sure there would be some loophole they could use to bring us back under their control."

The waitress returned with the ice cream and they quietly enjoyed the treat while still trying to digest all that had happened this morning, "How would my wife like to try out her new card in Flourish and Blotts?"

"I think my husband is either trying to spoil me or delay meeting his in-laws, which is it sir?"

Harry blushed at being so easily read, he should have expected Hermione to see right through him, "A little of both love." She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek for being so sweet before switching to her 'must dash to the library' expression as the idea hit home.

"Harry we know the Prophet is going to be all over us so why don't we march in there and give them the story we want printed, before anyone else has time to put their slant on it. Follow that up with a letter to the head of the DMLE…"

The look of dread on Harry's face had nothing to do with thoughts of the Daily Prophet, "Oh shit! Hermione I left Hedwig in Hogwarts, I released her in Kings Cross station yesterday so I could shrink her cage before racing off to find you. She's smart enough to find me at your parents but that's just what I don't need, her mad at me as well."

Hermione understood how much his owl meant to Harry and hadn't considered going back in time would save her as well, "Let's add a stop to the Eeylops Owl Emporium for a nice perch and some special owl treats, you know she'll forgive you, eventually."

"I only hope we can say the same about your mother, I love the woman but she can be downright scary."


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